Guidance From Yusef: Let Your Light Shine!

Yusef tells us that the Light [of God] is joyful, carrying “all the love and joy of the Universe” with it.  Wow!!  To know that the Light exists within us and in that existence we have access to all the love and joy of the Universe! We are participants, whether we are consciously aware of that or not, simply because we have life.  The greater gift though is that we can be observers and sharers of that Light.


The joy of the Universe, transcendent reality, radiates energy as Light.  Joyful Light that illumines the darkness.  Apart from “physics” does this illumination exist.

Radiant, this love carries with it all the love and joy of the Universe—holographic of sorts.  Proceeding forth Love (Light) can be visible to those able to see.  The darkness instantly lit up.  Life and its life form transformed by its interaction at every level.  Cells reacting to the joy of this Light—Life-Giver present.

Those sensitive, or ready, even eager, recognize the action of transformation and are observers as well as participants.  This increases the action and response that reverberates throughout the Universes.  Life actually “Lights up” with it. 

Our opportunity then is to remember that we carry the Light of “love and joy of the Universe” into the world by just being who we are.  I hope that all are awed by this truth because the world sure needs that love and joy right now.  Attune to your Light—let it shine and share it with the world…please.


Guidance From Yusef: See as a Child Sees

Yusef suggests that we are here to learn who we really are—Souls experiencing humanity.images-33  He refers to that knowledge as an ability to see differently—to remember what is really true.  He tells us that as children we were able to “see”, but as we grew we lost some of that natural sight.  Perhaps that is what Jesus is referring to when he tells us to become as little children.


For all [Earth School is] a struggle–some choosing the harder way, some more at home in the lessons.  These last are closer—their memories returning.  The fog veil is lifting for them. Their SEEING is different. They see beyond and through what is present.

The seeing uses more than the physical eye.  This involves the mind, heart, and soul.  For it is a remembering of reality beyond the physical eye.

Children see differently until told that they are not really seeing.  They see through imagination—practice that.  It is a doorway.

Love allows the seeing—also another doorway.

Try harder to stay open—yet another key.

See differently. See what is there and yet not seen.

It is attention we speak of.  Attend to each presentation before you.  BE present with your FULL attention and more will become evident.  Great energy is required.  Rid yourself of distraction to be able to focus on that which is right before your eyes.  All is given.  All is shown you.  You have only to SEE it.

Do not judge.  In that much is lost—SO much is lost.  Only be open—take in everything—let no shadow be lost to your observation.

In all things give praise and glory to the One, All in All.

The heavens, too, hum with praise—undercurrent to all movement—the hum of life.

Ever and ever

Joyful, joyful,

Rejoicing always,



Guidance From Yusef: The Human Experience—Incarnation

This post begins a mini series on The Human Experience.  Yusef takes us from Home [Heaven] to Earth and back Home in these posts.

Ah, to be human—to know the joys, the sadness, the whole range of emotions, to delight in the world of our senses, newborn1and to relish the amazing natural beauty of this world.  Nowhere else can we experience the physical in just this way.  What a gift!

I can imagine the gathering of loved ones in whatever “Heaven” we have come from.  Coming together to see us off—realizing that we have chosen a challenging, exciting, sometimes scary, physical existence on this Earth.  They know it won’t be easy, but I wonder if they aren’t also a little jealous.  The Earth is a wondrous place, and being in the physical can be great fun.


In the moment of incarnation the soul takes on a life form that will allow development and growth in the new environment.  It is well thought out for survival.  The soul does not take chances in this.  It is well planned.

The mechanics are both simple and complex.  Driving the whole process is the transformation of the soul entity from one configuration to another, and in the process the veil [of memory] lowers to allow life in the chosen environment [Earth].  At the moment of breakthrough to that new existence, you actually begin a new life, forgetting the real self at the conscious level.  Now this is advantageous for many reasons.  Think how complicated it would be to bring all knowledge into the new environment and try to live out the chosen task.  Confusing at the least.

What is important to communicate here is the memory of HOME and that the “true self” of the soul is never lost, only shielded for the safety of the new life chosen.  Incarnation into the world is difficult and not to be taken lightly.  So many factors are at work here.  Many souls are involved.  The birthing of one baby is the culmination of great effort.  The soul goes through tremendous turmoil, pain, confusion, and trembling.  Nowhere is there more support for a soul than when one decides to incarnate.  There is great well wishing and blessings.  Always there is excitement.  There is also trepidation—never “fear”.  We have no fear, however, there is realistic concern for one going to incarnate.  To move from joy to pain and suffering causes concern for loved ones, and all here are loved ones.

Guidance From Yusef: The Steps to Forgiveness



RECOGNIZE there is discomfort within your body.

It may be a form of anger, an illness, an unsettled state that you can’t identify, a discomfort [anger or irritation] when around the person or situation, or guilt.


OWN the FEELINGS within you. 

These feelings are mine.  They belong to me and to no one else but me.  They are mine to keep or mine to change.  I own this anger, this blame, this shame, or this guilt. It is mine.


