Happy 2021! As you may remember, Yusef has been called to the “higher heavens” to “hold humanity in Love.” But before he left he brought Tuoleep forward to me. Tuoleep is a Master and I have come to know her also as Wisdom. She has not given me messages to share much, but she came in with a bang this morning. So, I will be true to her insistence that what she has to say is for all of us. (PS Yusef is still praying for all of humanity. I think we still need that powerful heavenly help.)


On this day that is celebrated as NEW in a NEW YEAR (you do understand that we have no “time” or “new” here but we acknowledge the human need), there will now resume messages. These are from on High with the blessing of the Divine Wonder whom you call Father or God. Many in the Heavens contribute. We are here to serve humankind and all on the Earth.

We have knowledge of other days on your Earth planet. Days of peace, creativity, care for each other and the gifts of creation. We know of the possibilities of such an Earth yet we also recognize that you have suffered the tremendous impact of negative energy from long ago on your world.

It is like your Lion King story. Look at the devastation the animals and earth suffered when under the influence of negative thinking and leadership. But look again when the thinking and leadership changed and the Earth responded in joy. (When we speak of “leadership” we do not refer to one person, but to the negativity of fear that is predominant throughout your planet.)

When LOVE and JOY replace–

…worry, concern, war, anger, the taking up of weapons, the fear of living with the “other” (one different in looks or beliefs or language), the hoarding of goods, the lack of respect for all of life, and more,

…then all in the Earth will respond and return to health and abundance.

Look to those who speak words of joy and encouragement. Those who ask you to care for each other in whatever the need. To withhold judgment and begin to see that you are all connected; that you truly are related—ALL children of the ONE SOURCE, GOD.

If some you know have moved to more negative thinking and behaviors, pray for them. They are YOU. For while you have taken a body that may appear to be separate from your “neighbor,” you are yet a part of them, connected in ways that cannot be broken.

See the other as yourSELF. That is ME going through a COVID illness. That is ME caring for the sick, working in the store, driving the car. That is ME worshipping in a way different from mine. That is ME crying of loneliness. That is ME struggling to pay the bills. That is ME wearing clothes different from mine. That is ME speaking another language. That is ME playing in the snow, walking in the neighborhood, caring for a garden, helping a child.



Care for them. Pray for them. Welcome them. Live together in peace.

We love you and walk with you. Be well.

Covid-19 Days

It is difficult these days of being sequestered, hiding from a tiny virus. Our lives are “different” now, and we don’t always do well with change. The days drone on and on—is it easing?…oops no, it’s still here…and getting worse. So in the midst of these Covid Days, I am led to share a bit of my journey and perhaps find a virtual companion in you as we travel it together. I do pray that you are well and that those you love have not been harmed by this illness.

Remember that Yusef has been called to the “higher heavens to hold humanity in Love.” Now we may have a sense of why. His task is a big one and I am thankful that God has offered us help in that way. I love the idea of Yusef praying for US! Wisdom is with us now and will hopefully offer us some words as we go.

It has been a roller coaster ride for me. On the up days I am prayerful, trusting, finding ways to connect with others and occupy myself—though not always “productive.” 🙂 On the days when I’m in the trough of the ride I find it difficult to connect with God—consumed with the feeling of lack of control, and worried for my loved ones. It is a feeling I recognize as fear. So I beg for the Grace to let go of the fear, and return to TRUST—that wonderful, all encompassing, fearless, I-am-in-the-care-and-presence-of-the-Divine feeling.

Letting go is what this time is teaching me. Letting go of the need to control my life. Letting go of my very human fears (that seem to increase as the number of cases increase). And finally, giving my small human self back to God in Trust—freeing me to experience the joy of God’s love!

With Trust comes the Grace to let go of worries and concerns. Or is it Grace that brings me back to Trust in God again? Falling into the abyss of God’s never-ending Love. The place I never want to be apart from.

To be able to say with Julian of Norwich,

All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.


Turn. Turn. When the thoughts, fears, and emotions of the world overtake your peace, turn. Refocus. Remember you are not in charge. You can choose to be in charge but it is generally not beneficial to your human or soul well-being.

Allow me, who am the very wonder of your SELF, to lead you through the path back to me.

