Catching Up, and Judgment

B—Well, I have been unfaithful lately in getting Heaven’s messages out on this site. I resolve to do better. I have been told not to edit—that is to make decisions about which messages to post and which ones not to post. You will be getting all the stuff now. :)) Some of what you read will be my conversations or questions or just my journaling/musings. I will follow the guidance to post and may Spirit (God) speak to you through whatever you are reading. As always I encourage you to comment or email me with any questions you may have. Blessings today! Barbara

Nothing is as we think it is. We have mental constructs—ideas given to us long ago when we were small—that we cling to, believing that what we have been told is reality, when actually everything that we THINK is real is a part of the dream, or the play, (God and) we have created in order to experience the physical world. I play the roles of wife, mother, sister, teacher, grandmother, aunt, etc. and these have been marvelous, incredible, sometimes difficult, amazing, and fun. But I know that the true I, my true Self, is much more than these.

I am told that if it comes from our thinking MINDS it is a dream. For instance, what about RIGHT and WRONG? These are a mental constructs that cause us to believe or think or judge certain things or people in the world. In another age, another culture, the ideas we have been given about what is right and wrong could be just the opposite.

So Yusef, how do we live without the “guidelines” of rightness and wrongness for instance? How can we tell what is true?

Yusef: Let go—of all you have learned about rightness and wrongness. Let go of JUDGING EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE. Begin to see the world as is IS. Look through the eyes of LOVE and COMPASSION and you will begin to see differently. Without judgment God can be present. 

B—This  could take a lifetime.

Y—We  understand. (Smile)

Guidance From Yusef: True Reality


We remind you again that we are here with you always. You may call us by many names but we are sent by the One (God) to be with you and to assist you. You are much loved and are never alone.

We remind you now to chose Love. Chose Joy. Live in these. Also in Hope. Do not allow the troubles of the world to obscure the Joy that is true reality. Do not allow your joy to be “hacked,” as you say, by other than Love.  Remain in Love, that the world may be saved by it.

The one writing this has learned that each one [of you], choses your own “reality.” We applaud this learning and speak of it now. Do you realize this?

  • You chose what to believe and what to discard.
  • What to remember and what to forget.
  • How to live and how not to live.

Each day, each moment, you make the choice to live in Love and Hope, or to live in fear. Let the reality you live in be of Love, Light, Joy, and Hope. Come back to these again and again.

Do not allow the “reality” of another, or others, become your reality. You have the choice.

Do not give fear (worry, concern, anger, frustration, resentment) your time or your energy. These are not of Love.

We acknowledge the challenges you face in your world. Therefore we remind you again that we are here to assist. Turn to Life-Giver/Love/God—the True Reality. 

Guidance From Yusef

Remember that what you see and hear, taste, smell, and feel, are the senses giving your mind and body input. It is joyful because you are a physical being, but it does not awaken or give input to SPIRIT which is who you are.

Spirit is awakened by silence (prayer or meditation), by opening to Other (God), by going beyond the senses of the body to BE in Divine Presence.

You are presence, Spirit. That which cannot be identified through the senses. Yet every bit, and more so, your spirit is reality compared to the world of senses. 

Be still, awaken, and remember who you are.


Guidance From Yusef: The Nothingness of Silence

Barbara: This one is full of wisdom, and encourages us again to go into silence in order to meet God there. It is counterintuitive to we humans to think of God as being in the “nothingness,” but remember that NOTHINGNESS is EVERYTHING that is.


In the midst of the noise find silence. It is there—to be sought, cherished, clung to. For in the silence is One and Oneness. In the silence is All, and All’s nothingness. The paradox is that in the no-thingness is All That Is (God).

Greet the nothingness with open arms—embracing the unseen reality. Embrace it. Enter into it willingly, joyfully, dancing with gleeful surrender.

Fall into the lovingness of All That Is (God). Be energized therein to return to the Earth’s human state. Each time you return you will be changed, bringing back a new vibration to enrich Earth.

Do we GO somewhere?

There is no “going” and no “somewhere,” yet in your humanness we recognize the need to understand this.

