Guidance From Yusef: Stepping Stones

(From June 2015) YUSEF:

In the world the distractions are many. This is purposeful—chosen by you so that you can find the “narrow” way through the obstacle-like course of this life.

There are the temptations, each specific to each one [person]. These come to all and are opportunities for growth. There is no one that escapes their own temptations. Though difficult, these are almost the stepping stones to glory/evolvement/soul growth.

The path in general must be discovered but when the way is shown, those ready may find it a help in their journeying.

Thus some of the steps are these:

  • Recognition of SELF beyond the self of the Earth
  • Awareness that things of the Earth, while valuable in the physical, do not matter
  • Awareness of the ego
  • An understanding of the connectedness and value of ALL beings
  • An aliveness, a sense of being awakened from a sleep—a new understanding that is difficult to articulate. It is beyond words.
  • Cessation of judgment
  • Desire to serve

These are some of the many signs on the path through this lifetime that will indicate movement forward.


Guidance From Yusef: Your Divine Nature

All things are possible. Let go of any doubts you carry. God is not stagnant, does not stop growing. God is expansion and growth. Let go of that which keeps you bound to Earthly understandings and begin to KNOW and REMEMBER who you are—a Divine Child of (God) the Universe.

The term “Divine” is the stumbling block for some, causing thoughts of unworthiness for those who believe themselves to be only human.

The Spirit within—your true Self—is a part of God. In that relationship you are a part of the “Divine” nature—the YOU that is Spirit/Soul.

The Human nature is a magnificent construct that allows such amazing growth opportunities. It is a gift and opportunity like none other to be in the human physical existence. (Do not judge those walking on difficult paths in their humanity. They have chosen the harder part.)

Walk in your Divinity as much as your Humanity. Choose to make your divine nature integral in your human nature. In that all the world and the Heavens are blessed. In that the Light of Christ shines out.

Guidance From Yusef: A Portal Opening


There is an opening from the Heavens at this time (a portal) that offers us all Grace, encouragement, and help for our personal Soul growth. That’s the REALLY good news. When God offers all the heaven’s help to us it is an extraordinary gift.

The maybe not-so-great news is that in order to take advantage of this opportunity we need to look at the barriers we have put up to God. You know, the parts of ourselves that we deny, or hide, or ignore so that we don’t have to face them. Things such as jealousy, greed, dishonesty, lack of forgiveness, self-centeredness, lack of trust, possessiveness, anger, prejudice, etc. Or the part of us that believes we are not worthy to be loved by God. 

We are being offered the opportunity and the help to face our faults, heal old wounds, let go of judgment, move from criticism to compassion, make adjustments to our thinking and our actions, and change what no longer benefits our Souls.

This is a new beginning, a recalculating, a redirecting of our lives in order to move closer to God. It is an opportunity to pay attention to what our Souls need.

Actually if you choose to accept this mission…it may be the hardest work you’ve ever done because it involves facing the parts of yourself that aren’t so pretty, and acknowledging that they really are a part of you. It’s forgiving yourself, and allowing those barriers to come down so that you can move on to be the BEST VERSION of YOURSELF.

No one knows how long this portal of GRACE will be open. I’ve missed some portals in my life, so if you want to move closer to God, now is the time to join me and do your inner work. We will all have all the help we need from God.

But WARNING: it takes COURAGE to really look at ourselves. And once we commit to that task, all of our ‘stuff’ (see above) WILL show up. When it does, send it love, say good-bye to it, and let it go. Forgive yourself and others and move forward.  Life is ever so much brighter and happier when the barriers to God’s love come down! 

Blessings to all!


Guidance From Yusef: The Nothingness of Silence

Barbara: This one is full of wisdom, and encourages us again to go into silence in order to meet God there. It is counterintuitive to we humans to think of God as being in the “nothingness,” but remember that NOTHINGNESS is EVERYTHING that is.


In the midst of the noise find silence. It is there—to be sought, cherished, clung to. For in the silence is One and Oneness. In the silence is All, and All’s nothingness. The paradox is that in the no-thingness is All That Is (God).

Greet the nothingness with open arms—embracing the unseen reality. Embrace it. Enter into it willingly, joyfully, dancing with gleeful surrender.

Fall into the lovingness of All That Is (God). Be energized therein to return to the Earth’s human state. Each time you return you will be changed, bringing back a new vibration to enrich Earth.

Do we GO somewhere?

There is no “going” and no “somewhere,” yet in your humanness we recognize the need to understand this.

Indeed the Soul “travels” to that which is beyond human understanding. And yet there is no movement to, or away from. There is merely THERE or IS or BEING. A shift takes place that is a different state of awareness beyond your human consciousness. It is true “communion” with God.

It is in this state we meet you in the fullness of All That Is. Is it here that Soul connects to Soul. 

Guidance From Yusef: Reading Books on Spirituality

I am a reader of books—mostly books on spirituality these days. For those of you, like me, who are “fed” by reading, here is a little reminder from Yusef that I got recently. Perhaps it is a reminder for you as well. 🙂

Reading books may stimulate something within where connections are made, but reading books does not have the same benefit as the experience of the UNION found in SILENCE.

The content of books may be remembered and quoted, but the
where there are no words spoken or remembered,
is of greater benefit than all the books in the world.

There is no comparison.