Some days we may need a machete to get through the jungle of negative thinking on the earth. Other days we may only need to coax away the mosquitos.

I AM WISDOM—offering to be your Guide through this life you are experiencing. Who would you trust? Your small inexperienced self, or the Lord of the Universes?

Trust me. Lean on me. Let me be with your every step.

Wisdom: On Worry

Why do you worry? There is NO reason to have a concern. Be mindful and aware. We shall alert you to danger or anything that threatens your well being. Let all care go—knowing we “have your back.”

It is the world that encourages you to be alert to disease and other ‘danger.’ You must move through your days worry free. We’ve got you, as you say. What more could you want than to be kept safely in God’s care?

No fear or worry is such a different way to think in the human condition. You do not need to pray or invoke protection or blessing—you only need to KNOW you are SAFE! 

(I thought of Jesus) Yes, Jesus knew. It was nothing he did other than trust and live in the KNOWING of WHO he was. In that perfect place there is no concern about anything. 

As you begin to believe that, and remember WHO you also are, the LIGHT of it moves through your human body, causing it to remember that it is perfectly made to serve you.

Do not worry.

And if you get sick? If you are living in the will of the Father, then any sickness that befalls your body will be for growth for your self or others. Still, do not worry.

Recovery or non-recovery will be from the Father. You simply need to rest in the Father—certain that you are cared for and loved beyond measure. Do not question, or ask why of anything you experience. It is all of the Father when you are in the FATHER’S WILL.

Rest. Rest. Flow gently in the Light and stream of LOVE and JOY.  Be joyful always. It is the opening to God who IS Joy and Wonder.

When you sense worry of any kind creeping in, adjust immediately. Be still, and return to the peace of the surety that you are in the loving ‘arms’ of God. It is there you are SAFE!

Do Not Fear—You Are The Rays of God’s Light

Words of warning, support, and the need for change are being spoken at this time to all with ears to hear. Spread the word if you hear these messages from God or from the Angels or Guides who are sent to you from God Most High.

What more can we say?

Turn from thoughts of war, hate, scarcity, anxiety, and all forms of fear. REMEMBER who you are—Children of God. You are the rays of God’s Light on the Earth. BE that Light to the world.

Do not subject your soul to the fears rampant on the earth at this time. No matter the activity around you—be it natural disaster, war, loss of home or homeland—do your best to remember you are a Child of God who sends you help in these times. Turn to the Angels that surround you. Allow them to minister to you. Rather think thoughts of peace and recovery, love and hope. Do not allow fear to overtake your soul.

In this week in America when giving thanks is a focus, put all your energies to the effort. Thoughts of gratitude/thanks will replace your worries and concerns. Devote the week time to this and begin the habit of gratitude that will encase your soul in Light, not fear.

You are LOVED and CARED FOR. We use the words with emphasis since the world often distracts you and you forget that your Father is there for you. No harm can come to you. Fear not.

We give Thanks for YOU!

Guidance From Yusef: Reader Question

Reader Question: When people do not ascend directly into Heaven, are they being held back by their own reservations? Are they not accepting of Heavens love?


Each soul that leaves the human body has many choices. It is important, however, to realize that each one is surrounded by loving beings—before as well as during, the leaving. Love is always available.

There are those who may be unwilling to fully leave the earth at first. Part of them remains attached to the earth. Connections to loved ones, or unfinished business, or great trauma can be strong, and some part of them may chose to remain closer to the earth for a time. Remember though, that the “Major Soul” of each person is always with God.

Each person’s/soul’s acceptance of Love (God) is a complex dynamic that is not  “simple,” or easy for the human mind to comprehend. Love surrounds and is always present to each person. Yet the “state” of one’s soul—that is, its openness to the Love that surrounds it—determines how it experiences that Love. We recognize this is a difficult concept and will explain further if asked.

We remind you again that your loving thoughts/prayers are beneficial to all souls who have left the earthly realm. Those who for their own reasons are not yet in the fullness of what you call “Heaven” will benefit from your love. We also love and “pray” for them.

And are these the people that show themselves to me every night?

