Category Archives: God
Guidance From Yusef: True Reality
We remind you again that we are here with you always. You may call us by many names but we are sent by the One (God) to be with you and to assist you. You are much loved and are never alone.
We remind you now to chose Love. Chose Joy. Live in these. Also in Hope. Do not allow the troubles of the world to obscure the Joy that is true reality. Do not allow your joy to be “hacked,” as you say, by other than Love. Remain in Love, that the world may be saved by it.
The one writing this has learned that each one [of you], choses your own “reality.” We applaud this learning and speak of it now. Do you realize this?
- You chose what to believe and what to discard.
- What to remember and what to forget.
- How to live and how not to live.
Each day, each moment, you make the choice to live in Love and Hope, or to live in fear. Let the reality you live in be of Love, Light, Joy, and Hope. Come back to these again and again.
Do not allow the “reality” of another, or others, become your reality. You have the choice.
Do not give fear (worry, concern, anger, frustration, resentment) your time or your energy. These are not of Love.
We acknowledge the challenges you face in your world. Therefore we remind you again that we are here to assist. Turn to Life-Giver/Love/God—the True Reality.
Guidance From Yusef: The Experience of God/One
Barbara: A word about this message. It is quite deep, so I might suggest that you read it several times. 🙂 If I could preface it in my words I would say that Yusef is telling us that all our efforts to be in the presence of God are more than worthwhile. He includes all expressions of faith and religion without judgment. ANY way we can come into union with God is important.
It is going beyond our everyday human experience to be in the presence of God that is important—to both ourselves AND God!! Wow! It could happen as we worship in a church/synagogue/mosque, or when we pray, or meditate; but it could also be simpler than that. It could just be those MOMENTS in our lives when we become aware that God is with us. Look for those moments—however you find them. The “experience” of God is what Yusef is calling us to.
There are many ways to be in the AWARENESS, or EXPERIENCE, of the One (God). Each expression of “faith” in God reveals a new way of being in that experience.
ALL ways express wonder, or joy, or reverence for something beyond the ordinary—beyond the human experience.
Some (unfortunately) worship a God that is distant from them. Others see God closer—in all forms of nature. Others find God in silence, some within their own hearts perhaps. Some may see God in each other. Some must go to a building to find God.
You can see now that the only part that has significance is that the EXPERIENCE of God takes place! There is no judgment or rule regarding the HOW.
Experience of the ONE (GOD), joins and expands BOTH parties in the experience. That is, the union, or com-union, is experienced by BOTH GOD AND HUMAN.
How can it be otherwise since each human is simply an expression of God in the physical?
When in the human you remember to experience your God-self in all its fullness (outside and apart from the ego-self), then com-union occurs. God and Human remembering—joining as one in awareness of a truth that already is. Oneness.
God (Awareness) rejoices and expands with each experience of Itself.
This seems a mystery and beyond comprehension. It is not. It is the most simple reality for those with ears to hear.
If you could realize the JOY of being in the human experience and at the same moment in the experience of your ONENESS with God, you would want to spend more and more time in that awareness. It is life-giving and love-giving. It will sustain you in your human adventure, as you say.
We realize some of our words are awkward and do not fully express the reality of which we speak, yet as you let them into your heart they will expand.
Be well.
Guidance From Yusef: The Human Tribe
We feel, throughout the Heavens, the negative energies coming from the earth. It does not affect us the way it does you, but you must know that the energies go out to all the Universe.
What we ask of you (all) is to think and act differently. People of earth who have attained economic success/wealth, have lost sight of the TRIBAL nature of humans. These have been lulled into believing and thinking that they deserve their possessions; that they alone have achieved their status. This has “elevated” them to a place where they have lost sight of the REALITY that humans are a tribal people.
This loss of the reality of your tribal nature has served to give a false sense of separation. A sense of singular pride in accomplishments. A sense that you no longer need each other—which includes those who are poor, widowed, orphaned, elderly, infirm, displaced, or less able.
The gap grows wider both in thinking that this is reality (it is not), and in actions that further separate.
