Guidance From Yusef: Choose LOVE

In ALL things, LOVE. There are no exceptions to this. There are always choices, but the truest and most beneficial is to choose LOVE.  

How does Loving work in the midst of the turmoil of human life and human emotions? Simply choose LOVE. Above all else.

First Love God, and yourSelf as an expression of God. Then Love all else–persons and creation–ALL.

What does LOVE look like on the Earth? What is the action of Love?

“Love” can seem a vague or ambiguous word when it comes to action in your world since the LOVE required by the Heavens is not the love of your movies and television. Love is strength. Love is courage. LOVE in action, as you say, is deep…

  • appreciating
  • accepting
  • finding joy in/rejoicing in
  • caring for
  • showing compassion
  • having courage
  • forgiving
  • understanding
  • standing up for

Love is action that comes from the depth of Heart–your connection to the Heavens–and has great strength and power. When you are acting from that deep connection you are indeed sharing your divinity through your humanness. God is present in your actions.

It would be well to apply these and other actions similar to these in your life. Let your heart first open to the Heavens/God, and then let it lead you through action. 

Choose LOVE in ALL.

Guidance From Yusef: On Truth

This message is one of the “Knowings”–messages that are short, somewhat poetic statements. They come to me with a sense of authority and carry deep meaning.


Each one has their own TRUTH.
There is no Universal Truth other than LOVE.
Truth resides within each Soul.
The seed of Love/Truth is within each, yet each Soul “knows” it in its own way.
As LOVE grows, the Soul’s vibration increases.

Guidance From Yusef: On Mercy

Pope Francis has declared this year to be a Holy Year of Mercy. And so I asked the Heavens about Mercy. Here is the response from two different dictations that I have merged. I received one on 11/30/2015 and the second on 1/11/2016.

Mercy is the face of God. God’s name is Mercy. Mercy is Love flowing freely without judgment or condition. It is the pervasive action that is contained within Love. It is greater than acceptance, yet that is a part. It is greater than forgiveness, yet that is a part.
Mercy IS Love. You call it Mercy because you require/need the aspects of both acceptance AND forgiveness as Humans. Thus Love becomes what each one needs to generate the Love response in the relationship between man and God.
Thinking of God as separate-from brings forth the sense of “bestowal” or giving of Mercy. This is upside down. Mercy is the flow of Love where previously Love had been blocked. Mercy is not bestowed; it is received.
Mercy is the result of/outflow of Love. It is within Love—naturally, effortlessly. An aspect or color within the rainbow of Love. Or a chord within the music of Love which when heard gives the hearer the sense, the tone that it needed to hear.
Mercy is termed Mercy by the receiver, not the giver.  Mercy alleviates a fear, reconnects a disconnected relationship, soothes the sorrowing, slips in through the spaces between the barriers erected. The feeling of mercy is actually the removal of the barrier that prevents the flow of Love.
Think of the feelings associated with Mercy—a sense of relief, of expunged guilt. A wiping away. A generosity of forgiveness or absolution. These you recognize as human terms and human feelings.
When you are merciful toward one another you give of yourself—freely, accepting of another, loving them fully and without condition.
The Giver can know no distinction or terminology. The Giver knows only Love with all the
…threads in it’s fabric,
…notes in it’s song,
…hues in it’s color.
Love is the fabric and song and color of the Universal Divine God.

Guidance From Yusef: Sacrifice

This message is a powerful one. It asks us to let go of the currently accepted notion of “sacrifice” that many hold as something of value. I know from my youth I was taught to ‘sacrifice’ my own needs for the needs of others. Yusef asks us to rethink that idea or standard. He tells us that our idea of sacrifice, or denying ourselves, is of the ego and is not of God. You might need to read this one a few times…and make sure you read to the end. 🙂


Regarding now the idea of “sacrifice.” Beware this very tricky web. There is no such thing in the Heavens.

Sacrifice in the human understanding denies the presence of God, who asks for NO sacrifice. You are beloved ones who have access to all. The idea that you must sacrifice a part of your “all-ness” would leave a gaping hole in the fabric of Heaven. Impossible.

The idea of sacrifice is a construct of the EGO that says you must separate from your Self. It assumes that you would be left wanting or missing something. Again, impossible.

The idea of sacrificing, or giving up what you have been given by God, whether it be your time, your energy, your gifts, or your physical possessions is unthinkable.

Now, if you CHOOSE to give of your time, energy, gifts, or possessions, then it is not sacrifice. It is LOVE.

Reframe the idea of sacrifice. Realize it comes from that which would separate you further from your SELF and each other. God asks no such thing of you. When you can, let go of the concept of ‘sacrificing’ for another person or group. Then you have RECLAIMED the SELF that you are.