Indeed the Soul “travels” to that which is beyond human understanding. And yet there is no movement to, or away from. There is merely THERE or IS or BEING. A shift takes place that is a different state of awareness beyond your human consciousness. It is true “communion” with God.

It is in this state we meet you in the fullness of All That Is. Is it here that Soul connects to Soul. 

Guidance From Yusef: On Miracles

Yusef speaks today of miracles. We humans think that a miracle is “…an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws. Such an event may be attributed to a supernatural being (God or gods), a miracle worker, a saint or a religious leader.” (Wikipedia)

Therefore, most of us think that miracles are beyond our reach.  Yusef seems to suggest that the working of what we would term a ‘miracle’ is accessible to all of us. Well, that actually may be true, as quantum physics has indicated, but there is so much more to it.

I think of this post as a nudge from the heavens to expand our thinking. Quite a challenge.


Miracles, or the miraculous, are the manifestation of potential in the physical. Miracles are the “play” of the Universe on the Earth. They demonstrate the malleability, or impermanence of the configuration of matter.

Miracles appear wondrous because the human mind thinks that matter, things, are in a permanent state that cannot be changed or manipulated. It must appear this way to you at first to ‘secure’ the world for your initial orientation. Yet matter is arranged in permanent form only in the mind that is unwilling to see its potential for re-arrangement.

Now, it is useful to allow some matter to remain in the configuration chosen. However, if the configuration is not beneficial, then SEE IT DIFFERENTLY.

Your mind is the only barrier to the rearranging of matter to a more beneficial state.

The responsibility that accompanies this Knowing is great, thus the movement of matter and the doing of ‘miracles’ also involves more than the human sense and understanding. Miracle working is yours when you can access the sense beyond the senses AND the Love necessary to affect transformation. This involves opening the heart to bring the ‘beyond’ to the Earth. 


Guidance From Heaven: Seeing Life From Spirit-Soul

Yusef talks about the difficulty of seeing life from our Spirit-Soul selves, and some suggestions on how we can accomplish it….


Coming forth from the nutrients of the Earth is the human body. Your body flowing from another body that came from another body and so on. Thus the miracle of life as you term it streams from body to body.

It is no wonder you do not easily recognize SOUL when the matter of your body is so present to your awareness. Yet you are more alive when seeing life through the eyes of the Soul.images-5

It would seem that you need to move your awareness [focus] from your ego-body needs to your Spirit-Soul. This is not easily done when the Spirit has no form to grasp or to look at in the mirror. [smile]

Thus do we offer guidance on how to move freely beyond the ego-body and into that which you truly are, the Spirit essence that is YOU.

It is a shifting of awareness.  A recognition that you are more…bigger than your body-self.

Prayer and meditation help. A state of happiness or bliss, [being in] nature–anything that moves your heart to open helps. It is your HEART that is the gateway to your divine self.

Move your awareness to the heart and you will be transported to reality. The ego cannot be present at the same time so it quietly moves back–to a less conscious place.

Of course you remain fully in the body, yet [in this action] you are consciously expanding to recognize the greater reality that is your Spirit/Soul Self. Joy, Freedom, Peace!

Guidance From Heaven: Illusion


Imagine that all one knows is changed.  Different from the norm one is accustomed to.  Then you feel  lost, disoriented, adrift.  There is nothing offering a firm hold, nothing to grasp.

UNLESS you realize that what is changing is not real–illusion as you say.  If you can believe that only the illusion can shift and change then you can allow the beauty to come forth and find comfort and solace and direction.images
When true reality is accepted then the way is made clear, the Angels helping/assistance can be seen/perceived, and you may move forward without fear.
There are many who will not see this [reality], many who will know it and yet not trust it. And many who will lose their way because of lack of faith and trust over time.
It is most important that now, while things are yet not changed, that all come to see that the world is illusion.  It is important to realize and accept that what is truly real does not die–it only grows and expands in wonder and truth.


Guidance From Yusef: The Illusion

This may be a tough one for some.  Yusef says that the lives we’re living on this Earth are in essence, an illusion. Whoa! This life sure seems real.

