Guidance From Yusef: The Biology of Fear

Fear—it’s a big concern for Yusef and the Guides.

It’s so easy to say the word—it just slips off the tongue because we’re so used to saying it and feeling it. But it might surprise you to realize that when you think, or say, “I’m so afraid of terrorists and terrorism,” for example, you are giving that fear your precious energy.

What?? Well, look at this this way. We are energetic beings. Energy is what we are. In fact, that’s all we are. We are made up of dancing, vibrating molecules of energy—right down to the tiniest particles within our cells.

So when we say, and believe (that’s important), that we are “so afraid,” the cells in our bodies hear that and respond, sending out all kinds of information and direction (chemical and energetic) to the body—AND out into the world and the Universe!!

Let’s look at that:

The Body: I’m afraid! Something is going to hurt me! Get ready! Get the cortisol flowing. Ready the defenses. It’s fight or flight time!! Fear is insidious, infecting and affecting the entire being. Yusef

And Beyond the Body: Send out the alarm! Tell all around me I’m afraid! Then the energy surrounding my body, coming from all the cells within me, BROADCASTS that fear out beyond me. And as more and more of us resonate with that fear frequency it becomes stronger!!  …there is an energy that comes from the increasing fear in the world. 

That fearful energy field—yes, it is a field, or force—becomes much stronger as it joins with others who are broadcasting energetically that same fear. And that’s what Yusef is referring to when he says, The Universe shares in your physical experiences. The Earth’s emanations reveal a negative percolating.

It is sound science. Can’t you just feel the fear of terrorism in this country—a fear fueled by each other and the media? (There is actually a greater chance of being hurt or killed in a car than by a terrorist.) I’m not negating the need for vigilance, or even preparation—there is indeed a crazy group of folks out there! But vigilance is different from a consuming fear of something that may or may not happen.

The energy of fear—whether it is of terrorism, or the security of our banks, or the outcome of the Presidential election, or the security of your job, or your child’s welfare, or a scary diagnosis—is quite powerful. You may not realize how powerful.

This is a tough one to think about, much less change, or even make a dent in. Awareness of the power of fear is a start. We’ll explore more on this, but please realize that Fear is a block to God’s love. 

It is not necessary to “take up arms” or “do battle” against this force (fear). It is only necessary to turn to Love and Joy. In this Light the darkness has no power. Yusef

Guidance From Yusef: The Times Have Come

Greetings and Blessings to All,

I am being led now to write of how I and others are attempting to LIVE the guidance Yusef and the Heavens have been offering us for several years now. I think it’s “rubber meets the road” time, or “walk the talk” time. There will be messages from Yusef within, of course.

It’s been inspiring to read the messages that have been received, but we are each called to take action— to become the light we have read about.

It was a toss up this morning for me. The world is in tremendous turmoil with 5 million Syrians having fled their country and another 6.6 million displaced within Syria, not to mention the refugees from other Middle Eastern countries seeking refuge…with England now leaving the EU…with the events that have occurred during this presidential campaign…the mass shootings, etc. etc.…do we begin with the end or with the journey?

I will let you begin first with the end. I encourage you to read The Coming Times messages on this blog. Just put “The Coming Times” in the Search box at and you will get several articles to browse. Or if you own the book God Sent: Messages of Love and Hope for Our World Today, you can read Chapters 19 and 20.

I leave you with that suggestion (assignment) today. And in the days to come we’ll begin to look at what it really means to live out Yusef’s guidance and truly BE LIGHT for the world in these “trying times.”

Love and Blessings, Barbara

Guidance From Yusef: We have Control

Yusuf speaks today of the power we have over our own lives. It is the conscious choices that we make each day that determine the direction of our lives.

But it is so easy to lose sight of that power and give over our choices and control to others, or to fear, or to the rules that others impose on us. It can be as simple as recognizing that in every moment of the day we are given the choice in how we respond–to the wonderful things, as well as the difficult things. And it’s in our choices and our responses that our life unfolds.

Do we choose to find fault, to blame, to follow rules that no longer apply, or to fear differences, for example? Or do we choose to accept what life brings and see all as opportunity from God to accomplish the purpose for which we came–to become our best selves?


All the small things that consume your mind–the worries, the concerns, the plans–are distractions.

You have total control over your daily life, and I say YOUR life because it is the only one you can affect. At the same time most have abdicated that control to others or to the rules of family, society, culture or religion that you have chosen to follow. You have replaced control over your life with distractions and fears that often control you.

Become more aware that you do have control. It has always been yours to make the choices that direct your life. You need not hand over this control to others in your life, or the rules you follow, or the ego’s distractions.

You are capable of each movement, each choice in your life. You carry your purpose and truth within you. Your Spirit/Soul can see the way clearly.

