Guidance From Yusef: We have Control

Yusuf speaks today of the power we have over our own lives. It is the conscious choices that we make each day that determine the direction of our lives.

But it is so easy to lose sight of that power and give over our choices and control to others, or to fear, or to the rules that others impose on us. It can be as simple as recognizing that in every moment of the day we are given the choice in how we respond–to the wonderful things, as well as the difficult things. And it’s in our choices and our responses that our life unfolds.

Do we choose to find fault, to blame, to follow rules that no longer apply, or to fear differences, for example? Or do we choose to accept what life brings and see all as opportunity from God to accomplish the purpose for which we came–to become our best selves?


All the small things that consume your mind–the worries, the concerns, the plans–are distractions.

You have total control over your daily life, and I say YOUR life because it is the only one you can affect. At the same time most have abdicated that control to others or to the rules of family, society, culture or religion that you have chosen to follow. You have replaced control over your life with distractions and fears that often control you.

Become more aware that you do have control. It has always been yours to make the choices that direct your life. You need not hand over this control to others in your life, or the rules you follow, or the ego’s distractions.

You are capable of each movement, each choice in your life. You carry your purpose and truth within you. Your Spirit/Soul can see the way clearly.

It is the integration of your Spirit/Soul with the essence of your physical human nature, that assures control of your life on the Earth.

We are with you.

Guidance From Yusef: On Rumi

Barbara: I am sharing part of Richard Rohr’s message for today as he writes about Rumi. Jalal al-Din Rumi was a scholar, theologian, Sufi mystic, and an inspired poet who lived in the 13th century. His works are some of my very favorites. He was also the head of a Dervish Sufi learning community in Turkey. (Sufism is the mystical arm of Islam.)

I was moved and inspired by Rumi’s Dervish Community Purpose that Rohr quotes. Though he lived in the 13th century, I would say that this Purpose, with a small change—I do not “fiercely search for” anything these days—could be mine today in this 21st century:

“To open the heart, to explore the mystery of union, to fiercely search for and try to say truth, and to celebrate the glory and difficulty of being in a human incarnation.”

Guidance From Yusef: Sacrifice

This message is a powerful one. It asks us to let go of the currently accepted notion of “sacrifice” that many hold as something of value. I know from my youth I was taught to ‘sacrifice’ my own needs for the needs of others. Yusef asks us to rethink that idea or standard. He tells us that our idea of sacrifice, or denying ourselves, is of the ego and is not of God. You might need to read this one a few times…and make sure you read to the end. 🙂


Regarding now the idea of “sacrifice.” Beware this very tricky web. There is no such thing in the Heavens.

Sacrifice in the human understanding denies the presence of God, who asks for NO sacrifice. You are beloved ones who have access to all. The idea that you must sacrifice a part of your “all-ness” would leave a gaping hole in the fabric of Heaven. Impossible.

The idea of sacrifice is a construct of the EGO that says you must separate from your Self. It assumes that you would be left wanting or missing something. Again, impossible.

The idea of sacrificing, or giving up what you have been given by God, whether it be your time, your energy, your gifts, or your physical possessions is unthinkable.

Now, if you CHOOSE to give of your time, energy, gifts, or possessions, then it is not sacrifice. It is LOVE.

Reframe the idea of sacrifice. Realize it comes from that which would separate you further from your SELF and each other. God asks no such thing of you. When you can, let go of the concept of ‘sacrificing’ for another person or group. Then you have RECLAIMED the SELF that you are.

Then, and only then, are you able to GIVE FREELY to others and that gift is blessed by the Heavens.

Guidance From Yusef: Mary’s “Yes”

Barbara: At this time of year I am struck again by the power of Mary’s “Yes” to God’s will for her life. The Biblical account in the Gospel of Luke, tells us that the Angel Gabriel sought Mary out to tell her she had been chosen to be the mother of Jesus, Son of God. According to the Bible, the Angel didn’t seem to give her much of an option, but it does say that Mary agreed to it by proclaiming herself “the servant of the Lord.”

