Our Emotions are speaking to us

Barbara: I have been frustrated the last few days with a task I am doing. Then I received this message this morning. I suspect that this is a universal message, so I am sharing it with you. 🙂

When you let the normal stressors of the world frustrate or upset you, you have lost your way.

Indeed certain things or tasks must be accomplished. However, what is behind the frustration?

Are you trying to “go it alone” without asking for help?

Are you afraid of losing control of the situation or the task?

Is it bigger than you—one person?

Is it yours to do?

Can you name your worries around it?

Are your standards for the project too high? too low?

Step back—out of your EGO self. Recenter yourself in peace and confidence.

Emotions such as anxiety, frustration, or overwhelm, are speaking to you—telling you to PAY ATTENTION. They indicate your ego is in total control. It is no longer YOU who is in control.

Step out of the situation for even a moment to reconnect to the peace you carry within. Find that deep well and linger there. In that space you can re-center and be able to think—not only more clearly, but with greater reason and wisdom.

In that space the ego has no voice. In that space are the answers you seek. Allow them to emerge from the well of peace and confident surety that is within you. Clarity will be yours and right action will follow.

In love, always. Yusef

How God “works” in our lives


How does God “work” in our lives? Ah, wonderful question with a long and complex answer. (Smile)

First, you must remember and understand that you are with God and a part of God, and thus your Soul is working in your everyday living to return to God—to remember HOME.

Thus, the work of God is to place reminders within your sphere while on the earth, and those—both seen and unseen—who will help you remember who you truly are and where you are on the path back to God.

To complicate this effort is the reality that you are NOT separated from God, but YOU THINK YOU ARE. Thus it is your Soul that calls/reaches out for help that you might remember, and reunite with God while yet in the physical. And when that soul desire is broadcast—simply by desiring it—we respond to help bring it about.

God responds to your desires!

Unfortunately, not all that you desire while in the earthly realm is to your (true) benefit. The earth is a seductive place and often you are caught up in its many lures away from what the soul desires. Each desire, from human ego or soul, is heard and responded to, however.

Now some—we might say most—of your desires do not come from your conscious self. They come from a deeper place that has been conditioned by the environment that you have created/built that you refer to as your life. (Yes, you have indeed created your life as you have lived it each day.)

It is that place/environment that is the setting, the starting point, for remembering who you are. As you can see, it will be different for each one. We, who are sent by God, can see this, and it is within this framework that God offers help.

It is often the case that you have responded so much and so often to the physical distractions of the world, that we must help you “get past” those distractions in order that you can see the path HOME more clearly.

We may encourage others to enter your life (hopefully they will hear and respond to our suggestions). We may try to caution you as we can see that some of your desires, thoughts, and actions will lead you away from your Soul’s true desire which is to draw closer to God.

No matter what our efforts are, YOU are still in charge. You may accept or reject our help—either consciously or unconsciously. It is up to you to notice our efforts.

It is the seduction of the earth’s distractions that blocks your seeing or hearing us—whether we have sent you help through a person, or through the offer of a new job, (etc.) or merely through a whisper in your ear. We are ALWAYS calling you back to the path to God because that is your Soul’s deepest desire. That is the desire we “hear” best.

Remember, the Universe/God does respond, whether it comes from your human ego or your soul. Pay attention to what you desire.


Preparing for something that may occur in the future is often an action that is directed by fear and concern. (We do not speak of preparing for work or play.) This is a time of preparation. Be aware—conscious at all times—but allow the heavens to offer help and guidance.

BE just where you are in all your activities until you hear/sense a call to do something else, or to be in another location. Do not make any changes on your own—human fear and concern for a future not yet here is guiding that.

Live as you are—in calm and joy, proceeding through each day in the Presence [of God]. Then when heaven’s guidance comes to suggest a change, great or small, you will HEAR it.

Again we say—go peacefully through each day, offering your Self and those around you, your peace, trust, love, and inner joy. In that state you will be able to discern a ripple in the fabric around you and be ready to follow the guidance offered.

In these times especially, the world needs your calm, loving, joyful presence. The presence of calm seems counterintuitive, as you say. We tell you it is the most helpful state. It is in that state we will find you open to the guidance most needed.

Fear nothing. You are cared for and protected by your trust. Be calm. Be still in trust. It is our joy to watch over and guide you.


On Mercy

Barbara: I asked Yusef a question regarding MERCY and what it means. Yusef’s response is quite long. You might want to read it a few times, or take small sections to reflect on to understand it fully. As always, they will answer any questions coming from this message.

The concept of mercy is “true” and yet not “true.”

