This is an invitation—extended to all, by the one you call Wisdom (Spirit of God).
Bring your heart, yes, but bring also all those distractions of your world—the worries, shame, anxiety, concerns—and give them to me. They do not exist here, thus they will no longer exist for you when you give them to me.
Ah…it is difficult for you to let them go. You think they are a ”normal” part of your life—what makes you human. You cannot see what life would be like without worry and concern.
I tell you that is NOT LIFE.
The freedom you will feel when you no longer carry those burdens is LIFE. This is what God wants for you now.
Give me all that troubles you today. As you let them go to me they will no longer exist for you. We offer you freedom—freedom from the emotions that weigh you down. Acknowledge them, then let them go. This is what is meant by living in the Kingdom. Our greatest desire is that you begin to live in the Kingdom now.
We are with you always.