FEEL the feeling(s) fully and completely. 

Allow the feelings.  Do not grasp them tightly but allow them. Do not tell stories around the feelings.  Let the stories go.  Just FEEL.


LET GO of the feelings.

OPEN to GRACE as soon as the feelings begin to wane and the smallest sliver of light creeps in. 

Let Grace LIFT the last ashes or vestiges of feeling from your shoulders.

SEE Grace flowing in and washing all clear.

CONNECT to the Earth as soon as you are able and FEEL the freshness of the air.  Let it ground you in the reality of Love for you and for all.


SEE the other (or yourself) with compassion.

Realize that the pain the other carries is theirs.  You have nothing to do with their actions or their pain. 

See yourself with compassion and realize that the pain you carry for yourself is no more than a story your ego has told you.


It is only when you choose to accept another’s pain as yours that you set into motion your own ego.  It grabs the pain and delivers it to your mind and your body.

The pain is not of you.  It does not belong to you.  Give it back or let it go as quickly as you become aware of it.

Once the ego has transformed the pain into the idea that it is yours, you must go through the steps. It is still NOT your pain, but it does now reside within you. It must be RECOGNIZED, FACED, and RELEASED.  The last step is always to reconnect to the Earth and the Grace that flows now freely through you.

Forgiveness is ALWAYS an option even though a perceived offense seems to be “unforgiveable”.


Guidance From Yusef: Forgiveness is Essential


Forgiveness is essential, fundamental, and foundational.  No growth on the Earth occurs without the generosity of FORGIVENESS. images-9

Forgiveness is a cleansing that clears the Earth plane to reveal the Soul.  Only when you let go of that to which the human nature [ego] clings will you be able to see and know who you are.  This is remembering Home—letting go of that which is not of Home [Heaven].  

Live on the Earth as we live in Heaven. Judge no being and no interaction.  Learn from all; contribute to all. 

The Universe, or Heaven, is different.  Imagine a state where LOVE is abundant to overflowing, not the emotional love [of humankind] that is connected to the body.  Imagine a love so generous that forgiveness is not necessary.  In the Oneness there is no need for forgiveness.  Only in the illusion that you are separate [from God and from each other] is forgiveness necessary. 

Ultimately, perhaps the most important action we can take is to first forgive our own perceived mistakes and imperfections. That frees us to be able to forgive others. Forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves.









Guidance From Yusef: The Importance of Forgiveness

The importance of forgiveness is written about by many in the physical, psychological, mental-emotional, and spiritual fields. They say that our health and well-being is affected by our ability to forgive ourselves and others.

Yusef tells us that forgiveness is also critically important in our world.  HIs words are compelling, and leave no doubt that in order to have peace in our lives and in our world, we must learn to  forgive.


Unless there is forgiveness in your world there will be no growth.  Lack of forgiveness causes more pain and suffering than any realize.  It is imperative that it be practiced.  Work toward this goal.  Nothing is more critical for the world.  This alone will heal the divisions between persons and even countries. 

This is not a new concept, but it is one whose importance is not fully understood.  If more understood the value of forgiveness, the movement toward peace would begin. 

There are not enough teachers of forgiveness.  It is THE most important thing for humankind at this time in evolution.  Lack of forgiveness blocks further movement, further evolution. 

Forgiveness allows LOVE to enter into the situation, into the heart, and into the space between people and nations.  It is the most healing act there is. 

Forgiveness is an action, a deliberate allowing of God’s light to shine on the dark places, that they will be gone in that light.  When the light of God is present all is forgiven, or “given over”.



Guidance From Yusef: Fear Nothing


It is so simple.  Fear is attached to ego.  Get past ego and you will be free. images-8

Ego struggles to maintain a hold on power.  It comes from the beginning of time.  Therein lie the issue and the problem.  When seeking to move closer to God there is no other path.  Rising above the world’s hold on the Spirit/Soul can be a blink in time.  It is attainable.  Move toward this.  Help others to attain it.

Imagine no fear—only joy—only love. Do not be concerned regarding events of the future.  The ‘future’ takes care of itself.  The future comes out of/is dependent upon the PRESENT.  NOW is the important time.  Move through the NOW’s and worry not.  Fear nothing. 

The Blessing of God is upon all.  Judge no being and no interaction.  Learn from all; contribute to all.  Be strong in the assurance we offer.  Fear nothing.




Guidance from Yusef: Love Transforms the Earth

A natural outcome of allowing God’s Love into our lives is greater joy and an inner urge to share that joy with others. images.jpegYusef is very practical as he tells us that the more we can be open, accepting and trusting in Love, the happier we will be.  Then our SOUL, the manifestation of God, is present to the world. Because, as Yusef says, this Love is Life-Giver (God) Itself!  We are giving “life” to God on this Earth.



Human love is not [God’s] Love.  There is no understanding of Love [necessary], only a recognition, acceptance, and passing on is required.  This Love is Life-Giver and becomes Itself in the sharing / passing on, thus blessing the world in untold, myriad ways.  Recognize, accept, and pass on Love.