Read your books if you choose but also make time to experience the PRESENCE OF GOD in silence.

Guidance From Yusef: On Being Holy

I found this communication, though short, to be interesting. When we think of someone who is ‘holy,’ or close to God, we may picture that person as prayerful, or perhaps even serene. We may assume that they are always peaceful, never angry or frustrated, and always loving toward others. As humans we make assumptions and assign labels in our judgment of others, and so I asked Yusef about what it means to be ‘holy’.


We are laughing, as you say. What is this term HOLY? What meaning has it? There is no such concept in the Heavens.

The aspect, or aura, of one in CONNECTION to the ALL, one who has transcended the ego, may appear to be different from, or in a different state than others. That could be an accurate assessment. Yet the ‘holy’ label—the assumption that one in communion with the ALL must assume a pose or an action, or behave in predictable ways based on set expectations from those gone before [Saints ?] is absurd. None can know what is transpiring in the human heart or soul.

BE who you are in the Oneness and all else will follow. Let go of the false assumptions and limits of “holy.”

Guidance From Yusef: The Holy Spirit

On this Pentecost Sunday when Christians remember the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Jesus’ apostles, I share Yusef’s response when I asked him to tell us of the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, sent by the Christ.


The Spirit, or ‘Advocate,’ that Jesus spoke of—what you term the “Holy Spirit,” is that which forever changed mankind.

It was Jesus who broke the barrier that separated humanity from divinity. He became ONE with God in his humanity and thus made it possible for all of humanity to attain that same oneness. 

The Spirit advocates for this reunion, the conscious awareness of who you are in God. This Spirit allows the experience of God in its true reality. 

This Spirit is the PRESENCE of God, that which opens the human to the EXPERIENCE, the KNOWING, of God while still in the human lifetime.

Jesus bestowed a KNOWING that had previously not been available. The Spirit Jesus sent connects the awareness, belief, and understanding of humanity with the One [God].

It is an immense gift. The awareness of this gift moves the transformation, enlightenment, and evolvement forward. The USE of the gift through prayer, meditation, and consciousness blesses the self and the world.

Guidance From Yusef: The Veil Thins

Yusef is a part of the Teacher or Guide or Helper Group in the Heavens. He and others serve as the guides for our souls during this lifetime. We each have a guide, and it is our souls that they shepherd. They are from God and are with us from birth and even before we were born. Nothing we do is unknown to them. Yusef tells me that he is my Helper, my Guide, and the “Friend of your Soul”.  It is my Soul that he knows, and it is my Soul that knows him.

But Yusef now says that the “veil” between Heaven and Earth is thinning, and we have greater access to awareness and assistance from all the heavenly beings. That’s exciting because we certainly do need God’s help to spread love and hope during this turbulent time on the Earth.


It is with joy we come bringing news of wonder and awe. The Heavens are opening for those who can perceive the joy and graces pouring forth. The veil thins and there is greater opportunity to connect to all [the helpers] the Heavens send. We are making ourselves known throughout the Earth. All are cooperating in this effort.

It is during this time that Great Blessing occurs. Those aware will feel the shift. Opportunity abounds.

Those moving away [from God] will have an opportunity to change direction. Those moving closer [to God] will be drawn in with great joy. They will “wonder” at the wonder of it.

There are also voices speaking on the Earth now who, with support, will move the Earth to a “safer” place. These voices are beginning to be heard. It is the hopeful who will keep the heavens open. We are rejoicing with any who find their way to Love and Trust.

See more of the messages of Yusef in the book, GOD SENT: Message of Love and Hope for Our World Today.


Guidance From Yusef: Come to the Silence


Come to the SILENCE–the quiet of the nothingness. Rest in it. BE in it and you will find that you are not alone.

The ‘nothingness’ is ‘everything’, not in the sense of the physical matter of a filled space, but the EVERYTHING necessary for life, love, joy, unimaginable sensations of wonder.

This is what calls to you. This is ALL (God). This is more than home, or warmth, or the familiar. This calls you to be LOST in it. To know it because it IS you, because you are ONE with it.





Guidance From Yusef: All Affects All

Yusef, you say the Heavens know what we think and what we say and do.

All affects all. That is difficult for you now. Enlarge your thinking. Consider your thoughts and actions. Each goes out into the heavens to impact all of “us” and because you are also a part of the “us,” all that you are experiencing the greater body of “us” is also experiencing.

Think of this. When you have a toothache the pain of that small part of you is the focus of your whole body. The entire body is aware of the pain. There is no judgment around the pain. Rather there is greater love and care focused there. Helpers are sent (human immune system) and all in the body work to help that small part be well again. It is the same in the heavens.

When you feel love and joy–holding a newborn baby, a loving embrace, an awe inspiring sunset, a ride at a [theme] park–all these happy joyful emotions affect your entire body. The reaction of the chemicals in the human body prove without a question that your entire organism is aware of joy. Likewise it is aware of stress.

In the general sense all actions, feelings, thoughts from all on the Earth emanate out into the heavens to add to the experience and growth and expansion of ALL.

This is why we encourage EACH on the Earth to love, find joy and happiness, care and console, be understanding, and show compassion. This is the Soul’s way, the way of ALL.  Let that which is not of Soul fall away.

The messages from Yusef may be read in the new publication, GOD SENT: Messages of Love and Hope for Our World Today