Walk As Jesus Did: Part 2

One of the subscribers asked a question from the last post, And so I asked Yusef for an answer. This is the (rather long) response. Thank you for the question, D.H.

“How do we walk in our divinity?”

The idea of “walking” the Earth describes the movement through your days. Your normal day as a human may be spent working, interacting, accomplishing tasks, and all the other “busyness” of ordinary human life. 

Those who walk, or live, from both humanity and divinity are aware that they are MORE than just their human nature. They know they have come from Home [heaven] for a purpose or purposes in this lifetime, and realize they are a child of the Most High. They are not absorbed in worries and concerns, but radiate a peace and inner joy—a confidence and trust that they are safe, cared for.

The inner happiness of these causes people to want to be around them. Their speech is thoughtful and considerate, because they regard all persons as part of themself—a family member. 

There is an honesty, a purity, an authenticity about experiencing life through both the soul nature and human nature. These [people] are content, complete in themselves because they are aware of the heavens as well as the earth. They realize they are a part of God and creation. 

These are not walking “saints”—holy or perfect. Humanity walks together with divinity. Thus these [people] experience all that the human physical life has for them. They are all ages, in all walks of life, and in all communities. You can recognize them by their openness to all that happens; as well as their compassion, service, or care for others. They are actively living out their purpose in joy and love. There is no malice in them.

Awareness of their true nature does not protect these from sorrow or suffering. Life may not be easier for these. Much may be asked of them, and when it is, they accept what comes.

Remember—you are both Human and Soul/Spirit. Awaken to the joy of living from both your soul nature and your human nature!

We thank you for the question. Yusef

Guidance From Yusef: Joy Beyond Ego

As I sit to receive the messages from the Guides I call “Yusef,” I always begin with a short invocation (a prayer of sorts). On the day of this message I said, I come to sit in the presence of God my God, Wonder of Wonders, Joy of Joys.

Ah, we resonate with the Joy! Such is life in the beyond. Joy beyond compare. Shed of the earth’s density and tendency for other than joy, we are free to celebrate the wonder of life without ego demands.

Picture/imagine this: A life without competition, jealousy, anger, defeatist thinking, worry, emotional highs and lows, and fears that haunt each day. Can you even imagine this? What would your day be like?

We suggest this is worthy of your pondering…and when you do imagine this, these behaviors of the ego will fade away. It is the mere awareness that there is another way that allows you to slip gently away from the hold the ego has on you.

NOTICE—bring ego reactions into the light of your awareness, then, choose another way. It will seem strange at first because the ego has you in its grasp.

Simply let go of the worries, the need for more, the actions that keep you hostage…and step into the light of who you are—Child of the Most High—free to offer the world your many gifts.

In the Light you will be able to see clearly the true path you have chosen for this earth adventure. You will see what you have come here to do. 

First, free yourself of all things that limit and block the Light that is YOU.


Guidance From Yusef: Question: Communicating with Spirit

Question: Is there a way to become more in tune, or aware—in order to be in communication with Angels and Spirit?


We delight in this question. Said simply, it is all about ENERGY. Spirit must lower the frequency of their vibration and you must raise yours.

The energetic vibrations of Angels and other entities of God are beyond the vibration of most on the Earth. Thus, they must moderate/adjust their vibration to speak to you. It is helpful for you to move into higher vibrations to be able to hear them.

To attune to Spirit, you can raise your vibration through prayer, meditation, or just thinking happy, loving, or peaceful thoughts. These move you out of your human nature/ego and allow you to be present and OPEN to spirit.

Do not “try” to hear. You must “allow” spirit to present itself to you. When you “try to hear” as you say, you are in your humanness and your ego is running the show/the script.  Instead, simply be presentmore difficult than it seems, with your human thinking and worries distracting you. Let go of these.

We do not want you to think that you must be praying, or meditating, watching a sunset, or in a “holy” place, (although these are good places to start). Spirit is also speaking and guiding as you move through your day. When we speak of being present, this may occur in any moment—while riding on an elevator, walking, or working, etc. It is any moment that calls you away from ego—when your soul can be present. When you were a child you may have called this “day dreaming,”—those times when you were out of your thinking mind. We hope this image helps. Practice this.

 Let us explain further. When one “hears” words or guidance, as the one writing this does, the communication comes through the human mind, but it is not the thinking mind. It is recognized as spirit because the ideas and words are not your own. It is obvious that what you are hearing comes from other than yourself. 

Spirits—Angels, Guides, and other Helpers—are constantly trying to get your attention. It is you who must attune to them. 

You may feel the love they send to you, or you may “hear” something in your mind, or you may simply be in a space of silence. Allow all. Do not doubt. You are not crazy. You are in tune with spirit that is communicating with you. 