As you relate to God or Father or Divine Being, it is in that relationship that the NEED for what you term mercy arises.

In your humanity you perceive “God” as on High, above, all powerful, doling out judgment on you and on the Earth. This is a mistaken concept/idea. In this you think of yourself as a child—doing good, doing bad, deserving punishment, etc. (also false ideas).

In the human, “mercy” is that which is shown to another of less power when that one has done something either worthy of punishment or is asking a favor of the more powerful one—that one you think may have power over your life.

The Divine One is all Loving, all supportive. We do not speak of a PERSON. We speak of the Wonder that is the Guide of the Universes—the essence of Creative energy, Wonder of Wonders.

This creative energy pervades all that IS, including YOU. That is God—all of it.

There are, of course, greater concentrations of this energy which is perhaps what you refer to as “God Most High.” Your relationship with this “God” energy—that which gives life and sustains ALL that is—is so intimate (though not equal) that it is your very essence. You are a spark of its fire of Love. Many do not realize or accept this thinking. How could God be this close?

Now we ask you, how could this God have “mercy” on Itself—You?

The mercy you seek is a release from the burdens of the choices you have made that cause you to be uneasy—to think you are less than—or unworthy.

God Most High has given you the authority over your lives. When you act in a way other than as the “child of God” that you are, you sense an energy that is NOT who you are. Now you feel separate from the essence of Love energy, which is the center of yourself.

Rather than claiming your true birthright as son or daughter of Love, you now think of yourself as “less than,” or unworthy.

Now perhaps—especially for those close to God—you may look for a way to return to who you truly are. You may seek to be forgiven or seek mercy in order to return to the vibration of Love which has been disrupted and displaced in your awareness.

This is not necessary. You may seek mercy and forgiveness in the human condition—person to person. A most worthy and valuable effort. But you and God are never separated—even for an instant. God, the energy of Love and acceptance, is ALWAYS within you AS YOU. This IS you—your essence. Your substance is of God.

This is difficult thinking for many. Thus you ask God for forgiveness and mercy when it is actually ALREADY YOURS. God’s Love energy pervades you and ALL life. You are one with God in the very center of yourself.

God has sent a ray of God-Love to the Earth—as YOU.

When you feel the need for mercy, realize that you have separated yourself, through a thought or action, from your True Self (a part of God). Thus you FEEL no longer a part of God—a faulty thought, but understandable in the human.

Though you are never apart from God, we understand that your actions and choices do interfere with the flow and awareness of God’s Love in your life. Pay attention to this. It is most valuable. This sense of unease you feel does indicate that you are out of sync—out of resonance—with Love, which is what you are.

Then, forgive yourself or another. Show mercy to yourself and others. Through these earthly, human actions you return to resonance with the true SELF of you that is always a part of God—that Love that enfolds you within itself as Love.


The Importance of Non-Judgment


We expand now to describe the importance of non-judgment.

The ego thrives/feeds on your judgment of yourself, others, and life situations and circumstances. In this way you are kept from thinking and acting in more loving, accepting ways as you encounter life each day.

Can you see the difference between judging another and accepting another? When you ACCEPT yourself, others, and circumstances, there is nothing to resist, nothing to “fight.” You are accepting what IS. (And it cannot be other than what it is.)

If you could live each day in this way, accepting what life brings, you would have room in your awareness and in your life for love and compassion, joy, and peace.

You would begin to SEE DIFFERENTLY. Seeing the world without judging it would change your life from one of constant anxiety or un-ease (the “other” may be a threat to you) to a peace that is in tune with the flow of life. Fear is a block to the possibility of acceptance.

Acceptance of what life brings allows you to remain on your path for this lifetime. What are you here to do, to learn, to teach, to share? With acceptance, your life would be in the flow of your divine path—unblocked by fear.

Realizing the importance of non-judgment, and having a sense of the peace it brings does not diminish its difficulty in this age of the runaway ego telling you to be afraid.

Pay attention to the large and small judgments you make each day and you will have a sense of the task.

Begin by noticing. Then replace judgment with acceptance. This will have an effect on your life and on the world. Judgment is a block to love. Acceptance is Love in the language of God.

We are with you.


God’s GPS: The Path of the Heart

A little Note: I am WAY behind in posting, so there will be a few posts coming more quickly than usual. 🙂 Barbara

What words can express the joy the Heavens have for those on the Earth?! If you only realized the love and support you have! You are not alone—ever.

Wandering the Earth without knowledge of the guidance offered is rather like being lost in the desert. The path obscured. Which way to go? How to find the way?

There is ALWAYS a light shining on the path for each one of you. Each path is different from the next—sometimes intersecting with another, sometimes a solitary path. But always WE can see it.

