Guidance From Yusef: Soul to Soul Connection

Yusef tells us now of two types of encounters we can have with each other.  First the contact we make without touching, but we still feel it in the physical.  An example would be when we communicate with each other with a look or a gesture.  Even though it is across a space and there is no touch, we still feel it in our bodies.

The second connection is the one that is made when a Soul recognizes another Soul. images-2When your Soul recognizes the Soul of another person on this Earth, you are connecting at another level entirely—a level your Soul understands, but the human mind cannot yet fully understand.

You may not know what is communicated Soul to Soul, but you are often able to sense or feel that something is happening beyond the physical. Why does this person seem so familiar to me?  Why do I feel as if I have known him/her forever?  Your human mind is a by-stander to this interaction but at some level you are aware of it. Just let it happen. No action is necessary.  Be aware that it is happening, and delight in the awareness as your Soul recognizes an old friend.


When “connections” are made between persons there is a physical encounter that cannot be seen with the eye.  It is across the SPACE between persons. That space can be quite wide and yet a physical connection with a physical response  is made.

Beyond the physical there is another contact made. This is not physical. This is the more important, for within this passage of information is the real “connection”.

Let us attempt to explain this further.

We search for a word for what passes between life forms. “Information” will be sufficient now. When a connection is made between persons (not a physical touch) information passes between them, informing the other at a level which cannot be seen, of things which cannot be understood. Recognition is acknowledged beyond the conscious level.

Greetings are bestowed when the “stranger” on Earth is actually a loved one. Each recognizes the other and that instant carries more communication than you can imagine. SOULS communicate beyond the physical. They joy in the encounter and are blessed by it. If the physical allows, then these two souls can bless each other in the physical. That is a positive recognition and encounter. 

Let your soul communicate with the other soul. Be aware, but do not interfere. Do not try to pull this communication into consciousness.   Do not “grab” it or try to make sense of it.  Let it happen. It will be a meditative experience. But you will sense the results—blessings usually.

The negative is also a possibility. There are also dark souls on this Earth. You will have an adverse reaction to these encounters.

Guidance From Yusef: The Love Frequency of God

imagesThe pulse of God-energy is continuously vibrating with what could be termed a “Love-frequency”. This vibrating frequency of God-energy connects everything in the Universe.

We know that all matter vibrates and is connected. Even when we are quiet or still, the cells in our bodies continue to vibrate.  So it makes sense to try to place ourselves in a happily vibrating environment—one that is vibrating with love, joy, hope, respect, acceptance, etc.  The Love frequency of God—all the things our mind, body, and soul need to thrive.

If you find that you are in a negative environment—one that is vibrating with anger, shame, blame, or guilt—try your best to move to a more positive place. You may not realize the impact on you in the moment, but it is there. Your body, mind, and spirit will thank you.


The frequency of the human body is influenced by many factors. It is affected by food and other intakes, the health of the organism, the emotional disposition, the openness to forces beyond the organism [you], [and many others]. 

The body is also affected directly by outside factors and the vibration of the matter directly in contact [with it] as well as the larger surrounding area. All matter interacts, either directly or more remotely, even vicariously. Thus the vibration of even the thoughts, especially the thoughts, of another causes a change in the rhythm or vibration, which impacts the organism [YOU].  As cogs and wheels interact so do these very real interactions take place.

Guidance From Yusef: Go With the Flow

images-2Each of us is a part of the whole, connected to everyone and everything  through the God-Energy pulsing throughout the Earth and the Universe.  We are one with all that is.  It follows that if we are all connected then we must influence and be influenced by everything. Yusef encourages us to “go with the flow”.


The joy of the Universe is in the unlimited, boundary-less flow of energy—flow of ONE throughout all that is.  In that flow greater energy is produced.  There is a giving and receiving and giving and receiving without end, gathering momentum with each receiver who in turn gives, allowing the flow effortlessly and naturally.

In the larger view the “action” of receiving and giving is unseen, as the flow of life continues, enhanced because of the encounter.  In the quiet moments of stillness and awareness, this movement can be sensed—quite physically at times.

Just as the animals’ sense of hearing allows a broader range of sounds, so too does the acute attention to the vibration of the Universe cause one to begin to sense the flow.  The flow carries in and with it all the knowledge gained from each interaction.  Thus the more open to it, the more potential to gain from it as well as contribute to it.  All of life flows.  There is movement in all.  Nothing is stagnant/stable.  It is either growing or declining.  The flow of life is continuous.  There is no beginning and no ending.  Life IS.

