God is Joy

Wonder is a name for God. So also is Joy. When you speak to God, think of speaking to Love and Joy Itself. Ponder this. Feel the wonder of it.

Are love and joy present in your life? If so, revel in them. Attend to them. Notice them in every moment. Love and joy can transform the moments of your day from what they first appear to be to your human self—fearful, depressing, anxiety producing, etc—to an inner peace and surety that all is, and will be, well.

Love and joy resurrect the peace of the soul so that it is present in your every moment. You ARE Love and Joy and Peace. These are your essence, as God is your essence—your divine nature. Remember them. Remember who you are.

Be not afraid. Rejoice. Enjoy life. Have fun. God IS JOY.

Acceptance—No Resistance

I can remember my dad, a father of nine children, in his more harried moments, mumbling under his breath, “acceptance—no resistance.” That was his mantra when he felt overwhelmed and wanted the situation to be different than it was. Whether it was the commotion of many children in our home, or a car that wouldn’t start, Dad had learned a valuable lesson, and, even under his breath, he taught it to me.

I have since learned why “acceptance of what is” can be so important. The situation or circumstance ALREADY IS. We can choose to fight against it and wish and pray it was different, using lots of energy in that effort…or we can ACCEPT what IS, and find our way through it. Acceptance allows us to think more clearly and be better able to deal with the situation.

The second part is equally important. When we RESIST what IS—what we think is causing us pain and suffering—our energy is wrapped up in a “fight” we have already lost. And in the fight we are blocking God—who is always there to show us the way through any situation. In our right minds it seems rather futile, or silly, to try to change something that already IS, but it is a common, and very human, response. We all do it. And we don’t realize that often it’s the resistance that causes a lot of our pain and suffering.

So I am in acceptance–no resistance mode lately:

I accept this heat. I accept that I can’t travel to see my children and grandchildren. I accept that I can’t go to my friend’s mother’s funeral, or a graduation, or wedding, or to visit someone in the retirement home. I accept that my granddaughter will be teaching in a situation she was never prepared for. I accept that some of my children are on the front lines caring for the sick, and are facing very difficult challenges and possible illness.

I also accept that my situation is far different than those who, because of Covid-19, have lost their jobs, their homes, and for many—their loved ones. Those who are struggling to feed their families, and make the difficult decisions around their children’s schooling this fall.

It would be so easy to rail against this virus and the disruptions to our lives, the economy, the schools, etc. To try to find someone or something to blame for its presence in our lives. To cry out to God about the many injustices around it. But it IS here, and it IS changing all of our lives.

And so…perhaps we can say, without resistance, and with trust in God, I accept what IS in this moment. Perhaps then we can use our energy for the actions, and prayer, that will help us get through it.

Acceptance—no resistance lets us be a little more peaceful, to see with greater clarity what we need to do, knowing that God is still in charge. Acceptance doesn’t mean we must be happy about it. It means we accept that “it is what it is.” And that allows us to be able to feel God’s presence in our lives, and hear God’s words of comfort and encouragement.

Acceptance—no resistance. Thank you, Dad.

Our Emotions are speaking to us

Barbara: I have been frustrated the last few days with a task I am doing. Then I received this message this morning. I suspect that this is a universal message, so I am sharing it with you. 🙂

When you let the normal stressors of the world frustrate or upset you, you have lost your way.

Indeed certain things or tasks must be accomplished. However, what is behind the frustration?

Are you trying to “go it alone” without asking for help?

Are you afraid of losing control of the situation or the task?

Is it bigger than you—one person?

Is it yours to do?

Can you name your worries around it?

Are your standards for the project too high? too low?

Step back—out of your EGO self. Recenter yourself in peace and confidence.

Emotions such as anxiety, frustration, or overwhelm, are speaking to you—telling you to PAY ATTENTION. They indicate your ego is in total control. It is no longer YOU who is in control.

Step out of the situation for even a moment to reconnect to the peace you carry within. Find that deep well and linger there. In that space you can re-center and be able to think—not only more clearly, but with greater reason and wisdom.

In that space the ego has no voice. In that space are the answers you seek. Allow them to emerge from the well of peace and confident surety that is within you. Clarity will be yours and right action will follow.

In love, always. Yusef

Guidance From Yusef: The Importance of Finding God in the Silence

Yusef tells us of the importance of going beyond our human activities and worries to come to meet God in the silence. He indicates that it is necessary to step out of our “daily lives” and turn our focus to what he calls the “emptiness that is ALL [God]”. The “silence” Yusef refers to can be prayer, meditation, or a simple turning our focus to God in the moment. When we do take time out for God, our days are completely different. Who doesn’t need that peace and contentment today? :)) Barbara


If you can rise beyond the human we can talk/connect/be together. The human constrains the freedom of your Soul. It distracts, pulls one away from the silence, the emptiness that is ALL [God]. It seeks to fill the silence with thoughts, to-dos, shoulds and oughts, worries and concerns.

