Guidance From Heaven: We Asked For It

Yusef tells us today that we have asked for everything that comes into our lives.  That may be hard to believe in some circumstances–quite hard. How can all the “bad” things be from God, and requested by us?

You may find yourself fighting against some life circumstances, feeling sorry for yourself about others, or resisting the people and events that life brings you. But if you remember that this is the Earth School and our Souls have come here to learn and grow, then you may begin to look at what each day brings in a different way.

We are all asked to pay attention to what life brings us, without judgment about its goodness or badness.  It is all at our Soul’s request.


Begin this day and every day with thanksgiving–gratefulness for whatever circumstances or situations present themselves in your living that day.

There is nothing that comes into your life that you have not in some way requested from God.

The request is seldom verbal and may not even be a conscious (thought) request from you. Rather, it comes from deep within you as a part of the Plan your Soul designed with God before you came into this world.

ALL that enters your life–whether it be events, people, or physical manifestations [things]–ALL are your Soul’s intention.

Let us explain further.

Your requests follow the Plan prepared by you and God. Thus is this Plan the design of your Soul.

The designs (Plans) of the Souls on Earth serve a multitude of purposes that are hidden during the lifetime. Far too complex for your concern. The important thing to note, as you say, is that everything and everyone in your life is there at your conscious or unconscious request.

It is all there for you to first experience, and then to respond to. Things are not just happening “to” you. You have asked that they happen to teach you what you came here to learn.

The more conscious and aware you are of this, the greater the learning and growth will be.  The visible evidence of this growth will be the peace and acceptance you feel with all that life brings to you.

However, if the circumstances and people in your life at this time are no longer of benefit to you, you have the power to make the changes that will bring you greater inner peace. The entire Universe/God will support all your desires/requests.

“Bad, or unwanted experiences, are only what we call experiences whose part in our growth and integration we do not yet understand. The minute we understand that ALL experiences enrich our life because they all cause learning and growth, no experience is seen as bad.” Teal Swan




Guidance From Yusef: See as a Child Sees

Yusef suggests that we are here to learn who we really are—Souls experiencing humanity.images-33  He refers to that knowledge as an ability to see differently—to remember what is really true.  He tells us that as children we were able to “see”, but as we grew we lost some of that natural sight.  Perhaps that is what Jesus is referring to when he tells us to become as little children.


For all [Earth School is] a struggle–some choosing the harder way, some more at home in the lessons.  These last are closer—their memories returning.  The fog veil is lifting for them. Their SEEING is different. They see beyond and through what is present.

The seeing uses more than the physical eye.  This involves the mind, heart, and soul.  For it is a remembering of reality beyond the physical eye.

Children see differently until told that they are not really seeing.  They see through imagination—practice that.  It is a doorway.

Love allows the seeing—also another doorway.

Try harder to stay open—yet another key.

See differently. See what is there and yet not seen.

It is attention we speak of.  Attend to each presentation before you.  BE present with your FULL attention and more will become evident.  Great energy is required.  Rid yourself of distraction to be able to focus on that which is right before your eyes.  All is given.  All is shown you.  You have only to SEE it.

Do not judge.  In that much is lost—SO much is lost.  Only be open—take in everything—let no shadow be lost to your observation.

In all things give praise and glory to the One, All in All.

The heavens, too, hum with praise—undercurrent to all movement—the hum of life.

Ever and ever

Joyful, joyful,

Rejoicing always,



Guidance From Yusef: Earth School

Yusef clearly answers the question that we humans have about life in other images-33parts of the Universe when he tells us that the Earth is “but one of many” worlds.  We know that we come into this lifetime for a purpose and that there is nothing random about our being born to this Earth. So, out of all the places we could “go” in the Universe, this Earth planet was our choice for this life experience.  Nothing is coincidence!  We are here for a reason–to learn and grow.

Yusef also tells us that many in the Heavens have spent time on this planet, and that it is loved and cherished yet he warns that the Earth is on a dangerous course toward extinction.  He says we have much to learn.


Your world is but one of many.  Residing in all corners (areas) of the Universe your saying “We are not alone” is more than true.

We eagerly await every chance to communicate the message [of Love] to the Earth.  Earth will not last on its present course.  Earth is precious to us.  Many here have spent time there—most difficult times assuredly, but it is loved as is all creation.  It has been given to humankind to care for.  The offenses against the earth and against man are many.  So much to learn.  So far to go.  The school that is Earth is yet hope for many.

Yusef refers to this Earth as a “school,” and goes on to use that analogy to explain why we have come to Earth at this time. He reminds us that we are students here.  We are here to learn, but just like students in our earthly schools, we all approach that learning in different ways.

As your children struggle with the schools that you send them to—

some struggling to be still…

some struggling against authority…

some struggling to learn…

some at home [in the school], eager and able…

so do you react to the life chosen for learning this lifetime.

As he always does, Yusef once again reminds us that we are not alone, that we have helpers to assist us, and that every moment on this Earth provides us opportunity for Soul growth.  Exciting and challenging!  School!

In the heavens and beyond lies the most fertile ground for growth.  The earth is a testing ground chosen for its ability to refine the entity [person].  It is also an opportunity to encounter others who can assist in this effort.  These others are not always perceived as helpers.  You must recognize that not one moment of your time is lost or spent idly.  Every moment is opportunity for advancement, growth, evolution, and in conjunction with others it increases exponentially.  This language you would understand, however, the growth occurs at even greater magnification than your vocabulary allows.