Yusuf tells us that “There are specific purposes chosen for each lifetime….” so we can safely assume that we know what Mary’s purpose was. What if she had said no? In this world and in the Heavens “no” is a perfectly acceptable answer. There is no judgment around it. We have free will to accept what life brings to us or not. Mary said Yes to the Angel and to the plan that determined the rest of her life. Jesus also said, “Yes” to what God asked of his life.

I am reminded again that it is important to assert my “Yes” to what life brings to me, no matter what it is. Everything that comes into my life is for my soul growth and for my greater good. It may not always seem that way, but that’s only because I may not have discovered yet the blessing that it brings with it.

Each of us has a purpose on the Earth that only we can fulfill. No one else can do what we have come here to do. So if an Angel does happen to appear in full glory in my room or your room, I sure hope that we will not “be afraid,” but will welcome it with humility and great joy. Chances are this won’t happen, but today and every day I will try to proclaim my YES to life, and to live more consciously in the Light of Love, as Mary and Jesus did.

Guidance From Heaven: Growing As One

Yusef: The Universe is supremely supportive. In reality we are ONE. Therefore we are you and you are we.  It is our choice to assist you and others to remember the task that was set forth for the lifetime experience. We also work to advance the experiences of those on your planet. We are here to help. When you grow, we all benefit. Though we have said this many times, it applies here again. We also benefit individually (as well as collectively) from your growth.

Division is not of the heavens. All are One. There is no separation. When humans grasp this concept it will move evolution forward. It will remove many obstacles now existing that prevent further growth.

Thus begins a message that underlies why we are here on this Earth, in this Earth-School. Each is each here to do what none other can do. We are here to fulfill the purpose for which we came. We are in a continually evolving human existence, growing and becoming.

The term “evolution” refers to the growth of humanity on this planet, part of an ever evolving, ever growing Universe. Substitute the word growth for evolution and you will come close to the concept Yusef is communicating.

Yusef tells us that now is a good time for evolution of the human race toward a more peaceful planet, and away from war. Growth toward the realization that we are all in this together and away from the sense of separation caused by borders, languages, nationalism, and religions. Growth toward the awareness of our interdependence with the Earth and awareness of its increasingly fragile state.

Guidance From Heaven: We Asked For It

Yusef tells us today that we have asked for everything that comes into our lives.  That may be hard to believe in some circumstances–quite hard. How can all the “bad” things be from God, and requested by us?

You may find yourself fighting against some life circumstances, feeling sorry for yourself about others, or resisting the people and events that life brings you. But if you remember that this is the Earth School and our Souls have come here to learn and grow, then you may begin to look at what each day brings in a different way.

We are all asked to pay attention to what life brings us, without judgment about its goodness or badness.  It is all at our Soul’s request.


Begin this day and every day with thanksgiving–gratefulness for whatever circumstances or situations present themselves in your living that day.

There is nothing that comes into your life that you have not in some way requested from God.

The request is seldom verbal and may not even be a conscious (thought) request from you. Rather, it comes from deep within you as a part of the Plan your Soul designed with God before you came into this world.

ALL that enters your life–whether it be events, people, or physical manifestations [things]–ALL are your Soul’s intention.

Let us explain further.

Your requests follow the Plan prepared by you and God. Thus is this Plan the design of your Soul.

The designs (Plans) of the Souls on Earth serve a multitude of purposes that are hidden during the lifetime. Far too complex for your concern. The important thing to note, as you say, is that everything and everyone in your life is there at your conscious or unconscious request.

It is all there for you to first experience, and then to respond to. Things are not just happening “to” you. You have asked that they happen to teach you what you came here to learn.

The more conscious and aware you are of this, the greater the learning and growth will be.  The visible evidence of this growth will be the peace and acceptance you feel with all that life brings to you.

However, if the circumstances and people in your life at this time are no longer of benefit to you, you have the power to make the changes that will bring you greater inner peace. The entire Universe/God will support all your desires/requests.

“Bad, or unwanted experiences, are only what we call experiences whose part in our growth and integration we do not yet understand. The minute we understand that ALL experiences enrich our life because they all cause learning and growth, no experience is seen as bad.” Teal Swan




Guidance From Yusef: The Illusion

This may be a tough one for some.  Yusef says that the lives we’re living on this Earth are in essence, an illusion. Whoa! This life sure seems real.

