Presence as Prayer

What you term “prayer” need have no formal form or words. Your PRESENCE to the Heavens is all that is necessary. By presence we mean your body, mind, and spirit in conscious AWARENESS of God.

To be aware, you must be out of your (thinking) mind. That is, the mind that is list making or otherwise telling you what to do or where you must be. That is your ego/human self being present to the world. 

Step out of your thinking mind. Move deliberately into your heart space, the God Mind. This is truly WHO YOU ARE—one with/connected to the Divine. You will find this connection when you leave your list of “to dos,” and center yourself to be PRESENT to God in your heart. You will know you are “there” when you feel an immediate sense of peace.  

Once you have made that conscious connection, you are in prayer. The lists and programs of the world fall away and you and God are fully together in conscious awareness/Oneness. It need only take a second in your time. BE PRESENT to God. The heavens will rejoice!
