Walk As Jesus Did

The joy of the heavens is to be included in the choices and decisions you make while walking the Earth path.

When you are attuned to the higher guidance, you walk as more than your human self. You walk as Jesus did—with both his humanity and his divinity alive on the earth. You also can do this.

Your human concerns and activities seem to be the most pressing to your senses. “Activate” your divine senses while you are in the world. It will all look different.

It is not a choice of one or the other. In every moment live in the awareness of your humanity and your divinity. Make all of your choices in the fullness of who you are. There is no conflict between the two. You are a child of the Most High walking the earth in a human experience.

Be awake to both the heavens and the earth. Walk as Jesus did—in tune with his humanity and his divinity. 

In love, Yusef

God’s GPS: The Path of the Heart

A little Note: I am WAY behind in posting, so there will be a few posts coming more quickly than usual. 🙂 Barbara

What words can express the joy the Heavens have for those on the Earth?! If you only realized the love and support you have! You are not alone—ever.

Wandering the Earth without knowledge of the guidance offered is rather like being lost in the desert. The path obscured. Which way to go? How to find the way?

There is ALWAYS a light shining on the path for each one of you. Each path is different from the next—sometimes intersecting with another, sometimes a solitary path. But always WE can see it.

Turn in faith—meaning trust—to follow your HEART—God’s GPS. It will not fail you.

This means of course that your worldly concerns—from the ego talking in your ear of fear and failure—must be let go. Oh, how frightening that is. Like jumping without being able to see where you will land.

You think your ego will keep you safe, but in reality your ego, which is all you know, has been leading you down a path of fear. You are lost. Send that ego down another path—away from you. Say goodbye to it as it goes off. What are you left with? THE PATH OF THE HEART: LOVE. TRUST. TRUE JOY. FREEDOM. HAPPINESS. PEACE.

When you take this jump you land on solid ground!


The Faith of “Lover”

To those who do the work of I AM—the work of Love in a world of fear—we say thank you. This is the most important effort to counter the fear so present, and causing the world to teeter. Love affects the balance and the outcome.

We resume. You wonder about faith. A most difficult concept to explain for those who do not have/know it. For those who do, no explanation is necessary. The depth of it sustains. The breadth of it supports.

It is faith that allows the steps of Lover to follow the difficult path.

We speak of Lover now. The one who is loved and knows Love. There is no doubt for this one. Troubles and trials can assault yet Lover continues to Love. There is no fear for this one. Trust is his/her key word.

Knowing the Father, Son, and Spirit as Self, Lover moves through each day unshaken by events, persons, or crises. Lover’s faith is strong and Lover realizes he/she is loved and protected beyond the events and dangers of the Earth. 

May the peace of the Most High Lover be with you this day.


Choose Love

The heavens rejoice at the wonder of (all of) you! Accept that you are loved beyond compare. Beyond knowing. If you begin to sense this love it could be overwhelming to your human self. Know it to be true.

Falsely do some claim to know God and then act out of other than Love. Notice the words and actions of those. Do you hear and see Love? Where you see Love, whether it is according to society’s “rules” or not, God is there.

Beware of “common sense.” It is a flexible concept. It often misleads. It follows rules that may not come from Love.

Look to the life of Jesus. His actions on the earth did not always follow the “rules” of either religion or society. Jesus followed the rule of Love in all cases. There are those doing the same today—showing Love for all—perhaps also causing discomfort for some in the doing. 

The difference is between ego and soul. Ego works to maintain control of the status quo (a life of fear). It shuns and ridicules those who act out of Love, thinking them out of touch with the “real” world. The Heavens, on the other hand, see and rejoice at the voice and actions of those whose Soul nature is in the lead.

In all things choose Love. Do not be misled by the norm, by the common sense of the day. Love often seems to be the “uncommon” response. Choose Love.


Catching Up, and Judgment

B—Well, I have been unfaithful lately in getting Heaven’s messages out on this site. I resolve to do better. I have been told not to edit—that is to make decisions about which messages to post and which ones not to post. You will be getting all the stuff now. :)) Some of what you read will be my conversations or questions or just my journaling/musings. I will follow the guidance to post and may Spirit (God) speak to you through whatever you are reading. As always I encourage you to comment or email me with any questions you may have. Blessings today! Barbara

Nothing is as we think it is. We have mental constructs—ideas given to us long ago when we were small—that we cling to, believing that what we have been told is reality, when actually everything that we THINK is real is a part of the dream, or the play, (God and) we have created in order to experience the physical world. I play the roles of wife, mother, sister, teacher, grandmother, aunt, etc. and these have been marvelous, incredible, sometimes difficult, amazing, and fun. But I know that the true I, my true Self, is much more than these.

I am told that if it comes from our thinking MINDS it is a dream. For instance, what about RIGHT and WRONG? These are a mental constructs that cause us to believe or think or judge certain things or people in the world. In another age, another culture, the ideas we have been given about what is right and wrong could be just the opposite.

So Yusef, how do we live without the “guidelines” of rightness and wrongness for instance? How can we tell what is true?

Yusef: Let go—of all you have learned about rightness and wrongness. Let go of JUDGING EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE. Begin to see the world as is IS. Look through the eyes of LOVE and COMPASSION and you will begin to see differently. Without judgment God can be present. 

B—This  could take a lifetime.