It is in the silence that you will find the peace, joy, and contentment that will carry over into your daily life—easing your human worries and concerns.

We tell you now that the time is coming when all people will seek the silence—the peace of God. It will yet take “time” as you say, bu it will come about IF those inhabiting the Earth awaken to true reality.

What will it take? 

Ah, we see the “problem” you see. That people are so set in ways of violence, control, and greed, that another way seems impossible. Make the OTHER WAY a reality in YOUR life. It only takes one. Do not hide away. Live it freely and in the open for all to see. That is all that is necessary. 

Ah, now you see why the silence is so necessary, as you ponder the living of Love in just your life. The silence—communing/being with God—is necessary in order to bring the peace and joy that come from it into the world. You will not find that [peace and joy] in the world. 

It can be found anytime you turn to the silence of God in your day.

Guidance From Yusef: The World is on a Precipice

My Guides tell me that the world is on a dangerous precipice right now, and they are not sure which way it will go. They gave me these “instructions”:

Love, Love, Love!*

Pray for peace—actively and without ceasing.**

Do not fear! This diverts your energy from Love, and it is only through Love and Prayer that the world will be saved.

*When we are showing love, we are giving off a light that can balance and even counter the hate. We are to remember that love is more powerful than hate and fear. Love to me is active here—connect with loved ones, do acts of service, be joyful and caring—any way we can give off positive light. I am especially sending love to the people in North and South Korea, and those in any other countries who are living in fear right now. They certainly need it.

**Pray as often as you can. I am calling on all the Heavens—the Father, Jesus, Spirit, Mary, the Angels, my favorite Saints…praying for peace as I go through my day. I’m leaving the details, the “how” it can be done, to God. 🙂

Love, Light, and Prayers for Peace,


Guidance From Yusef: Happiness is Your Natural State

Do you find happiness in all you do? Or are you frustrated, angry, fearful, feeling out of control or helpless sometimes?

Happiness is your natural state as a “child of God,” and another word for that state is peace. Whatever diverts you from being happy and peaceful is the ego and its deep seated fears.

As humans we RESIST what causes us negative emotion. We often want what IS to be different than what it IS. We want the sick child to be well; the betrayal to be loyalty; the lost job to be ours again; the harsh words against us to be kind words. But the child is sick, the betrayal happened, the job is no longer mine, and the words were harsh. We want it all to be different than what it IS. We resist what IS. And that takes a lot of energy!

So, if you really want to live in happiness (and it’s totally worth it!) here are some steps to take:

The set-up: Someone does or says something that causes you emotion. Or an unsettling event or circumstance occurs causing emotion. Go to Step One.

1. Simply NOTICE the EMOTION you feel (without judging yourself).

Hmmm.  I’m feeling–Anger, sadness, frustration, helplessness, critical, judgmental, fear about the future, worried, etc.

2. Ask–WHY am I feeling this emotion? What is going on in ME that causes this response?

Am I hurt? Disappointed? Scared? All alone? Don’t have control over this? Helpless? Etc

3. Go Deeper (or skip to Step 4): Ask WHY do I have that response? What fear has been triggered within me?

Is my pride injured? I am always ‘right’; has that been questioned? Has  a childhood fear of mine kicked in? Has an inner ‘rule’ of mine been broken by another? Have my fears around security been triggered? Etc.

4. Let your resistance to the person or situation go. Let it be what it is. Accept it. Surrender your emotion and your resistance to God. You should feel a lightness if you are able to let it go–an inner PEACE!!


~It all is what it is. I cannot change what IS. My happiness depends on my acceptance of this.

~There are no problems. It is only a “problem” when I make it one. It is my choice to look at things differently.

~Everyone has a reason for what they do. (And it’s none of my business.:))

~The only one I have control over is MYSELF. My peace and happiness are my choice. I can chose to try to control people and events in my life OR I can chose peace and happiness and leave the rest to God who cares for all.

~I cannot know what God is asking of another, or how God is working in their life. I can only know God in my own life.

~Happiness and peace are my natural state because I am of God.

Guidance from Yusef: It’s Time To Let Go of Fear

Happy Spring! This post and the next are exciting in their spirit of hope and the feeling of freedom from all the worries and concerns of life on this planet that bog us down. Yusuf is telling us it’s time to let go of fear. Well, that’s easier said than done. But the beautiful new spring growth on the Earth right now signals new beginnings and I think that is what the heavens want us to focus on now. We have all the help we need to begin to move away from fear and move toward the freedom of inner peace and happiness. Yay!

The joy of the heavens is in stark contrast to the emanations coming from the Earth. This is unnecessary since the potential for joy on the Earth has never been greater.230766536_3adce9b68b_m

The scene is set to move past the influences of fear on the Earth—breaking free as a butterfly would break free of the boundary of the cocoon.

This must be the image put forth. It is time to be free of the constricting bonds of fear. The wonder of that freedom, though new and sometimes a struggle to acclimate to, connects you to the heavens.

Freedom from fear elevates, levitates the soul. More, it allows connection and communion with All That Is (God) in a new way.

