Guidance From Yusef: Remember WHO YOU ARE

The heavenly bodies are what you can see in the Heavens, but once again there is more that you cannot see. We are here to assist you in the discovery of who you are, and to remind you that you are more than you can see—it is so easy to forget.

As you raise your vibration through love, your awareness grows. As your awareness grows your life changes. 

There is a difference between living a “good” life and awakening. We pray that all chose the latter which is far more beneficial to the soul. Awaken to who you really are, beyond the human ego. You are Spirit/Soul, that which is one with God.

Once awakened, the awareness of God grows exponentially. The teaching here is the question—Do you want to live a good and just life here, or do you want to grow closer to the Oneness, God?

Two vastly different choices.

Choosing to awaken will also produce a good and just life here.  AWARENESS is the difference—the awareness of God and your divinity in God. This leads to awakening. The difference is like comparing a high school basketball player to Michael Jordan.

Be satisfied, or seek to grow in awareness and thus awaken to who you truly are, your True Self, one with God and All That Is.



Open The Door: A Meditation from Yusef

The stars reside in the Heavens. The oceans on the Earth. But the Human Heart holds them all in the Spirit dwelling within.

Open the door to your heart and therein find the One in Love with you, and the stars, and the tides that rule the earth.

Whether the door be locked, or heavy, or difficult to open, open it today.

Who would deny reception to the Love that is yourself? Who would not allow the friend, the lover, the life-giver entry into your home?

Who would hold themselves out in the cold when they too reside within the heart?

When the door is opened and you see not only the God who loves you beyond all telling, but you see your SELF—pure and clean, without fault or blame—then you are healed. Then life begins anew for you.

There is none but God, and ALL reside in that Love Energy you name God.

You in God, and God in You. Begin to know your True Self.

Open your door.


Guidance From Yusef: Wholeness

YUSEF: The dance, the song that is both human and divine has been danced and sung by few. Jesus was/is one.

Recognize that your divine nature and human nature are one nature. This may be difficult to understand with the human mind, but remember that you have access to the Divine mind.

Learn to access this. It is YOU in your fullness—human and divine. There is no secret, no skill to learn, no “password.” It is simply WHO YOU ARE in the fullness and wholeness of YOU.

The one writing this acknowledges the presence of OTHER. It is recognized as part of her and allowed to be present.

Each must find their own way to “allow” the presence of the divine, of whom they also are, while in the human nature.

The “difficulty” is only a human thought. There is no difficulty—there is only ease in allowing WHO YOU ARE to be present while in your human state.

Guidance From Yusef: Out of Wholeness

Barbara: This is the beginning of a longer message which I will post in the coming days. Bite sized pieces to be pondered….

YUSEF: There are some who can hear us, as the one who writes this. There are others who see us. These have no extraordinary “powers.” The have merely opened to allow God’s presence, in whatever way God has chosen to be present. Seeing or hearing is not going beyond the human. In your humanness you continue to be the YOU who sees and hears.

They have not “crossed over” to the Heavens. The Heavens are present to all now! You are on the Earth, and yet also still a part of the Heavens. There is more to YOU than you can realize from the limited human perspective. Discover that YOU ARE—in the fullness of human and Soul divinity. Nothing is separate. It is wholeness.

Out of wholeness you projected a body which continues to be a part of, while yet a projection, the whole. There is no separation. 

To be continued….


Guidance From Yusef: You Are Limitless Love and Joy


True reality is beyond your human understanding. Give up the “imaginings” of your limited human mind regarding the afterlife. The now moment as you say, is the only moment. The pictures you create regarding the next life are only that—your finite creation.

Know only this. Raise the frequency of your vibration to love, joy, compassion, and acceptance, and all will be well.

Come to know yourself as love only—capable only of love. Let go of all else. “Be still and know God” within as your true self. You are limitless love and joy, subject to no true limits.

The separate human self of course does face the limits imposed by the thinking that you are separate. Look to Jesus who lived a human existence, yet at no time was separated from the Father.

Guidance From Yusef: Grandeur of the Divine

Barbara: Today you we get another glimpse of the grandeur of the Divine–God, Yahweh, Source. It might be helpful as you read to remember the idea of the “frequency of vibration”.

  • High frequency=Love, Joy, Compassion, Acceptance, etc.
  • Low frequency=Blame, Shame, Anger, Guilt, Fear, etc.

It is also helpful today for each of us to try to live in the higher frequencies in order to bring more LIGHT and HOPE to a world whose Light is dimming.


The cosmos/universe/heavens are far beyond your present understanding. In fact, the grandeur is also beyond our full understanding. We “know” of it only in knowing, not in experience as you say. Those who are in the full experience of the Godhead (for want of a better word), are so beyond in LIGHT ENERGY that it would not be possible to move from that Light to be present at a lower frequency. In that existence there is such a great ONENESS that “individuals” no longer exist.

