Guidance From Yusef: The Soul


The Soul knows the Oneness [God]. The Soul is one with the Oneness. Unimaginable to you now is the wondrous beauty and intelligence of the Soul.

The Soul seeks even greater oneness and awareness in its desire to “move closer” to Source–to return to the fullness from which it differentiated to experience new experiences. Once differentiated, it became aware of its smallness beside the All of Source. Its main drive then is to return to its home in a fuller, more expanded self awareness.

This message on the Soul, though short, is beautiful. It speaks of being one with Source/God before we differentiated* from it to be born into this world. Our coming to the Earth offers our Souls an opportunity to expand and contribute to the Oneness of God because our Souls are still, of course, a part of the Oneness/God. Our Souls long to return to the bosom of Source–to move ever closer to complete oneness and to be “lost” again in God.

As you read this, I invite you to substitute the word “my” for “the” in Yusef’s message to make it even more personal, i.e. “My Soul knows the Oneness [God].”

*differentiated–to become different in the process of growth or development

Guidance From Heaven: Seeing Life From Spirit-Soul

Yusef talks about the difficulty of seeing life from our Spirit-Soul selves, and some suggestions on how we can accomplish it….


Coming forth from the nutrients of the Earth is the human body. Your body flowing from another body that came from another body and so on. Thus the miracle of life as you term it streams from body to body.

It is no wonder you do not easily recognize SOUL when the matter of your body is so present to your awareness. Yet you are more alive when seeing life through the eyes of the Soul.images-5

It would seem that you need to move your awareness [focus] from your ego-body needs to your Spirit-Soul. This is not easily done when the Spirit has no form to grasp or to look at in the mirror. [smile]

Thus do we offer guidance on how to move freely beyond the ego-body and into that which you truly are, the Spirit essence that is YOU.

It is a shifting of awareness.  A recognition that you are more…bigger than your body-self.

Prayer and meditation help. A state of happiness or bliss, [being in] nature–anything that moves your heart to open helps. It is your HEART that is the gateway to your divine self.

Move your awareness to the heart and you will be transported to reality. The ego cannot be present at the same time so it quietly moves back–to a less conscious place.

Of course you remain fully in the body, yet [in this action] you are consciously expanding to recognize the greater reality that is your Spirit/Soul Self. Joy, Freedom, Peace!

Guidance From Heaven: Allow Your Spirit/Soul to Guide You

We are asked to AWAKEN to all that is around us, the visible as well as the invisible. As we awaken to the Spirit within us, we become more aware of the presence of God in and around us, in all forms. We will see the world and everything in it with new eyes and in a new way.


Recognize Spirit in all. Continually bring Spirit into your awareness. Allow Spirit to “feel” for you, to guide your actions and responses. In this way you practice living in the reality of All (God), and strengthen your connection to All that Is.

In the heavens there is rejoicing as the world turns back to the Spirit and Soul, making the connection again to the All in All. You too can know the presence of All in each other. Connect to the Universal knowledge through Soul and you will know each other most intimately. Never doubt that this ability is yours.

Every step taken, every breath inhaled is a part of the Universal conversation. All hear. All are of aware of these. There is no OTHER. All are ONE. As the “worst” is, you are. As the “best” is, you are. (Very difficult to use best and worst but these earthly terms serve to illustrate).

Thus be humble. Step aside to allow Heaven onto the Earth. It is not complicated. It is simple. Step aside. Thus may the flow of blessings come unimpeded.

Arising from Love and living in the All, move past the ego that controls thoughts, and allow the light to burst through the darkness of the human experience. KNOWING will be available to you and to all who follow this path. 


Guidance From Heaven: We Asked For It

Yusef tells us today that we have asked for everything that comes into our lives.  That may be hard to believe in some circumstances–quite hard. How can all the “bad” things be from God, and requested by us?

You may find yourself fighting against some life circumstances, feeling sorry for yourself about others, or resisting the people and events that life brings you. But if you remember that this is the Earth School and our Souls have come here to learn and grow, then you may begin to look at what each day brings in a different way.

We are all asked to pay attention to what life brings us, without judgment about its goodness or badness.  It is all at our Soul’s request.


Begin this day and every day with thanksgiving–gratefulness for whatever circumstances or situations present themselves in your living that day.

There is nothing that comes into your life that you have not in some way requested from God.

The request is seldom verbal and may not even be a conscious (thought) request from you. Rather, it comes from deep within you as a part of the Plan your Soul designed with God before you came into this world.

ALL that enters your life–whether it be events, people, or physical manifestations [things]–ALL are your Soul’s intention.

Let us explain further.

Your requests follow the Plan prepared by you and God. Thus is this Plan the design of your Soul.

The designs (Plans) of the Souls on Earth serve a multitude of purposes that are hidden during the lifetime. Far too complex for your concern. The important thing to note, as you say, is that everything and everyone in your life is there at your conscious or unconscious request.