Fear is of the Earth. Let go of fear to soar into the heavens while yet on the Earth.

Joy! Freedom!

Guidance From Yusef: A Time of Peace Comes

Yusef has given us volumes on Light and Love and its importance for ourselves and for the world. But now he is showing us what the results of sharing it will be!

It is up to each of us to bring our Light of Love into the world–that will result in the Peace Yusef describes. Join me in making it our conscious mission for today and for this New Year:

To be more loving, more open to the Christ Light within, more hopeful, more accepting, more conscious of our Oneness with all that is, more AWAKE and AWARE. To look past the illusion that the world gives us to the true reality that is God With Us (Emmanuel).

I continue with The Coming Times predictions. This one excites me at the deepest level, thinking of the peaceful possibilities for our terribly troubled world.


In the coming time is the PEACE that is already overwhelming those who have awakened. These will know great joy, and will build joy upon joy.  Peace will be the foundation from which will come:

  • first appreciation,
  • then gratitude,
  • then joy, and
  • overwhelming Love.

In that Love will the potential flower/blossom.   In that Love will a new era exist.  This era will move humanity forward in an evolution as yet unseen–exponentially beyond what has been known.

In that era will those awakened delight in generative activity, moving humankind forward. 

In that time will peace prevail.

In that time the children born will also move humankind forward in ways not seen before.

In that time will nations come together.  The world will indeed recognize that it is one community.

 The strong will be those seeking peace, greater communication, and openness to all cultures and peoples.


Guidance From Yusef: The Birth of the Ego

Well, this is a BIG ONE—at least to me.  Yusef tells us how the Human EGO began.  He tells us that humanity was quite peaceful once. It was “a time of great and wondrous experience of life in the physical—Spirit experiencing the physical”.  But the simplest concept of “more and less” was introduced onto the Earth.  Then, in order to gain “more” and protect against “less”, humans developed a protective mechanism, the Ego, that separated us from each other.

images-5When I think of how simple it was to spiral a joyful, loving, peaceful community into the illusion of separateness that turned neighbor against neighbor, I am astonished and saddened.  Wow!  We have had eons of waging war to gain “more” and protect against “less”, but at last we are awakening to the notion that we are all in this together, and that peace is again a possibility for humanity.


This is a teaching on EGO.

This aspect of the human experience was necessary for the preservation of humanity when it shifted from a peaceful existence to other than peace.

Forces intruded into the physical to make it aware of ‘more and less’.  The simple concept of ‘more and less’ set into motion the whole range of ego response that looks like what is found in your world today.

Now this is very real.  A [seemingly] needed protection, though the “need” was faulty and an illusion, turned humanity away from the joy and peace it knew and toward the many “dualities” present in your world.

The time of peace in your physical world was very real.  A time of great and wondrous experience of life in the physical–Spirit experiencing the physical.  What a wondrous thing!!!

Now this protective aspect that arose during the illusion of need became itself—reveling in its own power.  Clinging and nourishing its power with degrees of duality in the physical world.

Those more open to it used it to become seemingly more “powerful” and thus the illusion continued and grew stronger. Humanity was susceptible/vulnerable to the influence suggesting ‘more and less’.  A simple idea that contaminated the peace that existed then.


Guidance From Yusef: Unwavering Faith, Joy, and Peace in The Coming Times

A theme of hope in the face of the reality of the times is emerging as Yusef dictates on this topic.  We must respond “in unwavering faith and joy and peace”, and in the confidence that we are not alone, but instead have Divine assistance that will enable us to persevere.

Ready for that which is coming.  Strength is in unwavering faith and joy and peace.  And in these are blessing.

Joyfully prepare. Remember the peace beyond peace. Practice this. Fear nothing. Teach this way of God Most High.  That in LOVE is all power and peace and joy.  The Love beyond love.

Peace in all things, at all times.  Practice this.  Share this with all.  That in the peace God may be heard/felt/realized.  That in the peace is the way recognized and the secrets told.  That in the peace the way can be seen.

This peace may be transmitted/beamed from person to person—contagious as you say.  This peace becomes the scene, the frame, the potential within which grows awareness.  And from which truth is shared.  Unseen, truth is beamed within the mantle of peace.

Going forth from the emanations of peace are the pathways opened for those to come to God.  Thus are blessings rained down.  Peace.

We are urged to “practice peace”.  This is a powerful message to act from a place of deep trust and faith in the face of all eventualities.  We are to go to the “peace beyond peace”, that inner connection to the source of Love where there is no fear.  I asked Yusef to explain the term, “beyond” used in this transmission when he referred to wonder, joy, and peace.

The words used are an indication of the concept conveyed but do not reach the total “thought”.  Look to the indication, the signpost, to see the fullness of the concept.  The glimmer is an indication of the intensity.  It is NOT the intensity.

The peace we can experience as humans is merely the signpost.  It is a glimmer of the true peace that is of God.  We are to connect then to the Source and in that connection experience the peace of soul.