Humans are disparate as a part and consequence of being intentionally sequestered on an increasingly small planet. You have chosen to be on the Earth at this time for a reason. Your differences allow soul growth as you come together to learn to survive together, to work together, to grow and thrive together—with each other and with the Earth that provides for you.
If some are not thriving, then others must help/assist them so that they too, with whatever limitations they have chosen for this life on earth, will have some measure of “success” in living.
We say that ALL are a part of the great experience of LIVING and LEARNING and GROWING on the Earth. ALL are a part of the ECOSYSTEM that is humanity. It is a grand TRIBAL experience. All in the human adventure are valued and loved. Each one on the earth affects all on the earth.
Some perceive that their wealth and “status” will shelter them from the less “fortunate.” (These are not our words—we have no understanding of these concepts except through your understanding.) Wealth and status can never shelter completely. They do, however, cause a hardening of heart toward the less fortunate so that their suffering will not impact the life lived in increasing isolation.This is the meaning behind the words Jesus spoke regarding wealth.
We caution you now and tell you that you are all in the Earth experience together at this time for a reason. Do not succumb to the lures of the world that separate you. You are the Human Tribe. Take care of each other. Grow together. Celebrate life on the Earth. Assure the well being of all. Do what must be done for those who need assistance. You are together for a reason. You need each other.
Be well. We shower you now with love and blessings.
Guidance From Yusef: Bypass your thinking mind to hear God
The MIND is often the stumbling block to the experience of God. When you can bypass THINKING you are open to inspiration, which is God at work in your life.
When thinking pauses, your HEART is in charge. Well…we must say that the body must also pause—it can be a very distracting attention seeker. It tells you that it itches, or is in pain, or is perhaps hungry. There are MANY ways the ego, or the human nature part of you, demands your attention.
The message is this:
No matter what distracts, when you are listening from the HEART it is truth [God] you hear. Quiet your mind and open your heart to God.
Guidance From Yusef: A Conversation With Yusef
Barbara: This is a conversation I had a few months ago with my Guide, Yusef. It’s a little heavy, so pardon me. But the whole idea is that it IS possible to “talk” to your Guide(s). They hear and will answer. You may hear them in your mind as I do, or you may see signs that tell you the next step for you. Do not doubt that they are real and want to help you do what you came here to do—your purpose, or as one author says, your Sacred Contract with God.
Part of my purpose is to share these messages with you.
B: I am here.
Y: You are always here—no matter “where” you are. When you say “I am here,” that gives you a point in time and geography. Now take away time and geography. Now where are you?
B: I am not here or there because those are simply points in “space.” I guess I am then EVERYWHERE!
Y: That is it precisely. You simply ARE—there is no time or space or location. There is simply IS—which is everywhere, if there was such a thing or place :).
B: OK, I am everywhere. Or, I just AM.
Y: Yes! You ARE. That is a big notion for a human brain.
B: My brain cannot comprehend that. But I accept it.
Now I have a question, are there “places” as we know the concept, in the Heavens?
Y: What you think of as a “place” would mean a location. Place here is a state of mind, not a physical location.
Imagine a soul (perhaps a loved one) that is skiing. There are no mountains of snow here yet that “person” is experiencing the action you refer to as skiing—and having a most joyous ‘time’ doing it.
B: ??
Y: How can we explain for your understanding?
The Soul that is skiing has thought itself there—with a mountain and snow. Your “virtual reality” devices are rather close to this concept. Using those devices you can have the experience of skiing without actually being on a snowy mountain. Here the experience is more real than virtual. Does that help you?
B: I’m not sure I fully understand, but the virtual reality analogy does help a little. It’s a lot to think about. Thank you, Yusef.
PS This is one ‘message’ I think I will not post on Facebook. You, readers/subscribers who have been with me, will perhaps understand it. 🙂 We’re all in this together! As always I welcome your comments and will reply as appropriate on this site. Love to all!
Guidance From Yusef: We Are Here To Offer You Guidance, Part 2
We [Angels and Guides] speak to every one of you. Each of you has guidance for the “best” path through this life. In any moment you can ask us to help, and we will guide you.