Then, and only then, are you able to GIVE FREELY to others and that gift is blessed by the Heavens.

Guidance From Yusef: The Veil Thins

Yusef is a part of the Teacher or Guide or Helper Group in the Heavens. He and others serve as the guides for our souls during this lifetime. We each have a guide, and it is our souls that they shepherd. They are from God and are with us from birth and even before we were born. Nothing we do is unknown to them. Yusef tells me that he is my Helper, my Guide, and the “Friend of your Soul”.  It is my Soul that he knows, and it is my Soul that knows him.

But Yusef now says that the “veil” between Heaven and Earth is thinning, and we have greater access to awareness and assistance from all the heavenly beings. That’s exciting because we certainly do need God’s help to spread love and hope during this turbulent time on the Earth.


It is with joy we come bringing news of wonder and awe. The Heavens are opening for those who can perceive the joy and graces pouring forth. The veil thins and there is greater opportunity to connect to all [the helpers] the Heavens send. We are making ourselves known throughout the Earth. All are cooperating in this effort.

It is during this time that Great Blessing occurs. Those aware will feel the shift. Opportunity abounds.

Those moving away [from God] will have an opportunity to change direction. Those moving closer [to God] will be drawn in with great joy. They will “wonder” at the wonder of it.

There are also voices speaking on the Earth now who, with support, will move the Earth to a “safer” place. These voices are beginning to be heard. It is the hopeful who will keep the heavens open. We are rejoicing with any who find their way to Love and Trust.

See more of the messages of Yusef in the book, GOD SENT: Message of Love and Hope for Our World Today.


Guidance From Yusef: The Wonder of You


Rejoice! Find joy in the little things of each moment, each day. SEE the gift in the beauty of nature. See the gift and the beauty in all of your encounters today.

But first, and above all else, find the gift and the beauty in your SELF. UnknownWhen you open to the beauty that you are—the gift that you are to those around you, (no matter what you are doing in this moment in time), you are opening to all the love and grace of the Heavens that pour through you to the Earth. It is only when you can recognize that YOU ARE LOVE that you can bring that love to the world.

Do not listen to the voices inside or outside of you that say you are nothing, no good, unworthy. Turn a deaf ear to any suggesting you are “less than.” It is IMPOSSIBLE for you to be ‘less than’. You are all worthy, wondrous children of God Most High. The love poured out on your behalf is immeasurable. Open to that love.  Let it pour through you into the world.

Revel in the love—bathe in its wondrous warmth and consolation. Let the light of it clear all worry, concern and fear.

You are held dear by the Father, the All. How could you not love yourself??

Do not listen to what the world says. It is deceiving you. You are the JOY of the Heavens. Bask in the wonder of that.

There is NOTHING you can do to change the love surrounding you right now. Open to it, Wondrous You! Believe it, Son and Daughter! It is real and trustworthy. It cannot be shaken. Believe.

Amen. Amen.

Guidance From Yusef: Darkness and Fear

Barbara: Yusef today talks about the dark side and fear. It is my understanding that refers not only to the abbhorent acts taking place in the world today, but also refers to our response to them. Some human forces in the world (and the media) would have us be afraid and fearful of everything. The energy of fear is contagious and the fact that Yusef says the world is sending out more and more fear should alarm us.  Our being fearful blocks light, love, and joy which are the only “weapons” we have against darkness. Today I pray we can look to the light within us, the light from the heavens, and the beauty and love still very present in the world. As the Light grows stronger the darkness cannot be sustained.


The world you now occupy remains precarious. There is a tipping toward the dark side of FEAR rather than light and love.

Now we must assert that there is no real “dark side.” However, there is an energy that comes from the increasing fear in the world. In actuality it is most important to remember that it has no force other than what you give it.

Therefore it is not necessary to “take up arms” or “do battle” against this force. It is only necessary to turn to love and joy. In this light the darkness has no power.

Find the light–the joy in this day and every day–MOST IMPORTANT.


Guidance From Yusef: Beauty and Joy Counter Darkness


Such a beautiful Universe! Do not lose sight of the beauty. It is beauty, seen and appreciated, that will counter the darkness.

The darkness does gain in energy strength with your current obsession with fear on the earth. Rather look to nature, to the love that abounds there. As negative energies gain momentum and force it is especially important to find joy and beauty–each day, each moment when possible.

Make this a priority. Beauty. Joy. Gratitude. MOST important.