They are always speaking to you. It is you who must:

  • raise your vibration
  • stay open (be present)
  • have no expectations (allow spirit to be with you, however spirit choses)
  • oh, and believe your experience (smile)

We will be happy to say more if there are questions. Yusef

NOTE: To hear spirit audibly, through the human ears, is uncommon, although it can occur. That requires spirit to lower their vibration tremendously in order for the sound to reach the ears of the human. As we say—most uncommon. 


Guidance From Yusef: Eating Healthy and Spirit

Question: How important is it to eat healthy for our spiritual development? What would be considered the most beneficial things we consume and the most detrimental that could affect our connection to Spirit?


The first concept to understand is this: ALL is ENERGY—and all energy vibrates at a certain “signature” frequency. Thus, the food you eat, as well as the physical body you inhabit, is all vibrating at a “designated” frequency, thus making it what it is. If food and body were not vibrating, they would not exist.

Next, you are always connected to spirit. You ARE spirit, and you are one with spirit. There is no separation between you and Spirit/God/the Divine—ever.

Now, to answer the question, in light of the science lesson above…(smile) it must be said that there is no universal beneficial or detrimental list of foods that would impact your ability to communicate with Spirit. However, it is best to consume those foods that are in tune with each individual body.

Some foods will have an effect on the frequency of the body’s vibration. We do not judge these as “bad,” or “good.” It is your own awareness that must determine whether they “serve” you. Sugar is one. Intoxicating drinks are another. These do have an impact on the body’s vibration and thus its functioning. NOTE: These may, but also may not, impact your communication with Spirit. It is all individual. Remember, however, that you are always connected to Spirit/God.

Attune to the body you inhabit to recognize/discern/notice what foods or drinks are most energetically beneficial, or on the other hand, detrimental to you. Each physical body has its own signature vibrational frequency. Try to notice what food or drink “resonates” (vibrates) on a wellness frequency for you. You may have already noticed that your body reacts to some food and/or drink, perhaps causing you discomfort, or even dis-ease. It would be well to avoid these. On the other hand, what may cause you discomfort could have no affect on another’s body.

Strive to be in tune with the body you inhabit; it is constantly communicating with you—sending you messages as to its general well-being. Pay attention! When do you feel that your vibration is high? That is, notice when are you in a state of love or joy, experiencing a sense of lightness or well-being. Then, notice when you feel sluggish, perhaps “slower” than usual, or even sad. What have you ingested prior to sensing these feelings that may have had an impact on you?

You can see that it is you who must pay attention in order to know what foods or drink have a vibrational frequency that is optimal for your body. Once you are attuned you can even walk by a certain food and “know” that it is not beneficial to you. Trust your inner guidance and intuition. Pay attention.

We wish you wellness and high vibration!

Guidance From Yusef: Awareness

I have found AWARENESS to be very important for deeper union with God. It could be defined as consciousness, insight, or being awake to the Spirit. Yusef has spoken of it in other messages, but lately there seems to be a light shining on it. It is a key to living a spiritual life. A key to being able to see God in our lives. And also a key to seeing how we are often distracted from God in our humanity and the busy-ness of our lives,

I am currently writing on Awareness with Yusef by my side, so I suspect there will be more for us. Yusef is a good teacher. This is from him. Read and listen with your heart. Love, Barbara


Awareness is seeing the vastness of God. It is being AWAKE in your human nature. It is recognizing that you are in the PRESENCE of the Divine. It is transcending the pull of your human nature to be able to ‘lift off’ into the true reality. It is seeing with the joy of clarity.

Awe and delight live in awareness. It is the freedom and the fullness that is recognition of your Oneness with the Divine. It is your UNLIMITED SELF SEEING ITSELF IN GOD.

Do not let the trials and concerns of life influence your awareness. It is in awareness WE are. Awareness is beyond ego.

The Heavens open for you in Awareness. You are then able to love yourself in the human and also delight in your divinity. 

Dance in Awareness.

Guidance From Yusef: Happiness is Your Natural State

Do you find happiness in all you do? Or are you frustrated, angry, fearful, feeling out of control or helpless sometimes?

Happiness is your natural state as a “child of God,” and another word for that state is peace. Whatever diverts you from being happy and peaceful is the ego and its deep seated fears.

As humans we RESIST what causes us negative emotion. We often want what IS to be different than what it IS. We want the sick child to be well; the betrayal to be loyalty; the lost job to be ours again; the harsh words against us to be kind words. But the child is sick, the betrayal happened, the job is no longer mine, and the words were harsh. We want it all to be different than what it IS. We resist what IS. And that takes a lot of energy!

So, if you really want to live in happiness (and it’s totally worth it!) here are some steps to take:

The set-up: Someone does or says something that causes you emotion. Or an unsettling event or circumstance occurs causing emotion. Go to Step One.

1. Simply NOTICE the EMOTION you feel (without judging yourself).

Hmmm.  I’m feeling–Anger, sadness, frustration, helplessness, critical, judgmental, fear about the future, worried, etc.

