I AM THAT (cont.)

We are ONE—moving through your earth lifetime together. I animate you. As you move so I move. You are ME, the I AM, in the physical world. Have you thought of that? As I am JOY so you are JOY.

Cast back to remember the JOY you have experienced…

It is not outwardly manifested as much as it is an internal EXPERIENCE of well-being, contentment with what IS, exhilarated knowing, a sense of oneness and “beyond”—a connection with something bigger. All the cells of the body responding to this connection. There is also a sense of perfect safety no matter the outward circumstance. Joy. Peace.

Yes, your human ego does indeed “get in the way.” But where would you be without it? REMIND the ego you are about MY business. That you appreciate its help, but you have given your will to ME.

It will be relieved. It may fuss since it has grown so used to being in control of every aspect of your life, but ultimately it will remember its true nature, and true function, is to serve you—to help you through this human lifetime.

We are ONE.

Control, Innovation, Oneness

In the light of this day we come. Messengers of Light speaking to Light.

Rejoice that humanity’s innovation and technology have overcome! (the virus)

Now you KNOW (because of the Pandemic) that you do not have the control you once imagined you did. We say imagined because you never really did have control. Smile.

Perhaps you now realize more than ever that the world is ONE. You are all in this together. The sooner those of the world not only realize this, but begin to take action from this reality, the sooner you and the world will heal.

We so look forward to this.

We love you, and celebrate our ONENESS with you!


Happy 2021! As you may remember, Yusef has been called to the “higher heavens” to “hold humanity in Love.” But before he left he brought Tuoleep forward to me. Tuoleep is a Master and I have come to know her also as Wisdom. She has not given me messages to share much, but she came in with a bang this morning. So, I will be true to her insistence that what she has to say is for all of us. (PS Yusef is still praying for all of humanity. I think we still need that powerful heavenly help.)


On this day that is celebrated as NEW in a NEW YEAR (you do understand that we have no “time” or “new” here but we acknowledge the human need), there will now resume messages. These are from on High with the blessing of the Divine Wonder whom you call Father or God. Many in the Heavens contribute. We are here to serve humankind and all on the Earth.

We have knowledge of other days on your Earth planet. Days of peace, creativity, care for each other and the gifts of creation. We know of the possibilities of such an Earth yet we also recognize that you have suffered the tremendous impact of negative energy from long ago on your world.

It is like your Lion King story. Look at the devastation the animals and earth suffered when under the influence of negative thinking and leadership. But look again when the thinking and leadership changed and the Earth responded in joy. (When we speak of “leadership” we do not refer to one person, but to the negativity of fear that is predominant throughout your planet.)

When LOVE and JOY replace–

…worry, concern, war, anger, the taking up of weapons, the fear of living with the “other” (one different in looks or beliefs or language), the hoarding of goods, the lack of respect for all of life, and more,

…then all in the Earth will respond and return to health and abundance.

Look to those who speak words of joy and encouragement. Those who ask you to care for each other in whatever the need. To withhold judgment and begin to see that you are all connected; that you truly are related—ALL children of the ONE SOURCE, GOD.

If some you know have moved to more negative thinking and behaviors, pray for them. They are YOU. For while you have taken a body that may appear to be separate from your “neighbor,” you are yet a part of them, connected in ways that cannot be broken.

See the other as yourSELF. That is ME going through a COVID illness. That is ME caring for the sick, working in the store, driving the car. That is ME worshipping in a way different from mine. That is ME crying of loneliness. That is ME struggling to pay the bills. That is ME wearing clothes different from mine. That is ME speaking another language. That is ME playing in the snow, walking in the neighborhood, caring for a garden, helping a child.



Care for them. Pray for them. Welcome them. Live together in peace.

We love you and walk with you. Be well.

On Mercy

Barbara: I asked Yusef a question regarding MERCY and what it means. Yusef’s response is quite long. You might want to read it a few times, or take small sections to reflect on to understand it fully. As always, they will answer any questions coming from this message.

The concept of mercy is “true” and yet not “true.”

As you relate to God or Father or Divine Being, it is in that relationship that the NEED for what you term mercy arises.

In your humanity you perceive “God” as on High, above, all powerful, doling out judgment on you and on the Earth. This is a mistaken concept/idea. In this you think of yourself as a child—doing good, doing bad, deserving punishment, etc. (also false ideas).

In the human, “mercy” is that which is shown to another of less power when that one has done something either worthy of punishment or is asking a favor of the more powerful one—that one you think may have power over your life.

The Divine One is all Loving, all supportive. We do not speak of a PERSON. We speak of the Wonder that is the Guide of the Universes—the essence of Creative energy, Wonder of Wonders.