203239_THE WHOLE CAST1To explain–what Yusef is saying is that we’ve taken on a body and a personality in order to play and learn and grow “in wisdom and knowledge” on the Earth.  The reality is that our Spirit/Soul Selves are just visiting here, and we are participating in a sort of Play, or Movie, that we have helped to write and are acting out. It’s obviously more complicated, but that’s the bottom line.

The Real You is acting out a script written by you and God. It is your life path, or God’s Will for you. And while it seems real, our true reality is that we are spirit beings just playing for a time in a human body.

Note: Yusef warns not to disturb people who “do not yet understand, whose reality is firm in the acting”.  The time isn’t right for them.  So, if you can’t wrap your head around the idea that what seems real may not be, then don’t worry.  Just skip this one.

(PS I welcome questions, comments and discussion. Barbara)


The Earth experience is a choice planned for and chosen by each person.  And in the physical birthing the “true” self [Spirit/Soul]–who you really are–is obscured by the self necessary for survival on the Earth plane and in the illusion.

Thus obscured, the Soul Self remains hidden until “discovered” by the self living on the Earth.

Now the Soul, though seemingly hidden, is quite active, and is the main player so to speak–learning from and growing from the experiences of the actor-self who is living out the personality chosen.

When the term “illusion” is used it references the seeming reality which is actually not real.  The magician says it best.  What appears to be very real, is not.

Now, the illusion you are living out carries far more than entertainment value–although we would wish more found their lives entertaining. 

This illusion is set up, or put into play as it were, in order to experience, learn, and grow from it.  And the one growing is the “True Self”, the Soul–one with The Divine.

Enjoy the illusion.  It is best lived from the Soul Self with knowledge of the underlying reality.

Play on!

Guidance From Yusef: Our Life Circumstances

I have just come from saying goodbye to my niece, a remarkable woman who has made the transition from this life to her next adventure. Her life was well and fully lived in service of others, though not without tremendous physical suffering.

I know that before we come into this world we, with Divine help, choose the circumstances of our lives in order to accomplish the purpose set out for us.

Kelley chose a most difficult physical path, and it is hard to imagine that it was perfect for her, and yet I know this to be true.

Kelley taught us all during her 37 years. At her Memorial service we listened to a letter of condolence from President Bill and Hillary Clinton (for whom she worked), heard a US Congresswoman and the San Diego City Council President speak about Kelley, and heard touching and funny stories from those she shared her life with. I was moved by the impact she had on so many.

Could she have lived the same life, made the same impact, out of a wheelchair and without the ravages caused by MD and MS? According to Yusef it was all purposeful.


Your purpose ALWAYS fits perfectly with the personality chosen for the lifetime. All has been carefully thought through to maximize the potential to accomplish the purpose(s) chosen.

The body you chose to inhabit was chosen for a purpose. It is your vehicle for attainment. You need this body and all that it is to attain your purpose for coming into this world, this lifetime.

The challenges you face in this body are growth producing. It is an instrument, enabling you to learn and grow. Nothing is coincidence. The challenge is to recognize the gift of present circumstance, and remain connected to the Source of Love.

I invite you to “like” Guidance From Yusef a Facebook page I have started.  I am posting much of the same (identical this time) there.

Guidance From Yusef: A New Era Dawns

images-24I bring in the New Year with a series of messages from Yusef that tell of an era of PEACE that is (potentially) coming.  This peaceful time depends, however, on all of us awakening to the understanding that we are LIGHT and LOVE–that we are all ONE in God.

Yusef is telling us in this message that we are powerful when connected to Source/God.  That the heavens have opened a window to pour out grace and help to the Earth.  It’s time to come together in “gratitude and awareness”.  It’s time to trust that we are “bigger” than our human nature, that we are indeed an expression of God upon this Earth.

We have each chosen to be on the Earth at this time–a very exciting time.  It is ours to be Love and Light today, aware and awake to the presence of God in every moment of our living.


