Guidance From Yusef: Love is still in charge

Today I long for SILENCE–a respite from the noise of the world.

But I can’t stop writing. I can’t stop recognizing the JOY of being human.

Interesting in a week when joy seems to be lost somehow. Yet I know in the depth of me, that “All shall be well. All shall be well. All manner of thing shall be well.” (Julian of Norwich)

I also know that we may go through hell to get there.

But God’s ways are not our ways. And the un-knowing of God’s ways gives me great comfort.

It tells me that though there be hellish, inhumane violence in the world, that LOVE is still in charge.

Allowing us to act like fools–treating each other as if we were not the other also.

The Heavens wince.

Guidance From Yusef: The Times Have Come

Greetings and Blessings to All,

I am being led now to write of how I and others are attempting to LIVE the guidance Yusef and the Heavens have been offering us for several years now. I think it’s “rubber meets the road” time, or “walk the talk” time. There will be messages from Yusef within, of course.

It’s been inspiring to read the messages that have been received, but we are each called to take action— to become the light we have read about.

It was a toss up this morning for me. The world is in tremendous turmoil with 5 million Syrians having fled their country and another 6.6 million displaced within Syria, not to mention the refugees from other Middle Eastern countries seeking refuge…with England now leaving the EU…with the events that have occurred during this presidential campaign…the mass shootings, etc. etc.…do we begin with the end or with the journey?

I will let you begin first with the end. I encourage you to read The Coming Times messages on this blog. Just put “The Coming Times” in the Search box at and you will get several articles to browse. Or if you own the book God Sent: Messages of Love and Hope for Our World Today, you can read Chapters 19 and 20.

I leave you with that suggestion (assignment) today. And in the days to come we’ll begin to look at what it really means to live out Yusef’s guidance and truly BE LIGHT for the world in these “trying times.”

Love and Blessings, Barbara

Guidance From Yusef: A New Era Dawns

images-24I bring in the New Year with a series of messages from Yusef that tell of an era of PEACE that is (potentially) coming.  This peaceful time depends, however, on all of us awakening to the understanding that we are LIGHT and LOVE–that we are all ONE in God.

Yusef is telling us in this message that we are powerful when connected to Source/God.  That the heavens have opened a window to pour out grace and help to the Earth.  It’s time to come together in “gratitude and awareness”.  It’s time to trust that we are “bigger” than our human nature, that we are indeed an expression of God upon this Earth.

We have each chosen to be on the Earth at this time–a very exciting time.  It is ours to be Love and Light today, aware and awake to the presence of God in every moment of our living.


The old ways are dying.  Move forward—letting go of the old.  A new era dawns. 

This is a time for gratitude and awareness.  The Earth community MUST recognize the ONENESS.  It is beneficial to work toward oneness.  In this coming together many will be saved.  In the coming together is the power needed.

Remember LOVE is the greatest power, the direct connection to Source/All/One.  LOVE.  Open hearts.

We speak now of the potential of humanity evolving ever forward.  In joy do we speak of this.  As the trees evolve from a tiny seed so also is the potential of humankind capable of great evolution.  Windows are opening for this to occur. 

Coming together assists in this movement forward.  Those unable to make the leap will require assistance.  Thus is it important that all voices be heard.  Ringing out with truth–each to each resounding into the Universes.

The heavens are opening that information might flow back and forth.  Information includes love and assistance as well as direct communication.  The portals are available as never before.  This is necessary to save humanity and the Earth.  The connections are intimate.

The power inherent in each living thing speaks to the Source of all, All That Is. This power, potential in many yet untapped and unrealized, is more than you could ever imagine.  The extent of YOU is beyond measure, extending into space and time in ways and lengths you cannot imagine in the current time bound and space bound existence you exist in.  In remembering who you are you have a small sense of this power.  And yet once sensed, it is often rejected as impossible, not real, too frightening.  It is rationalized away as you say.

We speak of this power at this time because it will be critical to access the potential that is you. 

Guidance From Yusef: The Light is Dimming

I’m back!  Thanks to some of you who mentioned that you missed these messages coming into your inbox.

The messages over the next several posts will offer guidance on what I call, “the coming times”.  I began receiving these messages in 2007. They indicated even then that we will be experiencing difficult times on the Earth. As the headlines in the news media indicate, and as we all know, this has already begun.

Yusef does tell it like it is, but instead of fear and doom, what I felt when receiving the messages was a rather joyful sense as he spoke of the Angels that were already here and others who were coming to help.  I felt a confidence that we could overcome the darkness with all the help that was being offered.  Yusef also mentioned a “great awakening” that was taking place and it was this idea that inspired within me a sense of urgency to participate in that.

Remember what Yusef has said.  We need fear nothing.  We are all LIGHT!  We have each chosen to come into the world at just this time for a reason.  So shine on!


Unknown2007:  The Light is dimming.  Not of course the Source of the Light, but the Light visible from above the Earth.  Dark forces.  The Angels have been sent and are among you.  The Angels are powerful in their ability to assist.  Yet not all can see or hear Angels or other attempts to assist. 

So many [in the Universe] are ready to assist.  Assistance has been offered. (Another indication of the reason for the joy you sense in this communication and the task).

“Time” grows nigh.  Action must be taken.  Those on the planet you occupy in the current incarnation are not open to communication and thus are not aware of the truths of the concepts we share. 

We yearn to awaken many that they might be aware of the brightness that is theirs.

Thus it will begin, this task, to move forward.  Blessings to clear the darkness of the Earth.