This creative energy pervades all that IS, including YOU. That is God—all of it.

There are, of course, greater concentrations of this energy which is perhaps what you refer to as “God Most High.” Your relationship with this “God” energy—that which gives life and sustains ALL that is—is so intimate (though not equal) that it is your very essence. You are a spark of its fire of Love. Many do not realize or accept this thinking. How could God be this close?

Now we ask you, how could this God have “mercy” on Itself—You?

The mercy you seek is a release from the burdens of the choices you have made that cause you to be uneasy—to think you are less than—or unworthy.

God Most High has given you the authority over your lives. When you act in a way other than as the “child of God” that you are, you sense an energy that is NOT who you are. Now you feel separate from the essence of Love energy, which is the center of yourself.

Rather than claiming your true birthright as son or daughter of Love, you now think of yourself as “less than,” or unworthy.

Now perhaps—especially for those close to God—you may look for a way to return to who you truly are. You may seek to be forgiven or seek mercy in order to return to the vibration of Love which has been disrupted and displaced in your awareness.

This is not necessary. You may seek mercy and forgiveness in the human condition—person to person. A most worthy and valuable effort. But you and God are never separated—even for an instant. God, the energy of Love and acceptance, is ALWAYS within you AS YOU. This IS you—your essence. Your substance is of God.

This is difficult thinking for many. Thus you ask God for forgiveness and mercy when it is actually ALREADY YOURS. God’s Love energy pervades you and ALL life. You are one with God in the very center of yourself.

God has sent a ray of God-Love to the Earth—as YOU.

When you feel the need for mercy, realize that you have separated yourself, through a thought or action, from your True Self (a part of God). Thus you FEEL no longer a part of God—a faulty thought, but understandable in the human.

Though you are never apart from God, we understand that your actions and choices do interfere with the flow and awareness of God’s Love in your life. Pay attention to this. It is most valuable. This sense of unease you feel does indicate that you are out of sync—out of resonance—with Love, which is what you are.

Then, forgive yourself or another. Show mercy to yourself and others. Through these earthly, human actions you return to resonance with the true SELF of you that is always a part of God—that Love that enfolds you within itself as Love.


Guidance From Yusef: The Experience of God/One

Barbara: A word about this message. It is quite deep, so I might suggest that you read it several times. 🙂 If I could preface it in my words I would say that Yusef is telling us that all our efforts to be in the presence of God are more than worthwhile. He includes all expressions of faith and religion without judgment. ANY way we can come into union with God is important.

It is going beyond our everyday human experience to be in the presence of God that is important—to both ourselves AND God!! Wow! It could happen as we worship in a church/synagogue/mosque, or when we pray, or meditate; but it could also be simpler than that. It could just be those MOMENTS in our lives when we become aware that God is with us. Look for those moments—however you find them. The “experience” of God is what Yusef is calling us to.

There are many ways to be in the AWARENESS, or EXPERIENCE, of the One (God). Each expression of “faith” in God reveals a new way of being in that experience.

ALL ways express wonder, or joy, or reverence for something beyond the ordinary—beyond the human experience.

Some (unfortunately) worship a God that is distant from them. Others see God closer—in all forms of nature. Others find God in silence, some within their own hearts perhaps. Some may see God in each other. Some must go to a building to find God.

You can see now that the only part that has significance is that the EXPERIENCE of God takes place! There is no judgment or rule regarding the HOW.

Experience of the ONE (GOD), joins and expands BOTH parties in the experience. That is, the union, or com-union, is experienced by BOTH GOD AND HUMAN.

How can it be otherwise since each human is simply an expression of God in the physical? 

When in the human you remember to experience your God-self in all its fullness (outside and apart from the ego-self), then com-union occurs. God and Human remembering—joining as one in awareness of a truth that already is. Oneness.

God (Awareness) rejoices and expands with each experience of Itself.

This seems a mystery and beyond comprehension. It is not. It is the most simple reality for those with ears to hear.

If you could realize the JOY of being in the human experience and at the same moment in the experience of your ONENESS with God, you would want to spend more and more time in that awareness. It is life-giving and love-giving. It will sustain you in your human adventure, as you say. 

We realize some of our words are awkward and do not fully express the reality of which we speak, yet as you let them into your heart they will expand.

Be well.

Guidance From Yusef: You are One, not Two


When you recognize that you are both SOUL and BODY—then your life in the human experience changes/expands and may seem at first alien to the way you have been living your life. You may have the sense that you are living two lives—as spirit and in body. You may ask, am I Spirit or am I Human?