It is the integration of your Spirit/Soul with the essence of your physical human nature, that assures control of your life on the Earth.

We are with you.

Guidance From Yusef: Love Counters the Darkness

I have been so terribly SAD because of the actions of the terrorists in the world these days—just sad to the core. I can also feel the fear of my neighbors and friends. Yusef has said that the Earth is “darkening” but he tells us we must continue to love. This I know—love and fear cannot co-exist in the same moment. And it takes great courage to TRUST and have faith in a loving Divine presence with the reality of the violence in the world right now. But it is time for each of us to access that place of faith and trust and send out Love and Light to all those suffering on the Earth.


We tell you now that the difficulties are worsening. The darkness of fear covers the Earth. Not just the fear that you are aware of—from those being threatened and killed by others—but also the fear of those fleeing their homeland and many others. 

You would like answers and direction for your actions. LOVE—where you are and the best you can. In that loving your Light will shine out. Do nothing to dim your Light. This is most important.

Take action if action calls you. But if the only action you can take is prayer, realize that this is a great gift—perhaps the most healing for the world. Let your prayer go out to all the suffering in the world, both the “terrorist” and those suffering at the hand of the terrorist. Especially offer prayer for those governing. They are in great need of such now.

Love. In every instance. Look for the opportunities in all you do, in each moment of your life. Send/offer each one love. Let love guide your thoughts, words, and actions. You do not realize its power.

We are with you.


Guidance From Yusef: Attachment to Things


Render all that you have and all that you are to God. Thus when acknowledging that all you are and all you have belongs to ALL (God) you are ‘thinking’ from your Soul.

Possession, or ownership, is an artificial construct coming from a human need to control. It is out of FEAR that you gather—some to extremes [hoarding]. 

Be ready to let EVERYTHING go—to let all THINGS be as nothing. When you are ATTACHED to nothing then you can HAVE it all, yet own it not.

When the human nature begins to take ownership—this is MINE, therefore it cannot be YOURS—barriers are constructed between people. These barriers seem very real but they are not real. Nothing can be actually “owned.” It is an impossibility. 

But it seems real.

You live in the world of THINGS, made of matter that can be physically perceived through the senses. In actuality that matter holds together quite tenuously and can disassemble or rearrange in a nano second, as you say. (I am reminded here of those who have lost everything in fire or flooding or earthquake or other natural disasters.)

The lesson is clear. Enjoy all things. Appreciate all things. Attach to no things. Retain what you need for the life you are living, for what enriches your Soul and the lives of others. You will have things for your use. OWN them not. They may remain with you, but they do not BELONG to you. ATTACH not to them.

Guidance From Yusef: A Portal Opening


There is an opening from the Heavens at this time (a portal) that offers us all Grace, encouragement, and help for our personal Soul growth. That’s the REALLY good news. When God offers all the heaven’s help to us it is an extraordinary gift.

The maybe not-so-great news is that in order to take advantage of this opportunity we need to look at the barriers we have put up to God. You know, the parts of ourselves that we deny, or hide, or ignore so that we don’t have to face them. Things such as jealousy, greed, dishonesty, lack of forgiveness, self-centeredness, lack of trust, possessiveness, anger, prejudice, etc. Or the part of us that believes we are not worthy to be loved by God. 

We are being offered the opportunity and the help to face our faults, heal old wounds, let go of judgment, move from criticism to compassion, make adjustments to our thinking and our actions, and change what no longer benefits our Souls.

This is a new beginning, a recalculating, a redirecting of our lives in order to move closer to God. It is an opportunity to pay attention to what our Souls need.

Actually if you choose to accept this mission…it may be the hardest work you’ve ever done because it involves facing the parts of yourself that aren’t so pretty, and acknowledging that they really are a part of you. It’s forgiving yourself, and allowing those barriers to come down so that you can move on to be the BEST VERSION of YOURSELF.

No one knows how long this portal of GRACE will be open. I’ve missed some portals in my life, so if you want to move closer to God, now is the time to join me and do your inner work. We will all have all the help we need from God.

But WARNING: it takes COURAGE to really look at ourselves. And once we commit to that task, all of our ‘stuff’ (see above) WILL show up. When it does, send it love, say good-bye to it, and let it go. Forgive yourself and others and move forward.  Life is ever so much brighter and happier when the barriers to God’s love come down! 

Blessings to all!


Guidance From Yusef: Letting Go of Who I Think I Am

Yusef continues the topic of changing from a fear-filled person, to a free-from-fear person. Entering the metaphorical cocoon he tells us requires a willingness to be changed. It all happens naturally as we let go of who we THINK we are. We humans are concerned about our identity, our personality…who will we be on the other side of the cocoon? Will we lose our very selves? What will it be like to be free-from-fear? Such a foreign idea!