Open the “ears” of your heart. It is the heart that hears us best. The next is the body. Listen to the signals your body gives you. Does the choice you are making feel comfortable in your body?
Very last is the mind, the seat of the EGO. The mind will distort our messages and cause you to want to dismiss them. You may even think you are crazy when you realize you can “hear” our guidance. You can hear us. Do not let your mind tell you that we are not real. That is your mind playing tricks, as you say.
The heart hears and sees clearly. Take a moment to be silent and check in with your heart when making a decision or choice. This can be accomplished in seconds…it does not take long—merely focus. Through this practice you will come to know we are with you always—to help you and guide you.
We know the purpose you have agreed to for your life. That is our “GPS.” We are here to remind you, and assist you to accomplish that purpose. Listen. We are with you.
Guidance From Yusef: Heavenly Beings
Why do we see Heavenly Beings, such as Angels, in Clothes?
YUSEF: Heavenly Beings are pure energy. They may appear to humans as patterns and colors, or they may accommodate your human brain and appear in robes, or with wings, or even in clothes. Your brains cannot make sense of the energy patterns—thus we show you what makes sense to your brain.
Each Being has a distinct energy pattern. That energy may suggest a field that you interpret as stronger or softer, comforting or protecting, etc. Humans need words to make sense of the presence of heavenly beings and often assign “gender” based on those interpretations. You may think you have a “feminine” Guide based on the feeling of a “softer” vibration. Likewise, you may have a sense that your Guide is here to “protect” you, and thus you may interpret a more “masculine” presence. We are neither feminine nor masculine, yet our energy may suggest that to you. We are OK with that. (Smile)
Do not doubt, or limit, or discount what you “sense” as the presence of God’s Helpers, Angels, or Guides. They are with each of you, yet their vibrations are quite high. Raise your own vibration so that you can become more aware of their presence with you. When you are in prayer, or you open your heart to deep feelings of love, bliss, or joy, your vibration is higher. You are then better able to sense their presence with you. Do not doubt this. Some of you may SEE shapes or colors; some may HEAR the guidance they offer you; some may FEEL or just KNOW that they are there. What you are experiencing is indeed real.
We REJOICE when you recognize we are with you!!
Guidance From Yusef: You are the FULLNESS of Life…Both Body and Soul
You would like words that console you, or guide your daily actions—do this or do that in detail—or predict the future of the stock market or your country’s leadership. That may sometimes be appropriate, however our messages are different.
We seek to empower your living in the LIGHT of your True Self (Soul). We hope to cause you to remember who you truly are in and beyond your human existence. You are so much more than that, as we have repeatedly said.
You do not know or realize your POWER in the fullness of your Spirit and Human self. You are as Jesus was—both human and divine. There is no difference in potential. Does that surprise you? It is true. Jesus was human but remembered his divinity. Remember your Spirit/Soul (divine) self—which exists now just as your human self does. That allows you to be in the fullness of your Self, connected to God in your divinity (Soul), and also enjoying the wonder of a physical (human) existence.
Living in your fullness would bring you the freedom and happiness we hope for you. It would also change the world. You would shine so much brighter as you go about your day—in awareness of both your connection to God and the magnificent physical world you live in. To live in only one part of your Self is akin to living without a limb.
Try it. Exercise your right to have all the membership of a Soul’s rights, as well as all the delight of the physical world.
Divinity is your right—you brought it (Soul) with you into the physical, but somehow it became overshadowed by the world and the faulty messages passed on to you by well-meaning others.
You are children of God just as Jesus was. Endeavor to become as Jesus. In his humanity he showed the way. Embrace the fullness of Life that you are and in that fullness bring hope and love to the world. You and the world need it!
Guidance From Yusef: The Creative Force of Love
Love is the only force that could form the Universes so elegantly and without conflict. There is no conflict in Love.
A caution—the word “love” here must be defined as the God-Force which is quite different from the term “love” you think of in the human dimension.
Given that caveat and your limited understanding of the Love of God, we tell you that to create an elegant, immensely complex (yet simple also) Universe, it had to come from Love.
The alternative is unimaginable.