From that Oneness flows the energy (you may call it Love) to sustain all the life in all the Universes. This unimaginable Oneness, or Source, calls to each of us to join it. It is the “Father,” as you say.

In the Heavens (all of) you find the place which matches your vibrational frequency, or the LIGHT your Soul can tolerate. There are indeed “many rooms,” as you say.

The potential exists for both high and low frequency vibration. It is always life’s choice. You are JOY at the depths of your being. Access it and bless your world and all the Heavens.

Guidance From Yusef: The Kingdom of God


The “Kingdom” as you say, is a concept mostly misunderstood by humans. Supposing a transplant of Heaven onto the Earth would not explain what you are looking for.

The Kingdom is not an outside-in job. [They Smile.] It is indeed coming directly from WITHIN. Welling up as memory and truth—the light that guides.

Thus it is already WHO YOU ARE and yet its presence is blocked on the Earth plane until, like the seed [mustard seed] it is able to break out of the barriers created by the human condition.

Thus you become aware as you remember Home and Who you are and allow the conditions which will nurture the growth of the Kingdom—first within you and then through you, to the world.

This allowing of the Kingdom of God to be present to the world demands you return to the ‘world’ of Adam and Eve. The time of:



Guidance From Yusef: Not Knowing


I am more than aware of the wonder of what is NOT KNOWN.

Bigger—and so much MORE than the known.

So foolish to think there is a chance of understanding.

Words mean nothing at the heart of it. Words from the thinking mind attempting to make sense when there is no sense to be made.

This not alone in reaction to recent events, but a pervading truth. That ‘sense’ is made at a level beyond my human understanding. That this human dance has purpose.

There is comfort in that. A confident trust that LOVE is yet the greater.

This allows my heart to open to what is held in silent knowing—the beyondness that words cannot touch.

Guidance From Yusef: Did Jesus have an Ego?

With some trepidation I offer this discourse. It may confuse some, put some at ease, and cause others to wonder. Perhaps it depends on each one’s understanding of the word “Ego.” Jesus showed us that we can be human with an ego that serves us rather than controls us and separates us from the Father.

Yusuf, did Jesus have an Ego?
Excellent question. It is a ‘stumper’ as you say. If we say yes then the model of Jesus as one who lived out of his Soul, or True Self/God, is damaged. If we say no then how could Jesus have been truly human?

Pause to consider why Jesus incarnated. Jesus, the Master, incarnated to offer the world a new way of BEING, a new ‘paradigm’ as you say, a new covenant. Jesus showed a relationship with God AS God to be possible in the human. The True Self IS the Soul, and is egoless. The ego exists only in the human. Jesus was Soul-conscious, that is, as a human he lived as his True Self (Soul) within the Human condition a greater percentage of the time than any before or after. It was during the Great Temptation [40 days in the desert], that he put his ego “in its place” as you say.

When we speak of EGO we speak of that uniquely human aspect that seeks to control the circumstances of life and sees itself as separate from the Father. This aspect was absent in Jesus as he sought only to do the bidding of the Father and did not know any separation from the Father. That was impossible for Jesus. Jesus and the Father were One on the Earth and in the Heavens.

Jesus DID have human emotion–tears and even anger–yet these were not of the ego which blocks relationship and oneness with the Father.

Jesus expressed his humanity through the ‘True Self’ of Spirit/Soul, One with God, having already dispelled the temptation to assume the False Self of ego.

So, in the end perhaps the answer to this question is “yes and no” depending on your definition of the term ‘ego’.  Jesus was for us a model of one who was “fully human and fully divine,” thus Jesus’ human Ego served him in his humanity rather than separated him from the Father. It is a lesson I am going to ponder these “40 days” of Lent.


Guidance From Yusef: Your Divine Nature

All things are possible. Let go of any doubts you carry. God is not stagnant, does not stop growing. God is expansion and growth. Let go of that which keeps you bound to Earthly understandings and begin to KNOW and REMEMBER who you are—a Divine Child of (God) the Universe.

The term “Divine” is the stumbling block for some, causing thoughts of unworthiness for those who believe themselves to be only human.

The Spirit within—your true Self—is a part of God. In that relationship you are a part of the “Divine” nature—the YOU that is Spirit/Soul.

The Human nature is a magnificent construct that allows such amazing growth opportunities. It is a gift and opportunity like none other to be in the human physical existence. (Do not judge those walking on difficult paths in their humanity. They have chosen the harder part.)

Walk in your Divinity as much as your Humanity. Choose to make your divine nature integral in your human nature. In that all the world and the Heavens are blessed. In that the Light of Christ shines out.