As a child you did not separate your Soul from your body. You knew you were only one—a Spirit/Soul experiencing the physical world in a human body. The sense of two, or the sense of separation of soul and human body, develops as a child grows. The human ego begins to see itself as separate from others and its own Soul.

The heavens rejoice when you become aware of your Soul self, and then become aware of your human nature within and AS soul. That is, the Soul is not separate from the human. Each is a part of each. Your human nature is the way your Soul is experiencing the physical world. It is one with your Soul.

The Soul, being Spirit, cannot experience the physical without the joy of coming to earth within a human body.

Thus one spirit, experiencing joy in the physical world, seemingly becomes two. Remember that you are ONE, not two!

Guidance From Yusef: Remember WHO YOU ARE

The heavenly bodies are what you can see in the Heavens, but once again there is more that you cannot see. We are here to assist you in the discovery of who you are, and to remind you that you are more than you can see—it is so easy to forget.

As you raise your vibration through love, your awareness grows. As your awareness grows your life changes. 

There is a difference between living a “good” life and awakening. We pray that all chose the latter which is far more beneficial to the soul. Awaken to who you really are, beyond the human ego. You are Spirit/Soul, that which is one with God.

Once awakened, the awareness of God grows exponentially. The teaching here is the question—Do you want to live a good and just life here, or do you want to grow closer to the Oneness, God?

Two vastly different choices.

Choosing to awaken will also produce a good and just life here.  AWARENESS is the difference—the awareness of God and your divinity in God. This leads to awakening. The difference is like comparing a high school basketball player to Michael Jordan.

Be satisfied, or seek to grow in awareness and thus awaken to who you truly are, your True Self, one with God and All That Is.



Guidance From Yusef: All Affects All

Yusef, you say the Heavens know what we think and what we say and do.

All affects all. That is difficult for you now. Enlarge your thinking. Consider your thoughts and actions. Each goes out into the heavens to impact all of “us” and because you are also a part of the “us,” all that you are experiencing the greater body of “us” is also experiencing.

Think of this. When you have a toothache the pain of that small part of you is the focus of your whole body. The entire body is aware of the pain. There is no judgment around the pain. Rather there is greater love and care focused there. Helpers are sent (human immune system) and all in the body work to help that small part be well again. It is the same in the heavens.

When you feel love and joy–holding a newborn baby, a loving embrace, an awe inspiring sunset, a ride at a [theme] park–all these happy joyful emotions affect your entire body. The reaction of the chemicals in the human body prove without a question that your entire organism is aware of joy. Likewise it is aware of stress.

In the general sense all actions, feelings, thoughts from all on the Earth emanate out into the heavens to add to the experience and growth and expansion of ALL.

This is why we encourage EACH on the Earth to love, find joy and happiness, care and console, be understanding, and show compassion. This is the Soul’s way, the way of ALL.  Let that which is not of Soul fall away.

The messages from Yusef may be read in the new publication, GOD SENT: Messages of Love and Hope for Our World Today

Guidance From Yusef: The Soul


The Soul knows the Oneness [God]. The Soul is one with the Oneness. Unimaginable to you now is the wondrous beauty and intelligence of the Soul.

The Soul seeks even greater oneness and awareness in its desire to “move closer” to Source–to return to the fullness from which it differentiated to experience new experiences. Once differentiated, it became aware of its smallness beside the All of Source. Its main drive then is to return to its home in a fuller, more expanded self awareness.

This message on the Soul, though short, is beautiful. It speaks of being one with Source/God before we differentiated* from it to be born into this world. Our coming to the Earth offers our Souls an opportunity to expand and contribute to the Oneness of God because our Souls are still, of course, a part of the Oneness/God. Our Souls long to return to the bosom of Source–to move ever closer to complete oneness and to be “lost” again in God.

As you read this, I invite you to substitute the word “my” for “the” in Yusef’s message to make it even more personal, i.e. “My Soul knows the Oneness [God].”

*differentiated–to become different in the process of growth or development

Guidance From Heaven: Awaken to what is beyond the senses


It is with joy that we bring this message to those hungry for words that will affirm and support their “knowing” beyond their conscious awareness [the senses].

This is for all. The “Heavens” are present among you. Realizing this, we are making ourselves known to many. Awaken! Awakening allows Oneness to be revealed.

During the ordinary living of the day be aware…awake. In the going and coming be awake. It will be this awareness in the true awakened state that will “save” you.

In this state you are open to possibilities beyond the mind. You are open not only to guidance and an assistance far beyond anything you know, but in that totally open state you recognize and are one with the Oneness. The larger self. The I Am-ness of the Soul. This blesses all the Universe.