2. Ask–WHY am I feeling this emotion? What is going on in ME that causes this response?

Am I hurt? Disappointed? Scared? All alone? Don’t have control over this? Helpless? Etc

3. Go Deeper (or skip to Step 4): Ask WHY do I have that response? What fear has been triggered within me?

Is my pride injured? I am always ‘right’; has that been questioned? Has  a childhood fear of mine kicked in? Has an inner ‘rule’ of mine been broken by another? Have my fears around security been triggered? Etc.

4. Let your resistance to the person or situation go. Let it be what it is. Accept it. Surrender your emotion and your resistance to God. You should feel a lightness if you are able to let it go–an inner PEACE!!


~It all is what it is. I cannot change what IS. My happiness depends on my acceptance of this.

~There are no problems. It is only a “problem” when I make it one. It is my choice to look at things differently.

~Everyone has a reason for what they do. (And it’s none of my business.:))

~The only one I have control over is MYSELF. My peace and happiness are my choice. I can chose to try to control people and events in my life OR I can chose peace and happiness and leave the rest to God who cares for all.

~I cannot know what God is asking of another, or how God is working in their life. I can only know God in my own life.

~Happiness and peace are my natural state because I am of God.

Guidance From Yusef: The Illusion

This may be a tough one for some.  Yusef says that the lives we’re living on this Earth are in essence, an illusion. Whoa! This life sure seems real.

203239_THE WHOLE CAST1To explain–what Yusef is saying is that we’ve taken on a body and a personality in order to play and learn and grow “in wisdom and knowledge” on the Earth.  The reality is that our Spirit/Soul Selves are just visiting here, and we are participating in a sort of Play, or Movie, that we have helped to write and are acting out. It’s obviously more complicated, but that’s the bottom line.

The Real You is acting out a script written by you and God. It is your life path, or God’s Will for you. And while it seems real, our true reality is that we are spirit beings just playing for a time in a human body.

Note: Yusef warns not to disturb people who “do not yet understand, whose reality is firm in the acting”.  The time isn’t right for them.  So, if you can’t wrap your head around the idea that what seems real may not be, then don’t worry.  Just skip this one.

(PS I welcome questions, comments and discussion. Barbara)


The Earth experience is a choice planned for and chosen by each person.  And in the physical birthing the “true” self [Spirit/Soul]–who you really are–is obscured by the self necessary for survival on the Earth plane and in the illusion.

Thus obscured, the Soul Self remains hidden until “discovered” by the self living on the Earth.

Now the Soul, though seemingly hidden, is quite active, and is the main player so to speak–learning from and growing from the experiences of the actor-self who is living out the personality chosen.

When the term “illusion” is used it references the seeming reality which is actually not real.  The magician says it best.  What appears to be very real, is not.

Now, the illusion you are living out carries far more than entertainment value–although we would wish more found their lives entertaining. 

This illusion is set up, or put into play as it were, in order to experience, learn, and grow from it.  And the one growing is the “True Self”, the Soul–one with The Divine.

Enjoy the illusion.  It is best lived from the Soul Self with knowledge of the underlying reality.

Play on!

Guidance From Yusef: Awaken to Who You Really Are

In an earlier post Yusef told us:

Our intent is to encourage the AWAKENING of all Souls to LOVE during the Earth time! This benefits all Souls.  Awakening to LOVE allows that LOVE to bless all. As each one awakens, ALL are blessed in ways that are unimaginable to you now.

The reasons so many go through the day mindlessly, without thinking, are many, but in the simplest term, it is because many are ASLEEP:

  •  to what is really going on around them
  • to their own divine True Self, the Soul,
  • to their own actions, and perhaps more importantly,
  • to the motivations behind their actions.

This unawakened nature allows people to go through the world in a comfortable, status quo-like daze.  Though full of fear over their past and future issues and concerns, they move forward day-to-day fully believing that this is the “norm” for life on Earth.

And so it is for many.  The days go by filled with work, child or elder care, studies for school, or some other activity that we think is our lot or duty in life, while the person is robotically unaware of the unseen world, or the truth about themselves.

The truth is that our Soul, our Divine DNA, is who we are.  We are not our job, our status in the community, or even the body that we wear on this Earth.  To begin to know our True Self (Soul) we must get past the ego personality that we THINK is the real us, and its defenses of pride, judgment, rationalization, and fear.  We need to WAKE UP to our inherent goodness, our ultimate worthiness, and our oneness with the God of Love!

It does help to realize that we are the ones “authorizing” the barriers to awareness; we are the ones who allowed them to go up, and it is only we who can supervise their tearing down. Yusef says, You authorize the forces within you that keep you from Soul communication.  They hold no power apart from that which is given them.

Getting to know yourself is the greatest and most important work you can do in this lifetime.  Not easy of course.  No great discovery is easy.

To be continued….