Guidance From Yusef: The Pulse of Life


The Universe is ALIVE.images-3   Life pulses.  This is a difficult concept to transmit.  “Pulse” is the word which comes closest, but it is not dependent upon matter, as you know it.  The pulse is energy which connects all to all.  ONE [God] is alive, pulsing through what you know as the Universe and beyond what you know. 

The Universe, though appearing chaotic, is orderly and responsive.  It dances a continuous dance of movement and cycle and growth.  The ONE who is the Source of All-That-Is flows through, extends into, pervades, infuses, and exists, not in, but AS all.  ALL is Life-Giver.  ALL is ALL. There is nothing apart from the ONENESS OF ONE.


Guidance From Yusef: We “Judge” Ourselves

I asked Yusef about the absence of judgment from the Universe.  He reminded me that we humans continue to cling to the idea of a separate Divine Being, or God, that judges us or bestows mercy upon us.  And that’s the issue—our belief that God is separate from us.  God is not separate from us.

We are one with a God that is only Love.  To “judge” us, God would have to be separate from us and punitive which is a human concept, not the divine reality.  God can only be Love.

We do have the freedom to choose our actions but accountability comes with that freedom.  We will lovingly “judge” ourselves when we pass from this earth, by reviewing what we’ve learned in this lifetime, and how we have grown in Love.

There IS a review of efforts expended on Earth.  There is an accounting of the good accomplished, an account of the soul’s growing.  And there is great love around that.

The heavens rejoice at obedient servants’ behavior.  Obedient to the [life] plan designed.  There is much value individually and for all.  Note, when we speak of obedient, we refer to the “syncing” of your decisions, choices, and actions with the reason [purpose] for the incarnation. Do not put another connotation to the word used.  It is your obedience to your own plan that brings the greatest good for yourself and all.

The review of our efforts and actions is not the same as the threatening, punishing “judgment” that many religions put forth.  Rather, we experience a review of what was learned in the lifetime.  We are reminded that WE planned this lifetime and the more we can follow that plan, the more we will benefit.  Some call the life plan the “will of God”.  More on how to recognize it later….

Guidance From Yusef: Universal Law and Accountability

All action, all thought “goes” somewhere.  Everything we think or do impacts the Universe in some way. And we are accountable for it all.  As we consider the weight of this information it’s important to keep in mind the first paragraph in this section, and to remember that there is no punishment, no retaliation, no judgment of our thoughts or actions.  We are loved beyond measure regardless of our choices.  Quite a paradox for those who still see some actions as “right and wrong”.  Something to think about….


The Universe operates on a system of rules and laws.  There is no judgment, no guilt (such a foreign idea), no fear, no retaliation (an important misconception), no favorites, and no punishment.

The Universal laws govern.  No matter what the incident, or entity [person], the universal laws reign.  You do not understand, nor can you, these laws.  They are beyond your ken [understanding].  However, that does not stop them from being the ruling force behind all action in the Universe.

The laws you live by are most artificial and ineffective.  They are often mutable and have no real consequence.  They may appear to have consequence in the earthly way of understanding; however, the universal situation is entirely different.

The scientific principle that you espouse that for every action there is a reaction has some validity.  It is part of the larger picture that no action is lost.  All “action”, including all thought, has consequence.  All impact the universe and carry lasting relevance.  Therefore each word, each action, each thought, affects the ALL.  This is not mutable.  It is not negotiable as you say.  There is no escape from this law.



Guidance From Yusef: The Universe Treasures Life and Facilitates Growth

The next few posts will be messages from Yusef that tell us about the Universe.  A basic premise to remember is that the Universe and all in it are EXPANDING, a thread that is woven throughout this section.

One of the more amazing and comforting ideas to me is that the Universe is personal—loving and caring.  Some might call that God.  We are supported in our growth by an unseen loving force, and all the loving entities within it.  We are so limited in our seeing while in the human condition on this Earth that we are unaware of the loving support we have access to in order to grow in soul and spirit.


The Universe loves all, encourages all, and supports all so that it might expand.  Grasp the clarity of the truth of this and bring this into existence in your own way.  The entire universe treasures each life living.  Each is important to the whole.  The design of the universe is beyond the scope of understanding yet recognize unfailingly that there is design—flexibility that allows for the excitement, and tension that brings about that growth. All interacting with all.

The web of life entices us—invites us in to experience the senses.  Life is so much more than the “life” you know here on this plane.