Guidance From Yusef: Bypass your thinking mind to hear God

The MIND is often the stumbling block to the experience of God. When you can bypass THINKING you are open to inspiration, which is God at work in your life.

When thinking pauses, your HEART is in charge. Well…we must say that the body must also pause—it can be a very distracting attention seeker. It tells you that it itches, or is in pain, or is perhaps hungry. There are MANY ways the ego, or the human nature part of you, demands your attention.

The message is this:

No matter what distracts, when you are listening from the HEART it is truth [God] you hear. Quiet your mind and open your heart to God.

Guidance From Yusef: You are the FULLNESS of Life…Both Body and Soul


You would like words that console you, or guide your daily actions—do this or do that in detail—or predict the future of the stock market or your country’s leadership. That may sometimes be appropriate, however our messages are different.

We seek to empower your living in the LIGHT of your True Self (Soul). We hope to cause you to remember who you truly are in and beyond your human existence. You are so much more than that, as we have repeatedly said.

You do not know or realize your POWER in the fullness of your Spirit and Human self. You are as Jesus was—both human and divine. There is no difference in potential. Does that surprise you? It is true. Jesus was human but remembered his divinity. Remember your Spirit/Soul (divine) self—which exists now just as your human self does. That allows you to be in the fullness of your Self, connected to God in your divinity (Soul), and also enjoying the wonder of a physical (human) existence.

Living in your fullness would bring you the freedom and happiness we hope for you. It would also change the world. You would shine so much brighter as you go about your day—in awareness of both your connection to God and the magnificent physical world you live in. To live in only one part of your Self is akin to living without a limb.

Try it. Exercise your right to have all the membership of a Soul’s rights, as well as all the delight of the physical world.

Divinity is your right—you brought it (Soul) with you into the physical, but somehow it became overshadowed by the world and the faulty messages passed on to you by well-meaning others.

You are children of God just as Jesus was. Endeavor to become as Jesus. In his humanity he showed the way. Embrace the fullness of Life that you are and in that fullness bring hope and love to the world. You and the world need it!

Guidance From Yusef: You are One, not Two


When you recognize that you are both SOUL and BODY—then your life in the human experience changes/expands and may seem at first alien to the way you have been living your life. You may have the sense that you are living two lives—as spirit and in body. You may ask, am I Spirit or am I Human?

As a child you did not separate your Soul from your body. You knew you were only one—a Spirit/Soul experiencing the physical world in a human body. The sense of two, or the sense of separation of soul and human body, develops as a child grows. The human ego begins to see itself as separate from others and its own Soul.

The heavens rejoice when you become aware of your Soul self, and then become aware of your human nature within and AS soul. That is, the Soul is not separate from the human. Each is a part of each. Your human nature is the way your Soul is experiencing the physical world. It is one with your Soul.

The Soul, being Spirit, cannot experience the physical without the joy of coming to earth within a human body.

Thus one spirit, experiencing joy in the physical world, seemingly becomes two. Remember that you are ONE, not two!

Guidance From Yusef: A Mantle of Peace

We understand the human response of fear to many situations in the world now. Thus it is imperative to get beyond that response—of fear, and those emotions coming from fear—frustration, anger, depression, deep concern, and so on.

As we have said, and remind you here again, the Earth MUST have more love and hope than fear. Do not allow fear. When you feel the emotions associated with fear, go immediately into a place of quiet that you may release the fear, let go of the insanity, and return to the sanity of who you are—Love.

All [of you] must find a way, or a place, or a practice that will allow love and hope to replace any aspect of fear.

Be vigilant in recognizing when you are moving from love and peace to fear. Once you have taught yourself to recognize the fear and accompanying agitation and discomfort, then you can also train yourself to go to the quiet (even in the busy-ness of your day) to let go of it, and allow us to remind you that you are love.

Look to those of us whom God has sent to you as encouragers, protectors, consolers, and guides in this lifetime. We are here for you.

Just as the one writing this has come to us agitated today, you may also come. And a sweet mantle of PEACE will descend over you in the quiet to renew you, and remind you of how much you are loved.

It is with great joy and love that we tell you again of the assistance you have from the Heavens. You are LOVE. Be vigilant. Let go of the darkness of fear that takes hold of you, and return always to the Light of Love. In this is the salvation of the world.

You are JOY.

You are LOVE.

You are LIGHT.

And from these come PEACE and HOPE for the World.

Our blessing is upon you.


Guidance From Yusef: You Exist in the Heavens and on the Earth

I think I really need to explain this message a little. 🙂

Each of us on the Earth has a soul that is a part of an ‘oversoul’ that continues to be with God. That is, our soul is just a part of, or we could say an aspect of, the Soul that is in heaven. Your soul is like a reflection of your heavenly self (Soul) that exists as a part of God.

In other words, Yusef says you have a ‘minor’ soul here that is still a part of, or an aspect of, your ‘major’ soul in heaven.

To further complicate your thinking, you also have many ‘minor’ souls experiencing life in the physical right now. Picture your major Soul as a large ship in the ocean (God). Your minor souls, are like small dingys that have left the larger ship to go out and experience something new. Your major Soul has many dingys out right now and yours is just one of them. Your major Soul is experiencing everything your soul on earth is right now. That is how it expands and grows.

