Guidance From Yusef: A Portal Opening


There is an opening from the Heavens at this time (a portal) that offers us all Grace, encouragement, and help for our personal Soul growth. That’s the REALLY good news. When God offers all the heaven’s help to us it is an extraordinary gift.

The maybe not-so-great news is that in order to take advantage of this opportunity we need to look at the barriers we have put up to God. You know, the parts of ourselves that we deny, or hide, or ignore so that we don’t have to face them. Things such as jealousy, greed, dishonesty, lack of forgiveness, self-centeredness, lack of trust, possessiveness, anger, prejudice, etc. Or the part of us that believes we are not worthy to be loved by God. 

We are being offered the opportunity and the help to face our faults, heal old wounds, let go of judgment, move from criticism to compassion, make adjustments to our thinking and our actions, and change what no longer benefits our Souls.

This is a new beginning, a recalculating, a redirecting of our lives in order to move closer to God. It is an opportunity to pay attention to what our Souls need.

Actually if you choose to accept this mission…it may be the hardest work you’ve ever done because it involves facing the parts of yourself that aren’t so pretty, and acknowledging that they really are a part of you. It’s forgiving yourself, and allowing those barriers to come down so that you can move on to be the BEST VERSION of YOURSELF.

No one knows how long this portal of GRACE will be open. I’ve missed some portals in my life, so if you want to move closer to God, now is the time to join me and do your inner work. We will all have all the help we need from God.

But WARNING: it takes COURAGE to really look at ourselves. And once we commit to that task, all of our ‘stuff’ (see above) WILL show up. When it does, send it love, say good-bye to it, and let it go. Forgive yourself and others and move forward.  Life is ever so much brighter and happier when the barriers to God’s love come down! 

Blessings to all!


Guidance From Heaven: We Asked For It

Yusef tells us today that we have asked for everything that comes into our lives.  That may be hard to believe in some circumstances–quite hard. How can all the “bad” things be from God, and requested by us?

You may find yourself fighting against some life circumstances, feeling sorry for yourself about others, or resisting the people and events that life brings you. But if you remember that this is the Earth School and our Souls have come here to learn and grow, then you may begin to look at what each day brings in a different way.

We are all asked to pay attention to what life brings us, without judgment about its goodness or badness.  It is all at our Soul’s request.


Begin this day and every day with thanksgiving–gratefulness for whatever circumstances or situations present themselves in your living that day.

There is nothing that comes into your life that you have not in some way requested from God.

The request is seldom verbal and may not even be a conscious (thought) request from you. Rather, it comes from deep within you as a part of the Plan your Soul designed with God before you came into this world.

ALL that enters your life–whether it be events, people, or physical manifestations [things]–ALL are your Soul’s intention.

Let us explain further.

Your requests follow the Plan prepared by you and God. Thus is this Plan the design of your Soul.

The designs (Plans) of the Souls on Earth serve a multitude of purposes that are hidden during the lifetime. Far too complex for your concern. The important thing to note, as you say, is that everything and everyone in your life is there at your conscious or unconscious request.

It is all there for you to first experience, and then to respond to. Things are not just happening “to” you. You have asked that they happen to teach you what you came here to learn.

The more conscious and aware you are of this, the greater the learning and growth will be.  The visible evidence of this growth will be the peace and acceptance you feel with all that life brings to you.

However, if the circumstances and people in your life at this time are no longer of benefit to you, you have the power to make the changes that will bring you greater inner peace. The entire Universe/God will support all your desires/requests.

“Bad, or unwanted experiences, are only what we call experiences whose part in our growth and integration we do not yet understand. The minute we understand that ALL experiences enrich our life because they all cause learning and growth, no experience is seen as bad.” Teal Swan




Guidance From Yusef: The Universe Treasures Life and Facilitates Growth

The next few posts will be messages from Yusef that tell us about the Universe.  A basic premise to remember is that the Universe and all in it are EXPANDING, a thread that is woven throughout this section.

One of the more amazing and comforting ideas to me is that the Universe is personal—loving and caring.  Some might call that God.  We are supported in our growth by an unseen loving force, and all the loving entities within it.  We are so limited in our seeing while in the human condition on this Earth that we are unaware of the loving support we have access to in order to grow in soul and spirit.


The Universe loves all, encourages all, and supports all so that it might expand.  Grasp the clarity of the truth of this and bring this into existence in your own way.  The entire universe treasures each life living.  Each is important to the whole.  The design of the universe is beyond the scope of understanding yet recognize unfailingly that there is design—flexibility that allows for the excitement, and tension that brings about that growth. All interacting with all.