We resume: It is all GIFT for which there is no cost. The only “cost” is ACCEPTANCE/willingness. Acceptance demands a LETTING GO of that which humans cling so tenaciously to—attachment to identity.

The concern is that the personality, that which humans THINK is who they are, will be lost in the letting go. And indeed this bears some truth, for there is a shift in the ‘metamorphosis’ that adjusts the focus.

Identification with personality is: This is ME: I am…white/black/brown. I am this ethnicity, have this occupation, look like this, and so on.

When that is all let go in order to experience the “new” that was in potential already there, the orientation shifts.

The world may see the same body and personality, but you will feel completely different in your relationship to it. It no longer defines you, or IS you. You are in essence not a “new creation”, but rather you now remember who you REALLY ARE, and all is available to you.

You can metaphorically “fly.” And the light shining from within you makes you quite beautiful to others.

Guidance From Yusef: Letting Go of Fear

Barbara: A little explanation regarding caterpillars, butterflies, and metamorphosis….

Yusef uses the analogy of a caterpillar (the fearful us) going into a cocoon to be transformed into a butterfly (the free-from-fear us). This analogy is very powerful scientifically.


When a caterpillar forms a cocoon it disintegrates most of its body into a soup of sorts. But there are parts called “imaginal discs” that were already in the caterpillar and they become the basis for the growing butterfly. Some species of caterpillar even have tiny rudimentary wings already within their bodies. I love that image.

So the caterpillar LETS GO of its former “self,” literally dissolving it in order to become the new “self”.

For us that means being WILLING to be TRANSFORMED—not actually dissolved :). images-3We all have within us the potential to be free from the fears of this world as Jesus and others were. It just takes being willing to let go of our fearful self in order to LET GOD TRANSFORM US into the True Self that we already carry within us.


Now, the cocoon is the task. Once you have willingly entered the cocoon the “work” is not yours. It is the inevitable transformation in which the false self of fear is completely disintegrated, allowing the True Self (that was already within you) to emerge.

The POTENTIAL that existed, waiting, now BECOMES in the new form. Beauty that was hidden within now emerges by LETTING GO of the old way.

As each one emerges from the cocoon transformed, the new experience of beauty, freedom, and joy will transmit to the Earth to enliven others still ‘crawling’ to be willing to chance the cocoon.

And the movement of more and more butterflies on the Earth will generate a wind that will sweep over the land to free it.images-2

Guidance from Yusef: It’s Time To Let Go of Fear

Happy Spring! This post and the next are exciting in their spirit of hope and the feeling of freedom from all the worries and concerns of life on this planet that bog us down. Yusuf is telling us it’s time to let go of fear. Well, that’s easier said than done. But the beautiful new spring growth on the Earth right now signals new beginnings and I think that is what the heavens want us to focus on now. We have all the help we need to begin to move away from fear and move toward the freedom of inner peace and happiness. Yay!

The joy of the heavens is in stark contrast to the emanations coming from the Earth. This is unnecessary since the potential for joy on the Earth has never been greater.230766536_3adce9b68b_m

The scene is set to move past the influences of fear on the Earth—breaking free as a butterfly would break free of the boundary of the cocoon.

This must be the image put forth. It is time to be free of the constricting bonds of fear. The wonder of that freedom, though new and sometimes a struggle to acclimate to, connects you to the heavens.

Freedom from fear elevates, levitates the soul. More, it allows connection and communion with All That Is (God) in a new way.

Fear is of the Earth. Let go of fear to soar into the heavens while yet on the Earth.

Joy! Freedom!

Guidance From Yusef: Darkness and Fear

Barbara: Yusef today talks about the dark side and fear. It is my understanding that refers not only to the abbhorent acts taking place in the world today, but also refers to our response to them. Some human forces in the world (and the media) would have us be afraid and fearful of everything. The energy of fear is contagious and the fact that Yusef says the world is sending out more and more fear should alarm us.  Our being fearful blocks light, love, and joy which are the only “weapons” we have against darkness. Today I pray we can look to the light within us, the light from the heavens, and the beauty and love still very present in the world. As the Light grows stronger the darkness cannot be sustained.


The world you now occupy remains precarious. There is a tipping toward the dark side of FEAR rather than light and love.

Now we must assert that there is no real “dark side.” However, there is an energy that comes from the increasing fear in the world. In actuality it is most important to remember that it has no force other than what you give it.

Therefore it is not necessary to “take up arms” or “do battle” against this force. It is only necessary to turn to love and joy. In this light the darkness has no power.

Find the light–the joy in this day and every day–MOST IMPORTANT.