I hope that you will ask questions or begin a discussion if this topic interests (or confuses) you.:)


The human mind is insistent in its drive to make sense of the world. This ensures survival. However, in this discourse, the need to understand is not beneficial. 

You are aware that it will serve you to remember WHO YOU ARE and to BE in the awareness as much and as often as you are able. 

Now we tell you that you reside with us as much as you reside on the earth. You are with us in ‘Heaven’ now as you have always been.

There is an aspect of You that is currently in a human existence, but that does not diminish the You that is here, or the aspects of you living other lifetimes at this same moment.

Thus your Oversoul or Major Soul as we have said, does exist as a part of God always. You are an aspect of that Major Soul that is participating in the Oneness [God] fully.

Enjoy your life on the earth—it was chosen by you and for you. But do not lose sight that you are much more than the personality you have chosen for this lifetime.

You have chosen a role to play. It is not WHO YOU ARE. It is a role. Enjoy it; learn from its experiences, and grow in love through it.

You are a part of the Most High God. Believe this truth and you will awaken. In that awakening your soul will dance and the earth and heavens will sing.

Guidance From Yusef: Remember WHO YOU ARE

The heavenly bodies are what you can see in the Heavens, but once again there is more that you cannot see. We are here to assist you in the discovery of who you are, and to remind you that you are more than you can see—it is so easy to forget.

As you raise your vibration through love, your awareness grows. As your awareness grows your life changes. 

There is a difference between living a “good” life and awakening. We pray that all chose the latter which is far more beneficial to the soul. Awaken to who you really are, beyond the human ego. You are Spirit/Soul, that which is one with God.

Once awakened, the awareness of God grows exponentially. The teaching here is the question—Do you want to live a good and just life here, or do you want to grow closer to the Oneness, God?

Two vastly different choices.

Choosing to awaken will also produce a good and just life here.  AWARENESS is the difference—the awareness of God and your divinity in God. This leads to awakening. The difference is like comparing a high school basketball player to Michael Jordan.

Be satisfied, or seek to grow in awareness and thus awaken to who you truly are, your True Self, one with God and All That Is.



Open The Door: A Meditation from Yusef

The stars reside in the Heavens. The oceans on the Earth. But the Human Heart holds them all in the Spirit dwelling within.

Open the door to your heart and therein find the One in Love with you, and the stars, and the tides that rule the earth.

Whether the door be locked, or heavy, or difficult to open, open it today.

Who would deny reception to the Love that is yourself? Who would not allow the friend, the lover, the life-giver entry into your home?

Who would hold themselves out in the cold when they too reside within the heart?

When the door is opened and you see not only the God who loves you beyond all telling, but you see your SELF—pure and clean, without fault or blame—then you are healed. Then life begins anew for you.

There is none but God, and ALL reside in that Love Energy you name God.

You in God, and God in You. Begin to know your True Self.

Open your door.


Guidance From Yusef: Your Cells Carry God Energy


It has been said that your bodies are “temples” for God [Holy Spirit]. We tell you now what has not yet been revealed. Your bodies are indeed temples, and more than you know, they are HOLY. For Life-Giver [God] resides in each cell as vibrating life.

The energy vibrating as YOU is a microcosm of the God-Energy. 

Thus the question: What to do with the body when the Soul has left?

Many times have you left a body and many times has your body been disposed of according to the culture and religion of the time. IT DOES NOT MATTER how your body is disposed. The energy that gave it life, separate from the Soul, is never lost. The Light [energy] of each one returns to the earth and to the air blessing it as each lived. 

Begin to use the power of Life-Giver within you now to bring more love to the world. The Light you carry in your cells has the potential to change the world. It will impact, with or without your conscious effort.

As the flowers that grow bless all with their beauty, so do you bless those in your surround. 

Guidance From Yusef

Remember that what you see and hear, taste, smell, and feel, are the senses giving your mind and body input. It is joyful because you are a physical being, but it does not awaken or give input to SPIRIT which is who you are.

Spirit is awakened by silence (prayer or meditation), by opening to Other (God), by going beyond the senses of the body to BE in Divine Presence.

You are presence, Spirit. That which cannot be identified through the senses. Yet every bit, and more so, your spirit is reality compared to the world of senses. 

Be still, awaken, and remember who you are.


Guidance From Yusef: Wholeness

YUSEF: The dance, the song that is both human and divine has been danced and sung by few. Jesus was/is one.

Recognize that your divine nature and human nature are one nature. This may be difficult to understand with the human mind, but remember that you have access to the Divine mind.

Learn to access this. It is YOU in your fullness—human and divine. There is no secret, no skill to learn, no “password.” It is simply WHO YOU ARE in the fullness and wholeness of YOU.

The one writing this acknowledges the presence of OTHER. It is recognized as part of her and allowed to be present.

Each must find their own way to “allow” the presence of the divine, of whom they also are, while in the human nature.

The “difficulty” is only a human thought. There is no difficulty—there is only ease in allowing WHO YOU ARE to be present while in your human state.