The old ways are dying.  Move forward—letting go of the old.  A new era dawns. 

This is a time for gratitude and awareness.  The Earth community MUST recognize the ONENESS.  It is beneficial to work toward oneness.  In this coming together many will be saved.  In the coming together is the power needed.

Remember LOVE is the greatest power, the direct connection to Source/All/One.  LOVE.  Open hearts.

We speak now of the potential of humanity evolving ever forward.  In joy do we speak of this.  As the trees evolve from a tiny seed so also is the potential of humankind capable of great evolution.  Windows are opening for this to occur. 

Coming together assists in this movement forward.  Those unable to make the leap will require assistance.  Thus is it important that all voices be heard.  Ringing out with truth–each to each resounding into the Universes.

The heavens are opening that information might flow back and forth.  Information includes love and assistance as well as direct communication.  The portals are available as never before.  This is necessary to save humanity and the Earth.  The connections are intimate.

The power inherent in each living thing speaks to the Source of all, All That Is. This power, potential in many yet untapped and unrealized, is more than you could ever imagine.  The extent of YOU is beyond measure, extending into space and time in ways and lengths you cannot imagine in the current time bound and space bound existence you exist in.  In remembering who you are you have a small sense of this power.  And yet once sensed, it is often rejected as impossible, not real, too frightening.  It is rationalized away as you say.

We speak of this power at this time because it will be critical to access the potential that is you. 

Guidance From Yusef: A Personal Note

Barbara: I have been encouraged to post this personal addition to the previous post:

I think I was forever changed when I realized for the first time that I have total power over my life. I had created my own life. God gave me the total freedom to do that. Free will! Wow! Life changing.

Oh, but then it followed that I was responsible for what my life looked like. I had no one to “blame” but myself. Ouch! That was a time of letting go of what I call “circling the wagons and pointing the guns (of blame) out”.  I love that image.  I had no one left to blame for my life circumstances–not my parents, my lack of money or time, my boss or co-workers, my spouse or children, or even my ancestors.  My life was the result of the responses, the choices, that I had made to life, one by one, throughout the years.

So I started looking at how I was responding to the people and events in my life, and what I was attracting to myself by those very responses. I began to see that when I was angry I found fault in those around me, and plenty of opportunities to be angry; when I was dissatisfied with where I was or what I had, I found a greater need for possessions or people; when I was judgmental then everyone and everything in my life needed to be fixed or changed.  Psychologists would call that “projection”.  I was projecting into the world and into my life who I was within myself!

Once I began to awaken and to take responsibility for my choices, something else happened. My ego began to act out. The ego comes with our human nature, but it is not our friend. It is jealous, deceitful, judgmental, protective of itself, and likes to live in the past or the future, and fret about both. It tells us to be afraid–that others and the world are out to get us, and that we must protect ourselves. It says we are not worthy, have many flaws, aren’t competent, are too fat, short, tall, etc.  My ego, in an attempt to retain control, went into “blame and shame” overtime.

By then it was too late, however.  I had discovered the truth.  I was in charge of my life, co-creating it with God each day.  If I wanted my life to change in any way I was the one who had to change it. If I had allowed the ego defenses that I had built up, then I could also supervise their tearing down.

That looking at the reality of myself led to the discovery of my Soul…that incredible, wonderful, True Self of me. And once I realized who I truly am–a spiritual being living in a human experience–well, everything changed. The True Self, or Soul nature, is non-judgmental, open, joyful, loving, and best of all, fearless. It doesn’t know anxiety, anger, unworthiness, blame or shame. It is the divine nature of us–the DNA of God. Which is why we can call God, Father.  And oh, the freedom I felt with the discovery of that truth!! I had experienced a glimpse of Heaven.

I began to be more aware of, and live out of, my Soul nature rather than my ego. I am still human, of course, and go back and forth between ego and Soul, but I have tasted the love, joy, and reality of my connection to the Divine Oneness, and I am aware of who I really am.  Now my challenge (and yours) is to live that out–to BE love, joy, and hope in the world more and more every day.

Blessings to all today!