When the energy of FEAR takes hold within the human psyche it seeks to expand. Rather like a cancer it seeks to grow. Do not allow this. The “antidote” to this fear energy is joy, love, laughter, gratitude. In this energy all blossom and bloom. The heart is energized. This is the “sunshine” that allows expansion and growth on the earth. Fear, the opposite, stops growth, stops expansion. This is counter to Universal law.

EnJOY this day! Find opportunities to be in the beauty of nature and in the presence of joyful souls.

Guidance From Yusef: 8 Things I Know About Judgment


First a Note: Judging others or events in our lives as good or bad, right or wrong, appropriate or inappropriate, holy or unholy, safe or unsafe seems to come naturally to us. A few examples of this judgment are: blaming, anger, disdain, eye rolling, shaming, name calling, or insisting that my religion, my country, and my ideas are the only right ones.


#1 I know we are taught (is conditioned too strong a word?) to judge. We are taught by well-meaning parents, family, religion, culture, and society to judge anything that is different from the rules and norms they  have passed on to us. We learn to “see” the world through the lenses they give us. And we learn the lessons well.

#2 I know that we judge so easily because judgment comes naturally to our human ego. The ego is that voice inside that reminds us to stay within the boundaries we’ve been given. It says that if others don’t look, think, dress, believe, worship, or act like us we must be wary of them. The ego also judges us—as not competent, unworthy, or unlovable, or even as better than everyone else.

#3 I know that we don’t see the world as IT IS. We don’t see the world as it really is—as if we were looking through the non-judgmental lens of a video camera capturing a scene. Instead we see the world through the lens of our biases. We think the way we see the world is the right way. We don’t question whether our biases are correct, or even notice that we’re judging others.

#4 I know that we judge the world as potentially dangerous. Taught to judge the world as potentially dangerous, we take measures to protect ourselves and our property. We have locks, guards, alarm systems, and passwords. We carry arms and secure our borders. These actions further isolate us from each other.

#5 I know that judgment comes from fear. Judgment points to our fears about something—safety, security, belonging, criticism, self-esteem, abandonment, and so on. We judge automatically and without thinking—and we’re not even aware that we carry these fears deep down. Most of our fears however, are much worse than the actual events in our lives. Often what we fear is False Evidence Appearing Real.

#6 I know that judgment and love cannot exist in the same moment. If we are passing judgment on another person, no matter how slight, we cannot be loving them in the same moment. Judgment is the opposite of acceptance, appreciation, and love. It separates us from one another. We judge without acknowledging that everyone has their own reason for what they do.

#7 I know there are ways to re-program our automatic judgmental reactions! It IS possible to change our learned judgmental responses. There are steps we can take to become more aware of the biases we hold. We can move from judgment to understanding, and from fear to trust. We can begin to see that we’re all in this together and there truly is goodness in the world.

#8 I know that what we put out into the world we will get back from the world. If we are fearful, judgmental, and see others as threatening, we will react in ways that will threaten them. As long as humanity continues to judge in fear there will be unhappiness, war, terrorism, violence, and turmoil in the world. When we learn to come together in trust rather than judgment we will have the potential for a peaceful planet.


Note 2: Please be assured that I  know there are valid reasons to feel fear and determine a situation as dangerous. We have natural instincts that alert us when we, or those we love, are threatened with bodily harm, whether it be from a speeding car, a growling dog, while driving on an ice covered street, or from a person threatening us with a weapon. In these situations we revert to our instinctive responses to survive. But these life situations are not judged as good or bad, fair or unfair—they just are. So listen to that inner alarm and call 911, don’t go near the dog, and be careful on that slippery ice!









Guidance From Yusef: Choose Joy

This Thanksgiving week of 2014, I am reminded that amid all the media reports of devastation, conflict, and horror, we are the ones who must bring joy and love into the world. We can balance the negative energies out there simply by appreciating others and finding moments of joy and gratitude in each day. I don’t think we realize the impact that has in the world. Just think, the simple action of going through the week with a deep inner thanksgiving and appreciation will impact the energy fields throughout the world and out into the Universe.


Joy in the heavens sings forth in gratitude, words for all of humanity. Awaken to the joy that is yours!  

Imagine no fear—only joy—only Love. Do not be concerned regarding events of the future. The future takes care of itself. The future comes out of and is dependent upon the PRESENT. NOW is the important time. Move through the NOWs and worry not. Fear nothing.

Life on this planet hides within it potential and power. Arise now and claim that which belongs to those of the Earth—peace, joy beyond measure, and love. For this you have come to the Earth. Look past the weakness of the human nature to the power within, to the Source of all power—the beginning and the end.

Heed well. BE joy for those who cannot see joy. BE love for truly Love is what you are. And in the Love is Joy. And in the Joy is Light shining forth.