How God “works” in our lives


How does God “work” in our lives? Ah, wonderful question with a long and complex answer. (Smile)

First, you must remember and understand that you are with God and a part of God, and thus your Soul is working in your everyday living to return to God—to remember HOME.

Thus, the work of God is to place reminders within your sphere while on the earth, and those—both seen and unseen—who will help you remember who you truly are and where you are on the path back to God.

To complicate this effort is the reality that you are NOT separated from God, but YOU THINK YOU ARE. Thus it is your Soul that calls/reaches out for help that you might remember, and reunite with God while yet in the physical. And when that soul desire is broadcast—simply by desiring it—we respond to help bring it about.

God responds to your desires!

Unfortunately, not all that you desire while in the earthly realm is to your (true) benefit. The earth is a seductive place and often you are caught up in its many lures away from what the soul desires. Each desire, from human ego or soul, is heard and responded to, however.

Now some—we might say most—of your desires do not come from your conscious self. They come from a deeper place that has been conditioned by the environment that you have created/built that you refer to as your life. (Yes, you have indeed created your life as you have lived it each day.)

It is that place/environment that is the setting, the starting point, for remembering who you are. As you can see, it will be different for each one. We, who are sent by God, can see this, and it is within this framework that God offers help.

It is often the case that you have responded so much and so often to the physical distractions of the world, that we must help you “get past” those distractions in order that you can see the path HOME more clearly.

We may encourage others to enter your life (hopefully they will hear and respond to our suggestions). We may try to caution you as we can see that some of your desires, thoughts, and actions will lead you away from your Soul’s true desire which is to draw closer to God.

No matter what our efforts are, YOU are still in charge. You may accept or reject our help—either consciously or unconsciously. It is up to you to notice our efforts.

It is the seduction of the earth’s distractions that blocks your seeing or hearing us—whether we have sent you help through a person, or through the offer of a new job, (etc.) or merely through a whisper in your ear. We are ALWAYS calling you back to the path to God because that is your Soul’s deepest desire. That is the desire we “hear” best.

Remember, the Universe/God does respond, whether it comes from your human ego or your soul. Pay attention to what you desire.