Y—We  understand. (Smile)

Guidance From Yusef: Joy Beyond Ego

As I sit to receive the messages from the Guides I call “Yusef,” I always begin with a short invocation (a prayer of sorts). On the day of this message I said, I come to sit in the presence of God my God, Wonder of Wonders, Joy of Joys.

Ah, we resonate with the Joy! Such is life in the beyond. Joy beyond compare. Shed of the earth’s density and tendency for other than joy, we are free to celebrate the wonder of life without ego demands.

Picture/imagine this: A life without competition, jealousy, anger, defeatist thinking, worry, emotional highs and lows, and fears that haunt each day. Can you even imagine this? What would your day be like?

We suggest this is worthy of your pondering…and when you do imagine this, these behaviors of the ego will fade away. It is the mere awareness that there is another way that allows you to slip gently away from the hold the ego has on you.

NOTICE—bring ego reactions into the light of your awareness, then, choose another way. It will seem strange at first because the ego has you in its grasp.

Simply let go of the worries, the need for more, the actions that keep you hostage…and step into the light of who you are—Child of the Most High—free to offer the world your many gifts.

In the Light you will be able to see clearly the true path you have chosen for this earth adventure. You will see what you have come here to do. 

First, free yourself of all things that limit and block the Light that is YOU.


Guidance From Yusef: Let Go of Fear Part II

We resume. We speak now to you who seek a life that offers the blessings of freedom from fear. 

Pray. Every moment placing yourself in the presence of the God of Love. 

Trust. That God, the Divine Source of Love, is with you always. In EVERY moment of time.

Shift. From your awareness of fear, to the awareness that you are loved beyond measure, that you are SAFE. Make that shift with every choice, every decision in your day.

Become AWARE of the ways fear and its many forms have a hold on you. As you become aware you will be surprised at the many big and small ways fear is present in your life. Notice your words, your thoughts, your actions. How do your worries, anxiety, and concerns show up in your life? You THINK this is your “natural” state. IT IS NOT. Try moving through one day, one hour, without fear. You will survive. Love is who and what you are.

Then notice the FREEDOM and lightness you have when you chose to let go of the hold that fear has over you. You cannot imagine the benefits to you, the world, and the heavens with each little step you take toward Love, and away from fear. 

Your NATURAL STATE is Love. Return to your natural state. Turn. Shift from fear to love. We are with you.



Guidance From Yusef: Let Go of Fear Part 1

We resume.  In the world you live in, the forces of the earth’s density—the collective thinking of those on the earth, and other forces of the earth—are influencing all you do. (We do not say they cause what you do, but they do influence you.) These forces attempt to maintain the status quo of FEAR and all of its many aspects, such as anxiety, greed, worry, concern, anger, power, dread, control, etc. These dominate the thinking of the earth. 

We understand the difficulty of what we ask—that you LET GO OF FEAR, and embrace LOVE. Let Love be your filter in all. As you move through time in your day, let every choice, every decision, every word be of Love, not fear.

Practice this. It will take practice because fear is the default emotion on the earth.

Your ancestors feared for their lives. You do not have the same circumstances now. However, we do acknowledge that some in the world are in a survival mode, as you say. It was their choice, of course, to experience this before they came to the earth, yet this fear also contributes to what we speak of.

How do you let go of fear and all its many presentations in your life? YOU BECOME AWARE OF IT.

And with this injunction we offer you our blessing and our assistance. We are with you.


Guidance From Yusef: Seeing Soul Light, Part 2


If you could see as we see you would observe colors in and around each person, coming forth from them, sometimes surrounding them. 

There may also be a “shine” coming from them—a peace that you can feel. Compassion can also be observed. It is a very bright vibration (light). 

You may see some people pause during the day, and realize that they have moved out of the thinking-mind to center in the heart-mind, allowing the heart, not brain, to lead their way and help them with choices and decisions. When one is centered in the heart—if only for an instant, it is most obvious to us, and to the world. That one appears “different” in the instant that they make the connection to heart.

There are also seekers who are looking for the Light. (They don’t yet realize that they already have the Light within them.) You will recognize these as they take all opportunities to learn, or to be near those who are shining their Light in the world.

There are many who are hiding their Light, afraid to shine out into the world. And there are those who do outward signs to show they are the Light, but what they show is ego-light rather than Soul Light.

Those vibrating at a high frequency (a bright Light) do not proclaim themselves. They ARE the Light and thus have no NEED to show or prove anything. It is WHO they are. These are true beacons.

Come together as people of the Light. The earth needs you.


Guidance From Yusef: Seeing Soul Light Part 1


Our message today is that the Light [coming from the Earth] continues to dim. We suggest that those of the Light come together in 2’s, 3’s, 100’s…. In clusters/concentrations of Light you become a beacon and from the heavens we are able to see the beacons across your globe.

We do not speak of religion or churches—that is a fine practice, and the light does shine there.

We speak of those who recognize the Light in others. These not only shine their own Light when they come together, but the Light is amplified in this instance. (We are now describing Heaven to you.)

Learn to recognize the Light in each other. We do not say “see” the Light, but recognize it AS Light coming forth from within. The term “Soul Light” would perhaps make sense to you for indeed it is the Soul’s vibration you see. Yes, “Heart Light” might also substitute. That term may speak to you more clearly. Chose whatever term feels more understandable to you. (The one taking this dictation is singing a song about heart light. We smile.)