Guidance From Yusef: True Spirituality

Barbara: Recently I was moved by a message from Richard Rohr who writes that spirituality is always about changing our own way of SEEING and HEARING. That is what the Spirits were saying to me many years ago when they told me to SEE DIFFERENTLY.

We can see and hear the news of the world through our humanness, our egos, and what we may perceive is a fearful world–especially with the fighting in the Middle East, drastic weather events, and the latest Ebola crisis for example. Our humanness sees a world in which we are not safe. A world that threatens our home, our lifestyle, or our very lives.

But seen through the eyes of the Soul, the eyes of the God Mind, we can see differently–with love, compassion, trust, and hope for those suffering as a result of war, weather, or illness. We can see a world where we are safe, because in God there is really nothing to fear.
Rohr writes that “We mend and renew the world by strengthening inside ourselves what we seek outside ourselves...”

To find love, we must strengthen love within.
To find peace, we must strengthen peace within.
To find forgiveness, we must strengthen a forgiving heart within.
And above all, to see a safer world, we must begin to SEE DIFFERENTLY–through the eyes of the soul, the eyes of God.


Guidance From Yusef: The Coming Times—Maintain Hope

Unknown-1In 2009 I received this message.  Yusef speaks of the chaos on Earth that is still occurring today, 4 years later.  But he speaks of “another movement, stronger yet“, a movement toward awakening to the reality that we are children of Love and Light.  Those who can hold the Light of hope and love in the midst of the chaos all around the globe, will help usher in the “NEW DAY” that Yusef tells us is coming.


Out of the chaos, conflict and horror now increasingly present on your Earth will come a NEW DAY. This ushers in a peace that will span many years.

Now is a tenuous time as this age moves forward in chaos. Another movement, stronger yet, is growing and will move forward.  This will be evident to those who can see.  There is no need to put forth effort other than what you are currently doing.

Nowhere is God not present.  Always helpers are ready to assist.  Fortunate are those open to that aid.

The chaos will not prevail.  The caution, however, is to remain in hope and confident in love.  This will prevail.  Confidence may wane in some as they are swayed by what seems to be reality.  Remind all that this is not true reality.  The helpers are present.  Look to the helpers for comfort/solace, for direction, for hope.  Maintain hope.  images-2Hope in the face of what appears to be no hope.  Thus will the portals of assistance be opened—with hope and sure confidence that One, Love, is present.

Stay open.  Speak truth.  Show compassion.  Remember Home.