In the passing on [of love] does Life-Giver BECOME.  If there is recognition from the other [person], then Life-Giver recognizes itself and the person is blessed from the inside out so to speak.  It is an encounter/interaction beyond words, involving God, touching God, and the spark lights not only each one, but emanates beyond—shooting out to all the Universes.

In order to RECOGNIZE Love, these are helpful—



From the ENCOUNTER with Love comes—


The more Love is allowed and practiced, the greater the joy, peace and passing on, and thus the transformation goes from fleeting moments of awareness to profound and lasting BECOMING—allowing the Soul to live [more fully] on the Earth.

Thus is the Blessing—thus is the Earth transformed.

The heavens, teaming with life, “smile” upon the worlds.  If you could realize the immense love “aimed” at all throughout the Universe, you would long to be aware of it.

Fear not.  Doubt not.  Blessing upon blessing flow from on high.  All are blessed; all are One.

And so I asked….

Tell us what we need to do to grow in love.

Yusef’s response…

Too simple.  Love.



Guidance from Yusef: See With Love

Love begins with “seeing” the world differently—with appreciation, rather  images-20than judgment.  It sounds so simple but we know, and Yusef understands, that it isn’t always easy to see each other and the world through loving eyes.

If we begin to think of Love as appreciation we will come closer to understanding what Yusef is asking of us.  The key is to appreciate ourselves, each other, and the world around us a little more.  And then little by little we begin to see the world differently.  And the Angels join us in “the gaze”.

As Wayne Dyer says, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”.


Seeing with Love is a bigger concept.  More are involved.  When eyes of Love look upon another it is the “eyes” of many (of us) sharing in the gaze.  Nothing is more powerful.

HOWEVER—and this is the critical part.  The tension between FEAR and LOVE is great.  And fear, that which is most known and is most comfortable [for humankind], is often chosen.

Love is a difficult path in your present world.

Beauty—unspeakably delightful—is the key that opens the doors of love.  Appreciate the beauty around you—the beauty of each Soul encountered, the physical beauty of the world you have chosen, the beauty of Love returned to enlarge your heart. 

Relax in the love around you.  The eyes must learn to see differently and [realize] that seeing through Loving eyes enlarges and increases the Love around you in this world and throughout the Universe.

Some cannot see.  That is theirs to deal with, part of the challenge they have chosen for this lifetime.  The reasons are many—not for your energy use [or concern].

Be of good cheer.  See Love in all.  Be Love for all.  Fill the Earth around you with Love.  That is your task.  In that Love growth occurs.  It is fertile.  Love changes all around the lover.

Do not judge.  Do not love selfishly.

Happiness is a state of being in the presence of LOVE.  It is the fruit of the exchange of Love.


“See Love in all.  Be Love for all.  Do not judge.  Do not love selfishly.  Fill the Earth around you with Love.”                                         And then all around you will change.  I want to live in that world!



Guidance from Yusef: Allowing and Accepting Love

It’s interesting that most of us don’t really believe that we are Loved fully and completely by God.  It is our ego of course that tells us we are not worthy of Love because of what we have done or not done; that we are too “sinful”, or not “good” enough to be worthy.  We have been taught from early childhood–by our family, society and by religion–that we must behave in certain ways, obey certain rules, and only then will we be deserving of Love.  From these early teachings come the stories we tell ourselves.

Yusef assures us that we can believe anything we want, but in the end we are still LOVED, and what we believe about our worthiness does not diminish that Love at all.  The “stories” we tell ourselves are simply that—stories.  It can be quite liberating to realize this.

We are fully Loved without reservation by the Divine.  We are one with God—how can God not love us completely? Our challenge is to accept that we are loved fully just as we are in this moment—to believe that we are indeed worthy.  It is our birthright.



Going forth from All That Is* are the tendrils of Love.  Each going out from the Source of all Love, carrying Love.

Believing does not make it so.  It is so.  Belief does not enrich the Source, the sender, the origin of Love [God].  Belief is for the believer alone.

Awaken to the joy that is yours! The heavens are indeed joyful, yet there are those that do not know the great joy available to all in the fullness. It is these we speak of now. These Souls are in the presence of LOVE yet recognize it not. The story they have constructed to believe prevents this.

For many the story constructed is about worth and unworth. When a Soul determines itself unworthy of the Love offered, it puts walls up to prevent Love from entering in. It holds itself apart from the possibilities offered for communion and Love. Knowing Love not, its story continues to generate itself over and over. It is not AWAKE to its own beauty. This is a“sadness” for all the heavens. There are those who are expert at recovering these Souls, finding openings, that Love’s Light may enter the darkness, for it is indeed darkness. Once Love can shine, many can see their worth and beauty for the first time–realizing that they are ALL WORTHY in their Soul Being!


*Yusef uses many words for God: All That Is, Life-Giver, One, Source, Energy, Love, Light