Turn in faith—meaning trust—to follow your HEART—God’s GPS. It will not fail you.

This means of course that your worldly concerns—from the ego talking in your ear of fear and failure—must be let go. Oh, how frightening that is. Like jumping without being able to see where you will land.

You think your ego will keep you safe, but in reality your ego, which is all you know, has been leading you down a path of fear. You are lost. Send that ego down another path—away from you. Say goodbye to it as it goes off. What are you left with? THE PATH OF THE HEART: LOVE. TRUST. TRUE JOY. FREEDOM. HAPPINESS. PEACE.

When you take this jump you land on solid ground!


Guidance From Yusef: Joy Beyond Ego

As I sit to receive the messages from the Guides I call “Yusef,” I always begin with a short invocation (a prayer of sorts). On the day of this message I said, I come to sit in the presence of God my God, Wonder of Wonders, Joy of Joys.

Ah, we resonate with the Joy! Such is life in the beyond. Joy beyond compare. Shed of the earth’s density and tendency for other than joy, we are free to celebrate the wonder of life without ego demands.

Picture/imagine this: A life without competition, jealousy, anger, defeatist thinking, worry, emotional highs and lows, and fears that haunt each day. Can you even imagine this? What would your day be like?

We suggest this is worthy of your pondering…and when you do imagine this, these behaviors of the ego will fade away. It is the mere awareness that there is another way that allows you to slip gently away from the hold the ego has on you.

NOTICE—bring ego reactions into the light of your awareness, then, choose another way. It will seem strange at first because the ego has you in its grasp.

Simply let go of the worries, the need for more, the actions that keep you hostage…and step into the light of who you are—Child of the Most High—free to offer the world your many gifts.

In the Light you will be able to see clearly the true path you have chosen for this earth adventure. You will see what you have come here to do. 

First, free yourself of all things that limit and block the Light that is YOU.


Guidance From Yusef: Seeing Soul Light, Part 2


If you could see as we see you would observe colors in and around each person, coming forth from them, sometimes surrounding them. 

There may also be a “shine” coming from them—a peace that you can feel. Compassion can also be observed. It is a very bright vibration (light). 

You may see some people pause during the day, and realize that they have moved out of the thinking-mind to center in the heart-mind, allowing the heart, not brain, to lead their way and help them with choices and decisions. When one is centered in the heart—if only for an instant, it is most obvious to us, and to the world. That one appears “different” in the instant that they make the connection to heart.

There are also seekers who are looking for the Light. (They don’t yet realize that they already have the Light within them.) You will recognize these as they take all opportunities to learn, or to be near those who are shining their Light in the world.

There are many who are hiding their Light, afraid to shine out into the world. And there are those who do outward signs to show they are the Light, but what they show is ego-light rather than Soul Light.

Those vibrating at a high frequency (a bright Light) do not proclaim themselves. They ARE the Light and thus have no NEED to show or prove anything. It is WHO they are. These are true beacons.

Come together as people of the Light. The earth needs you.


Guidance From Yusef: Seeing Soul Light Part 1


Our message today is that the Light [coming from the Earth] continues to dim. We suggest that those of the Light come together in 2’s, 3’s, 100’s…. In clusters/concentrations of Light you become a beacon and from the heavens we are able to see the beacons across your globe.

We do not speak of religion or churches—that is a fine practice, and the light does shine there.

We speak of those who recognize the Light in others. These not only shine their own Light when they come together, but the Light is amplified in this instance. (We are now describing Heaven to you.)

Learn to recognize the Light in each other. We do not say “see” the Light, but recognize it AS Light coming forth from within. The term “Soul Light” would perhaps make sense to you for indeed it is the Soul’s vibration you see. Yes, “Heart Light” might also substitute. That term may speak to you more clearly. Chose whatever term feels more understandable to you. (The one taking this dictation is singing a song about heart light. We smile.) 


Guidance From Yusef: Reader Participation

Yusef is taking a bit of a new direction. The Teachers (Yusef) would like YOU to ask questions. The only caveats are that you not ask personal things—like “Will I recover from this illness?” And they are not willing to predict the future, except in general terms, like the last post on caring for the Earth, because the future is still open to our actions and the impact they make to change the future. Politics are also out. :))

So, please feel free to Reply below with your questions, and Yusef will answer them. Your questions are likely the questions of all, so do not be concerned. You are anonymous to the readers unless you sign the reply. You are also welcome to email or message me with your questions and I will post them with the answers.

Thank you all for considering this format. Hopefully Yusef will also continue to give us messages in the usual way.

Blessings of Love and Light, Barbara