It is all there for you to first experience, and then to respond to. Things are not just happening “to” you. You have asked that they happen to teach you what you came here to learn.

The more conscious and aware you are of this, the greater the learning and growth will be.  The visible evidence of this growth will be the peace and acceptance you feel with all that life brings to you.

However, if the circumstances and people in your life at this time are no longer of benefit to you, you have the power to make the changes that will bring you greater inner peace. The entire Universe/God will support all your desires/requests.

“Bad, or unwanted experiences, are only what we call experiences whose part in our growth and integration we do not yet understand. The minute we understand that ALL experiences enrich our life because they all cause learning and growth, no experience is seen as bad.” Teal Swan




Guidance From Yusef: How to Move from Ego to Soul

For those wishing to live more from your Spirit/Soul–here is some advice from Yusef.

  1. It is willingness that opens the door.
  2. It is desire that accelerates growth.
  3. It is effort that bears results.
  4. It is discipline that maintains the focus.
  5. It is silence that allows communion [with Source/The Father].

And I would also add my Earthly voice…. The Soul is who you truly are.  Let go of what is NOT Soul.  Just as Michelangelo chipped away at the marble stone to reveal the “David” within it, so you can chip away at your human ego to reveal your Soul within.

Let go of Ego–that part of you that is concerned, worried, anxious, angry, frustrated, impatient, and controlling. That is so difficult in our busy human lives, because ego is what we know best.  But read again what Yusef says.  Be willing to see; desire to see.  Then make the following effort….

Stand beside yourself and NOTICE what you are doing or feeling, OBSERVE how you are talking, what you are afraid of, what your concerns are. DO NOT JUDGE any of your behaviors or feelings, just observe them. i.e. Some examples:  Oh, wow, listen to me saying that.  Or, Ooh, I seem to be really angry about that.  Or, Look at me working so hard to control this situation. Or, Ouch, I think that hurt my pride.

The you that is standing beside, noticing, is your Soul Self.  The more you practice this discipline, the more you will be living from your Soul Self.  You will begin to be more and more uncomfortable in the ego and realize that the ego self is NOT YOU!  And you will shift more often and more easily into Soul/Spirit thinking, feeling, and acting.

Then as much as you are able, sit in silence from your Soul and just BE with God.

Oh, this just makes me want to jump for joy!!

Love, Barbara

Guidance From Yusef: A Conversation

A Conversation:

So, Yusef, what are we doing for Lent  Any suggestions??


Sure.  We’re in this together.

You know it doesn’t work that way.

How does it work then?  Don’t partners help each other?

You don’t need our help.

I think I do.

You might think that at some level, but at another, you know exactly what to do.

What if I can’t see that level?

Let it rise up.

How do I do that?

Let go.  Quit trying.  Be silent and listen to yourself.  Trust.

So—let go of all control, all thinking….


Yep?  Oh my, this is different.

We’re having a conversation now.  And since there is no difference between us then you are talking to your Self.

Ah ha!  Am I talking to my Soul?

In a sense, yes.  Since the Soul-You is a part of and connected intimately to All That Is, or God, then you are talking not only to your God-Self, but to all who are One with you.

So…we’re straying now from the original question.  Does my Soul-Self know what I could offer?

Your Soul Self knows what you have chosen to accomplish in this lifetime.  It knows the path you are on.  It does not concern itself with the details, the minutia of it all.  That is where the partnership with the human potential comes together with the purpose for the lifetime—both working together to pull it off.   Do not discount the gift of your humanness, the gift of your mind.   Together the Soul-You and the Human-You can work miracles, each contributing to bring to the world what is needed to evolve, and both the Soul and the World are blessed in a reciprocal interaction.

I think I see.  You’re not going to give me the direct answers.  That’s up to me—all of me.

Correct.  You’ve got it now.  Discover the wholeness of your Self and you will open the door to All That Is, the Source of All.

Guidance From Yusef: You are Soul

Yusef, The Teacher, tells us to try to live out of our Soul nature rather than our Ego. Easy to say, difficult to do. But the results are MORE than worth it!


As you give your Soul more authority while in the human state, you open to the unlimited Source of All That Is. It is simple–a step, a turn. It is only difficult because of the power you have already given Ego. Why do you give your life over to an ILLUSION–to something other than YOU?

YOU are SOUL–that which is, was, and will always be YOU. Let go gently of the captor of the Self, the ego. You will not die. You will continue to live–free of the bonds that have captured you and directed your living.

Once the Soul is embraced, you will wonder how you could have lived in bondage of body, mind, and Spirit for so long.

And a personal note:  I encourage you to “Like” the page I have started for Yusef, Guidance From Yusef on Facebook. I am posting shorter versions of this blog there–even though this one is the same. 🙂  Perhaps these messages of love and hope will reach others there. Thanks for your continued support! Love to all, Barbara