The web of life entices us—invites us in to experience the senses.  Life is so much more than the “life” you know here on this plane.

Guidance From Yusef: Potential for Our Growth

The mighty oak tree is within the tiny acorn.images-34  The magnificent butterfly is within the lowly caterpillar.   The great world leader is within the small child.  It is all potential.

Yusef speaks of the potential for change and growth that is within each person. He assures us that even though growth may seem impossible, the potential is there nonetheless.

Who, after all, can envision an oak tree from a small acorn, a butterfly from a caterpillar? If you weren’t aware of the cocoon, could you believe it?  And how can YOU become something more, or different, than you are right now?


Growth is not a matter of chance.  It is the effort each organism, and each part of the organism, makes to push past the restraining forces.  The seed must push out of its restraining shell in order to become the tree.  The seed pod is often stronger than the new growth straining to be free.  It takes the external force of water or an animal or something else to assist in breaking down the barrier to growth.  To the seed this may even be a violent episode.  And yet the result is the freeing of the life within to grow.

The life you enter [on the Earth] is in itself a restraining force, as most persons believe what the senses communicate and forget that you have a direct connection, a conduit, to all knowledge.  If you could imagine all that is possible, if each person were open to that source of knowledge, it would change life as you know it.  Each person would receive the information they need to contribute to the overall body of knowledge on the Earth.

It is happening more and more, and changes are becoming more dramatic, but the potential for growth is so beyond your understanding right now that you could not imagine the possibilities of life in the full, the “Kingdom” on Earth.  We wish this for you.  We wish to share the great unfathomable joy we know.

Guidance From Yusef: The Human Experience—Our Return Home

Yusef returns again to the theme of Home, but this time he talks about our transition from this life to the next.  We are encouraged to become more aware—to go beyond the sensory world to realize the presence of the Divine with us and around us at all times.  It is transcending the physical to recognize in a new way who we really are.  In that recognition we make a connection with Heaven; in essence bridging from the “reality” of Earth to the true reality of the presence of God/All-That-Is both here on the Earth and beyond in the Heavens.  It would seem that having that awareness eases the transition to the next life, perhaps because we have already glimpsed its reality while on this Earth.



The heavens teem with places/sites/heavens.  

The dying of the body you inhabit allows the Spirit-Soul to return to home, each to a designated place (not exactly the concept “place”, but close) from which the soul migrated. images-26-1

The returning soul is welcomed with great joy—much activity occurs in this area.  Each returns with a similar trauma experienced when entering your world.  This would be called a transition time of sorts as the entity [Soul] returns home to the familiar, but now changed by the experience of incarnating (into the physical world).

The beauty, joy, and love overwhelms at first.  Loving entities surround [the Spirit-Soul] and assist in the transition.  For some this is smoother than others.  Choices made in the physical are carried forward and affect the transition.

It would be well to achieve increased awareness on the earthly plane.  This would allow a smoother transition since awareness allows the heavens [or Kingdom] to be more present—as present as possible in this realm.

Guidance From Yusef: The Human Experience—Some reasons why we incarnate


 All do intentionally incarnate into specific circumstances.  There are those more highly evolved souls who seek challenging soul growth, or who just want to enjoy the physical plane of Earth.   There are those who choose the lifetime to assist another (or many others).  There are also those who are sent back to Earth by caregivers here.  And there are those who are “nudged or persuaded” to return by loving friends.  In all situations God is involved and the heavenly community is loving and supportive. Returning to Earth is a big decision, which the soul either makes or agrees to.  And each incarnation is “padded” with souls who have been together in previous lifetimes. 

We realize that being in the human condition, with its limiting factors, is part of the learning and living experience.  Know that within each experience carries the power to transcend, to grow, to learn, to become who you really are.  Only through the experiences that present themselves to your human condition are you able to grow.  


Barbara: For those still struggling with the idea of re-incarnation, Yusef does tell us that we have come from Home to the Earth and that we may be “returning to Earth” or “sent back to Earth”, indicating that we have lived on the Earth before this lifetime.  In fact we have likely lived many lifetimes here before this one.  And we come for the reasons above and possibly many others as well—likely uncountable reasons that each one knows only at the Soul level.  It is safe to say, however,  that Soul growth will be a part of any reason we return to the Earth.  It is after all, the Earth School…but more on that later.