Guidance From Yusef: Beauty and Joy Counter Darkness


Such a beautiful Universe! Do not lose sight of the beauty. It is beauty, seen and appreciated, that will counter the darkness.

The darkness does gain in energy strength with your current obsession with fear on the earth. Rather look to nature, to the love that abounds there. As negative energies gain momentum and force it is especially important to find joy and beauty–each day, each moment when possible.

Make this a priority. Beauty. Joy. Gratitude. MOST important.

When the energy of FEAR takes hold within the human psyche it seeks to expand. Rather like a cancer it seeks to grow. Do not allow this. The “antidote” to this fear energy is joy, love, laughter, gratitude. In this energy all blossom and bloom. The heart is energized. This is the “sunshine” that allows expansion and growth on the earth. Fear, the opposite, stops growth, stops expansion. This is counter to Universal law.

EnJOY this day! Find opportunities to be in the beauty of nature and in the presence of joyful souls.

Guidance From Yusef: 8 Things I Know About Judgment


First a Note: Judging others or events in our lives as good or bad, right or wrong, appropriate or inappropriate, holy or unholy, safe or unsafe seems to come naturally to us. A few examples of this judgment are: blaming, anger, disdain, eye rolling, shaming, name calling, or insisting that my religion, my country, and my ideas are the only right ones.


#1 I know we are taught (is conditioned too strong a word?) to judge. We are taught by well-meaning parents, family, religion, culture, and society to judge anything that is different from the rules and norms they  have passed on to us. We learn to “see” the world through the lenses they give us. And we learn the lessons well.

#2 I know that we judge so easily because judgment comes naturally to our human ego. The ego is that voice inside that reminds us to stay within the boundaries we’ve been given. It says that if others don’t look, think, dress, believe, worship, or act like us we must be wary of them. The ego also judges us—as not competent, unworthy, or unlovable, or even as better than everyone else.

#3 I know that we don’t see the world as IT IS. We don’t see the world as it really is—as if we were looking through the non-judgmental lens of a video camera capturing a scene. Instead we see the world through the lens of our biases. We think the way we see the world is the right way. We don’t question whether our biases are correct, or even notice that we’re judging others.

#4 I know that we judge the world as potentially dangerous. Taught to judge the world as potentially dangerous, we take measures to protect ourselves and our property. We have locks, guards, alarm systems, and passwords. We carry arms and secure our borders. These actions further isolate us from each other.

#5 I know that judgment comes from fear. Judgment points to our fears about something—safety, security, belonging, criticism, self-esteem, abandonment, and so on. We judge automatically and without thinking—and we’re not even aware that we carry these fears deep down. Most of our fears however, are much worse than the actual events in our lives. Often what we fear is False Evidence Appearing Real.

#6 I know that judgment and love cannot exist in the same moment. If we are passing judgment on another person, no matter how slight, we cannot be loving them in the same moment. Judgment is the opposite of acceptance, appreciation, and love. It separates us from one another. We judge without acknowledging that everyone has their own reason for what they do.

#7 I know there are ways to re-program our automatic judgmental reactions! It IS possible to change our learned judgmental responses. There are steps we can take to become more aware of the biases we hold. We can move from judgment to understanding, and from fear to trust. We can begin to see that we’re all in this together and there truly is goodness in the world.

#8 I know that what we put out into the world we will get back from the world. If we are fearful, judgmental, and see others as threatening, we will react in ways that will threaten them. As long as humanity continues to judge in fear there will be unhappiness, war, terrorism, violence, and turmoil in the world. When we learn to come together in trust rather than judgment we will have the potential for a peaceful planet.


Note 2: Please be assured that I  know there are valid reasons to feel fear and determine a situation as dangerous. We have natural instincts that alert us when we, or those we love, are threatened with bodily harm, whether it be from a speeding car, a growling dog, while driving on an ice covered street, or from a person threatening us with a weapon. In these situations we revert to our instinctive responses to survive. But these life situations are not judged as good or bad, fair or unfair—they just are. So listen to that inner alarm and call 911, don’t go near the dog, and be careful on that slippery ice!









Guidance From Heaven: Illusion


Imagine that all one knows is changed.  Different from the norm one is accustomed to.  Then you feel  lost, disoriented, adrift.  There is nothing offering a firm hold, nothing to grasp.

UNLESS you realize that what is changing is not real–illusion as you say.  If you can believe that only the illusion can shift and change then you can allow the beauty to come forth and find comfort and solace and direction.images
When true reality is accepted then the way is made clear, the Angels helping/assistance can be seen/perceived, and you may move forward without fear.
There are many who will not see this [reality], many who will know it and yet not trust it. And many who will lose their way because of lack of faith and trust over time.
It is most important that now, while things are yet not changed, that all come to see that the world is illusion.  It is important to realize and accept that what is truly real does not die–it only grows and expands in wonder and truth.