There are some people who are “open” to seeing, like the one asking this question. Thus some souls or heavenly beings may chose these to visit. The beings/souls reveal themselves for many reasons, most of which the human mind cannot understand, but your soul may recognize them. The one asking sees, and has given them permission to come, and we suggest that he send love to all.

We advise everyone reading this, that you need not react in fear, but always send love to those beings who may visit you. You may speak to them if you wish. We caution, however, that each night before you sleep you set the intention that only beings of Light and Love may visit. None other are welcome. 

You always have the option to accept visitors or tell them they are not welcome to come to you. The boundaries you set with your intention will be respected. It may also be helpful to enlist the aid of your Angel or Guide who can be the  “gatekeeper” for you. Speak to them of your intention. They are of God and will “monitor” your visitors. Fear not.


Guidance From Yusef: A Mantle of Peace

We understand the human response of fear to many situations in the world now. Thus it is imperative to get beyond that response—of fear, and those emotions coming from fear—frustration, anger, depression, deep concern, and so on.

As we have said, and remind you here again, the Earth MUST have more love and hope than fear. Do not allow fear. When you feel the emotions associated with fear, go immediately into a place of quiet that you may release the fear, let go of the insanity, and return to the sanity of who you are—Love.

All [of you] must find a way, or a place, or a practice that will allow love and hope to replace any aspect of fear.

Be vigilant in recognizing when you are moving from love and peace to fear. Once you have taught yourself to recognize the fear and accompanying agitation and discomfort, then you can also train yourself to go to the quiet (even in the busy-ness of your day) to let go of it, and allow us to remind you that you are love.

Look to those of us whom God has sent to you as encouragers, protectors, consolers, and guides in this lifetime. We are here for you.

Just as the one writing this has come to us agitated today, you may also come. And a sweet mantle of PEACE will descend over you in the quiet to renew you, and remind you of how much you are loved.

It is with great joy and love that we tell you again of the assistance you have from the Heavens. You are LOVE. Be vigilant. Let go of the darkness of fear that takes hold of you, and return always to the Light of Love. In this is the salvation of the world.

You are JOY.

You are LOVE.

You are LIGHT.

And from these come PEACE and HOPE for the World.

Our blessing is upon you.


Guidance From Yusef: Happiness is Your Natural State

Do you find happiness in all you do? Or are you frustrated, angry, fearful, feeling out of control or helpless sometimes?

Happiness is your natural state as a “child of God,” and another word for that state is peace. Whatever diverts you from being happy and peaceful is the ego and its deep seated fears.

As humans we RESIST what causes us negative emotion. We often want what IS to be different than what it IS. We want the sick child to be well; the betrayal to be loyalty; the lost job to be ours again; the harsh words against us to be kind words. But the child is sick, the betrayal happened, the job is no longer mine, and the words were harsh. We want it all to be different than what it IS. We resist what IS. And that takes a lot of energy!

So, if you really want to live in happiness (and it’s totally worth it!) here are some steps to take:

The set-up: Someone does or says something that causes you emotion. Or an unsettling event or circumstance occurs causing emotion. Go to Step One.

1. Simply NOTICE the EMOTION you feel (without judging yourself).

Hmmm.  I’m feeling–Anger, sadness, frustration, helplessness, critical, judgmental, fear about the future, worried, etc.

2. Ask–WHY am I feeling this emotion? What is going on in ME that causes this response?

Am I hurt? Disappointed? Scared? All alone? Don’t have control over this? Helpless? Etc

3. Go Deeper (or skip to Step 4): Ask WHY do I have that response? What fear has been triggered within me?

Is my pride injured? I am always ‘right’; has that been questioned? Has  a childhood fear of mine kicked in? Has an inner ‘rule’ of mine been broken by another? Have my fears around security been triggered? Etc.

4. Let your resistance to the person or situation go. Let it be what it is. Accept it. Surrender your emotion and your resistance to God. You should feel a lightness if you are able to let it go–an inner PEACE!!


~It all is what it is. I cannot change what IS. My happiness depends on my acceptance of this.

~There are no problems. It is only a “problem” when I make it one. It is my choice to look at things differently.

