Walk As Jesus Did: Part 2

One of the subscribers asked a question from the last post, And so I asked Yusef for an answer. This is the (rather long) response. Thank you for the question, D.H.

“How do we walk in our divinity?”

The idea of “walking” the Earth describes the movement through your days. Your normal day as a human may be spent working, interacting, accomplishing tasks, and all the other “busyness” of ordinary human life. 

Those who walk, or live, from both humanity and divinity are aware that they are MORE than just their human nature. They know they have come from Home [heaven] for a purpose or purposes in this lifetime, and realize they are a child of the Most High. They are not absorbed in worries and concerns, but radiate a peace and inner joy—a confidence and trust that they are safe, cared for.

The inner happiness of these causes people to want to be around them. Their speech is thoughtful and considerate, because they regard all persons as part of themself—a family member. 

There is an honesty, a purity, an authenticity about experiencing life through both the soul nature and human nature. These [people] are content, complete in themselves because they are aware of the heavens as well as the earth. They realize they are a part of God and creation. 

These are not walking “saints”—holy or perfect. Humanity walks together with divinity. Thus these [people] experience all that the human physical life has for them. They are all ages, in all walks of life, and in all communities. You can recognize them by their openness to all that happens; as well as their compassion, service, or care for others. They are actively living out their purpose in joy and love. There is no malice in them.

Awareness of their true nature does not protect these from sorrow or suffering. Life may not be easier for these. Much may be asked of them, and when it is, they accept what comes.

Remember—you are both Human and Soul/Spirit. Awaken to the joy of living from both your soul nature and your human nature!

We thank you for the question. Yusef

Guidance From Yusef: You are the FULLNESS of Life…Both Body and Soul


You would like words that console you, or guide your daily actions—do this or do that in detail—or predict the future of the stock market or your country’s leadership. That may sometimes be appropriate, however our messages are different.

We seek to empower your living in the LIGHT of your True Self (Soul). We hope to cause you to remember who you truly are in and beyond your human existence. You are so much more than that, as we have repeatedly said.

You do not know or realize your POWER in the fullness of your Spirit and Human self. You are as Jesus was—both human and divine. There is no difference in potential. Does that surprise you? It is true. Jesus was human but remembered his divinity. Remember your Spirit/Soul (divine) self—which exists now just as your human self does. That allows you to be in the fullness of your Self, connected to God in your divinity (Soul), and also enjoying the wonder of a physical (human) existence.

Living in your fullness would bring you the freedom and happiness we hope for you. It would also change the world. You would shine so much brighter as you go about your day—in awareness of both your connection to God and the magnificent physical world you live in. To live in only one part of your Self is akin to living without a limb.

Try it. Exercise your right to have all the membership of a Soul’s rights, as well as all the delight of the physical world.

Divinity is your right—you brought it (Soul) with you into the physical, but somehow it became overshadowed by the world and the faulty messages passed on to you by well-meaning others.

You are children of God just as Jesus was. Endeavor to become as Jesus. In his humanity he showed the way. Embrace the fullness of Life that you are and in that fullness bring hope and love to the world. You and the world need it!

Guidance From Yusef: Your Divine Nature

All things are possible. Let go of any doubts you carry. God is not stagnant, does not stop growing. God is expansion and growth. Let go of that which keeps you bound to Earthly understandings and begin to KNOW and REMEMBER who you are—a Divine Child of (God) the Universe.

The term “Divine” is the stumbling block for some, causing thoughts of unworthiness for those who believe themselves to be only human.

The Spirit within—your true Self—is a part of God. In that relationship you are a part of the “Divine” nature—the YOU that is Spirit/Soul.

The Human nature is a magnificent construct that allows such amazing growth opportunities. It is a gift and opportunity like none other to be in the human physical existence. (Do not judge those walking on difficult paths in their humanity. They have chosen the harder part.)

Walk in your Divinity as much as your Humanity. Choose to make your divine nature integral in your human nature. In that all the world and the Heavens are blessed. In that the Light of Christ shines out.