203239_THE WHOLE CAST1To explain–what Yusef is saying is that we’ve taken on a body and a personality in order to play and learn and grow “in wisdom and knowledge” on the Earth.  The reality is that our Spirit/Soul Selves are just visiting here, and we are participating in a sort of Play, or Movie, that we have helped to write and are acting out. It’s obviously more complicated, but that’s the bottom line.

The Real You is acting out a script written by you and God. It is your life path, or God’s Will for you. And while it seems real, our true reality is that we are spirit beings just playing for a time in a human body.

Note: Yusef warns not to disturb people who “do not yet understand, whose reality is firm in the acting”.  The time isn’t right for them.  So, if you can’t wrap your head around the idea that what seems real may not be, then don’t worry.  Just skip this one.

(PS I welcome questions, comments and discussion. Barbara)


The Earth experience is a choice planned for and chosen by each person.  And in the physical birthing the “true” self [Spirit/Soul]–who you really are–is obscured by the self necessary for survival on the Earth plane and in the illusion.

Thus obscured, the Soul Self remains hidden until “discovered” by the self living on the Earth.

Now the Soul, though seemingly hidden, is quite active, and is the main player so to speak–learning from and growing from the experiences of the actor-self who is living out the personality chosen.

When the term “illusion” is used it references the seeming reality which is actually not real.  The magician says it best.  What appears to be very real, is not.

Now, the illusion you are living out carries far more than entertainment value–although we would wish more found their lives entertaining. 

This illusion is set up, or put into play as it were, in order to experience, learn, and grow from it.  And the one growing is the “True Self”, the Soul–one with The Divine.

Enjoy the illusion.  It is best lived from the Soul Self with knowledge of the underlying reality.

Play on!

Guidance From Yusef: The Universe Treasures Life and Facilitates Growth

The next few posts will be messages from Yusef that tell us about the Universe.  A basic premise to remember is that the Universe and all in it are EXPANDING, a thread that is woven throughout this section.

One of the more amazing and comforting ideas to me is that the Universe is personal—loving and caring.  Some might call that God.  We are supported in our growth by an unseen loving force, and all the loving entities within it.  We are so limited in our seeing while in the human condition on this Earth that we are unaware of the loving support we have access to in order to grow in soul and spirit.


The Universe loves all, encourages all, and supports all so that it might expand.  Grasp the clarity of the truth of this and bring this into existence in your own way.  The entire universe treasures each life living.  Each is important to the whole.  The design of the universe is beyond the scope of understanding yet recognize unfailingly that there is design—flexibility that allows for the excitement, and tension that brings about that growth. All interacting with all.

The web of life entices us—invites us in to experience the senses.  Life is so much more than the “life” you know here on this plane.

Guidance From Yusef: Fear is Not Real


Fear has no basis in reality either in this world or the next.  Fear is not of God.  Therefore, when you react to a given occurrence, something actually transpiring, with a response that is based on fear, you have moved from reality to fantasy and are then living in a ‘world’ of your own making, within your own mind—not actually existing in reality.  This of course SEEMS real to you, however, it is NOT REAL.

This reaction/response acts to cut you off from the reality that is God/Source.  The consequences of that are far-reaching and serve no one.



The Fear that Yusef refers to in the Guidance is not the instinctive fear we experience when we are in physical danger, such as a when a speeding car is coming right at us.  The fear Yusef warns against is different from these.  It comes from our ego.

Ego fear tells you that the world is not a safe place.

Ego Fear lives in the past–dredging up all kinds of offenses you have suffered, and wants you to wallow in them–telling yourself the same stories about them over and over.  Or it lives in the future–worrying about what might be coming that will unsettle your world.

So, Fear looks like:  anxiety, worry, frustration, apprehension, suspicion, nervousness, depression, dread, terror, panic, despair, phobias, etc.

There is no judgment around any of these fears.  We can all identify with many of them. Yusef merely wants us to realize that they come from our egos and do not serve us. They are not REAL, though they seem very real to us. AWARENESS that they are not real is the first step to letting them go.