~Everyone has a reason for what they do. (And it’s none of my business.:))

~The only one I have control over is MYSELF. My peace and happiness are my choice. I can chose to try to control people and events in my life OR I can chose peace and happiness and leave the rest to God who cares for all.

~I cannot know what God is asking of another, or how God is working in their life. I can only know God in my own life.

~Happiness and peace are my natural state because I am of God.

Guidance From Yusef: Seeing What IS

Moving from the frequency of FEAR–Suggestion #2

See what IS, as it is–without the judgments of

  • right and wrong,
  • good and bad,
  • appropriate and inappropriate,
  • scary and safe,…all those filters we were given at an early age.

It is common to go about each day doing what we have been taught–looking, evaluating, labeling, and judging rather than simply seeing.

Science teaches that for every act of measurement (or judgment) of a thing, FAR more of the thing is lost than captured.

As we make–quite unconsciously–judgment after judgment, apply label after label, measuring all through the filters of our long held bias and prejudice, we are in essence squinting our eyes to see only that which sifts through the filters.

How much is lost in the squinting, the filtering, the labeling, the judging?

To be able to SEE WHAT IS requires, at first, a disciplined training to LET GO of the judging. To shut down the filters. To retrain the mind to allow only the EXPERIENCE of the thing without the judging of it. To become vulnerable in the naked seeing of what IS, without fear, without the thinking that we thought was helping us to see rightly.

And then a stark realization–

IT ALL IS AS IT IS. And there is absolutely nothing we can do about WHAT IS. It just IS. We cannot change it–it IS. We cannot manipulate it–it IS. There is no need to FEAR it–only to accept that it IS. That SEEING allows us to chose actions that come from a much higher frequency.

The freedom of that SEEING opens the floodgates…

  • To action when necessary, but also,
  • to appreciation
  • to beauty
  • to simplicity
  • to child like observations
  • to compassion
  • to experiencing
  • to bliss…
  • to God.

Guidance From Yusef: The Biology of Fear

Fear—it’s a big concern for Yusef and the Guides.

It’s so easy to say the word—it just slips off the tongue because we’re so used to saying it and feeling it. But it might surprise you to realize that when you think, or say, “I’m so afraid of terrorists and terrorism,” for example, you are giving that fear your precious energy.

What?? Well, look at this this way. We are energetic beings. Energy is what we are. In fact, that’s all we are. We are made up of dancing, vibrating molecules of energy—right down to the tiniest particles within our cells.

So when we say, and believe (that’s important), that we are “so afraid,” the cells in our bodies hear that and respond, sending out all kinds of information and direction (chemical and energetic) to the body—AND out into the world and the Universe!!

Let’s look at that:

The Body: I’m afraid! Something is going to hurt me! Get ready! Get the cortisol flowing. Ready the defenses. It’s fight or flight time!! Fear is insidious, infecting and affecting the entire being. Yusef

And Beyond the Body: Send out the alarm! Tell all around me I’m afraid! Then the energy surrounding my body, coming from all the cells within me, BROADCASTS that fear out beyond me. And as more and more of us resonate with that fear frequency it becomes stronger!!  …there is an energy that comes from the increasing fear in the world. 

That fearful energy field—yes, it is a field, or force—becomes much stronger as it joins with others who are broadcasting energetically that same fear. And that’s what Yusef is referring to when he says, The Universe shares in your physical experiences. The Earth’s emanations reveal a negative percolating.

It is sound science. Can’t you just feel the fear of terrorism in this country—a fear fueled by each other and the media? (There is actually a greater chance of being hurt or killed in a car than by a terrorist.) I’m not negating the need for vigilance, or even preparation—there is indeed a crazy group of folks out there! But vigilance is different from a consuming fear of something that may or may not happen.

The energy of fear—whether it is of terrorism, or the security of our banks, or the outcome of the Presidential election, or the security of your job, or your child’s welfare, or a scary diagnosis—is quite powerful. You may not realize how powerful.

This is a tough one to think about, much less change, or even make a dent in. Awareness of the power of fear is a start. We’ll explore more on this, but please realize that Fear is a block to God’s love. 

It is not necessary to “take up arms” or “do battle” against this force (fear). It is only necessary to turn to Love and Joy. In this Light the darkness has no power. Yusef