Guidance From Yusef: The Birth of the Ego

Well, this is a BIG ONE—at least to me.  Yusef tells us how the Human EGO began.  He tells us that humanity was quite peaceful once. It was “a time of great and wondrous experience of life in the physical—Spirit experiencing the physical”.  But the simplest concept of “more and less” was introduced onto the Earth.  Then, in order to gain “more” and protect against “less”, humans developed a protective mechanism, the Ego, that separated us from each other.

images-5When I think of how simple it was to spiral a joyful, loving, peaceful community into the illusion of separateness that turned neighbor against neighbor, I am astonished and saddened.  Wow!  We have had eons of waging war to gain “more” and protect against “less”, but at last we are awakening to the notion that we are all in this together, and that peace is again a possibility for humanity.


This is a teaching on EGO.

This aspect of the human experience was necessary for the preservation of humanity when it shifted from a peaceful existence to other than peace.

Forces intruded into the physical to make it aware of ‘more and less’.  The simple concept of ‘more and less’ set into motion the whole range of ego response that looks like what is found in your world today.

Now this is very real.  A [seemingly] needed protection, though the “need” was faulty and an illusion, turned humanity away from the joy and peace it knew and toward the many “dualities” present in your world.

The time of peace in your physical world was very real.  A time of great and wondrous experience of life in the physical–Spirit experiencing the physical.  What a wondrous thing!!!

Now this protective aspect that arose during the illusion of need became itself—reveling in its own power.  Clinging and nourishing its power with degrees of duality in the physical world.

Those more open to it used it to become seemingly more “powerful” and thus the illusion continued and grew stronger. Humanity was susceptible/vulnerable to the influence suggesting ‘more and less’.  A simple idea that contaminated the peace that existed then.


Guidance From Yusef: Pay Attention. Be Light for Others

Yusef begins this message reminding us that God is with us.  So often in our busy and often stressed lives we lose sight of that fact.  We think we are going it alone, that there are no other resources available to us.

Yusef says that there are dark forces on the Earth that we need to pay attention to, but at the same time to remember that we are LIGHT and there is nothing to fear.  God is with us always. That might be hard to remember for those who have lost a job, or declared bankruptcy, or are experiencing an illness, or are still cleaning up after a “superstorm” weather event.

It is in the darker times that we can look to those who continue to trust and shine their LIGHT through the darkness for us all to see.  They give us all HOPE!  They remind us that we, too, are children of the light.

Shine on through whatever you are experiencing today!  Remember you are LIGHT, connected to the Source and Power of Love, and you are never alone. We have God’s assurance that the “power of LOVE prevails”.


The warnings have been given.  Pay attention to that which you know.  God is One.  All are of God.  God is All.  In all the Universes, in all the ‘places’, in all the heavens, God IS.  The power and wonder are beyond the beyond.  And yet God Is.  In Love, Light and merciful Goodness, God is.

Yet there are forces beyond the goodness.  Beware the darkness.  Remain in the Light.  Sense keenly when darkness nears.  Fear nothing, yet be aware.  Eliminate any inkling/semblance of fear.  The power of Love prevails.

images-3The world darkens before the Light may pierce its force.  And yet Light is the visible sign of Love present.  Light cuts through the darkness and shines upon the contrasting dark. 

The darkness allows the Light to be seen by those who need encouragement to remember the Light.

Thus is love, ofttimes a tiny spark, yet that spark shining forth is unstoppable if allowed to “beam” forth.

Guidance From Yusef: The Light is Dimming

I’m back!  Thanks to some of you who mentioned that you missed these messages coming into your inbox.

The messages over the next several posts will offer guidance on what I call, “the coming times”.  I began receiving these messages in 2007. They indicated even then that we will be experiencing difficult times on the Earth. As the headlines in the news media indicate, and as we all know, this has already begun.

Yusef does tell it like it is, but instead of fear and doom, what I felt when receiving the messages was a rather joyful sense as he spoke of the Angels that were already here and others who were coming to help.  I felt a confidence that we could overcome the darkness with all the help that was being offered.  Yusef also mentioned a “great awakening” that was taking place and it was this idea that inspired within me a sense of urgency to participate in that.

Remember what Yusef has said.  We need fear nothing.  We are all LIGHT!  We have each chosen to come into the world at just this time for a reason.  So shine on!


Unknown2007:  The Light is dimming.  Not of course the Source of the Light, but the Light visible from above the Earth.  Dark forces.  The Angels have been sent and are among you.  The Angels are powerful in their ability to assist.  Yet not all can see or hear Angels or other attempts to assist. 

So many [in the Universe] are ready to assist.  Assistance has been offered. (Another indication of the reason for the joy you sense in this communication and the task).

“Time” grows nigh.  Action must be taken.  Those on the planet you occupy in the current incarnation are not open to communication and thus are not aware of the truths of the concepts we share. 

We yearn to awaken many that they might be aware of the brightness that is theirs.

Thus it will begin, this task, to move forward.  Blessings to clear the darkness of the Earth. 

Guidance From Yusef: Awaken to Who You Really Are

In an earlier post Yusef told us:

Our intent is to encourage the AWAKENING of all Souls to LOVE during the Earth time! This benefits all Souls.  Awakening to LOVE allows that LOVE to bless all. As each one awakens, ALL are blessed in ways that are unimaginable to you now.

The reasons so many go through the day mindlessly, without thinking, are many, but in the simplest term, it is because many are ASLEEP:

  •  to what is really going on around them
  • to their own divine True Self, the Soul,
  • to their own actions, and perhaps more importantly,
  • to the motivations behind their actions.

This unawakened nature allows people to go through the world in a comfortable, status quo-like daze.  Though full of fear over their past and future issues and concerns, they move forward day-to-day fully believing that this is the “norm” for life on Earth.

And so it is for many.  The days go by filled with work, child or elder care, studies for school, or some other activity that we think is our lot or duty in life, while the person is robotically unaware of the unseen world, or the truth about themselves.

The truth is that our Soul, our Divine DNA, is who we are.  We are not our job, our status in the community, or even the body that we wear on this Earth.  To begin to know our True Self (Soul) we must get past the ego personality that we THINK is the real us, and its defenses of pride, judgment, rationalization, and fear.  We need to WAKE UP to our inherent goodness, our ultimate worthiness, and our oneness with the God of Love!

It does help to realize that we are the ones “authorizing” the barriers to awareness; we are the ones who allowed them to go up, and it is only we who can supervise their tearing down. Yusef says, You authorize the forces within you that keep you from Soul communication.  They hold no power apart from that which is given them.

Getting to know yourself is the greatest and most important work you can do in this lifetime.  Not easy of course.  No great discovery is easy.

To be continued….

Guidance From Yusef: Forgiveness is Essential


Forgiveness is essential, fundamental, and foundational.  No growth on the Earth occurs without the generosity of FORGIVENESS. images-9

Forgiveness is a cleansing that clears the Earth plane to reveal the Soul.  Only when you let go of that to which the human nature [ego] clings will you be able to see and know who you are.  This is remembering Home—letting go of that which is not of Home [Heaven].  

Live on the Earth as we live in Heaven. Judge no being and no interaction.  Learn from all; contribute to all. 

The Universe, or Heaven, is different.  Imagine a state where LOVE is abundant to overflowing, not the emotional love [of humankind] that is connected to the body.  Imagine a love so generous that forgiveness is not necessary.  In the Oneness there is no need for forgiveness.  Only in the illusion that you are separate [from God and from each other] is forgiveness necessary. 

Ultimately, perhaps the most important action we can take is to first forgive our own perceived mistakes and imperfections. That frees us to be able to forgive others. Forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves.









Guidance From Yusef: Fear Nothing


It is so simple.  Fear is attached to ego.  Get past ego and you will be free. images-8

Ego struggles to maintain a hold on power.  It comes from the beginning of time.  Therein lie the issue and the problem.  When seeking to move closer to God there is no other path.  Rising above the world’s hold on the Spirit/Soul can be a blink in time.  It is attainable.  Move toward this.  Help others to attain it.

Imagine no fear—only joy—only love. Do not be concerned regarding events of the future.  The ‘future’ takes care of itself.  The future comes out of/is dependent upon the PRESENT.  NOW is the important time.  Move through the NOW’s and worry not.  Fear nothing. 

The Blessing of God is upon all.  Judge no being and no interaction.  Learn from all; contribute to all.  Be strong in the assurance we offer.  Fear nothing.




Guidance From Yusef: Fear is Not Real


Fear has no basis in reality either in this world or the next.  Fear is not of God.  Therefore, when you react to a given occurrence, something actually transpiring, with a response that is based on fear, you have moved from reality to fantasy and are then living in a ‘world’ of your own making, within your own mind—not actually existing in reality.  This of course SEEMS real to you, however, it is NOT REAL.

This reaction/response acts to cut you off from the reality that is God/Source.  The consequences of that are far-reaching and serve no one.



The Fear that Yusef refers to in the Guidance is not the instinctive fear we experience when we are in physical danger, such as a when a speeding car is coming right at us.  The fear Yusef warns against is different from these.  It comes from our ego.

Ego fear tells you that the world is not a safe place.

Ego Fear lives in the past–dredging up all kinds of offenses you have suffered, and wants you to wallow in them–telling yourself the same stories about them over and over.  Or it lives in the future–worrying about what might be coming that will unsettle your world.

So, Fear looks like:  anxiety, worry, frustration, apprehension, suspicion, nervousness, depression, dread, terror, panic, despair, phobias, etc.

There is no judgment around any of these fears.  We can all identify with many of them. Yusef merely wants us to realize that they come from our egos and do not serve us. They are not REAL, though they seem very real to us. AWARENESS that they are not real is the first step to letting them go.