About admin

Scribe. Collaborator. Teacher and Facilitator of Change. Conduit and ambassador of hope, joy, and Love.

Guidance From Yusef: Beauty and Joy Counter Darkness


Such a beautiful Universe! Do not lose sight of the beauty. It is beauty, seen and appreciated, that will counter the darkness.

The darkness does gain in energy strength with your current obsession with fear on the earth. Rather look to nature, to the love that abounds there. As negative energies gain momentum and force it is especially important to find joy and beauty–each day, each moment when possible.

Make this a priority. Beauty. Joy. Gratitude. MOST important.

When the energy of FEAR takes hold within the human psyche it seeks to expand. Rather like a cancer it seeks to grow. Do not allow this. The “antidote” to this fear energy is joy, love, laughter, gratitude. In this energy all blossom and bloom. The heart is energized. This is the “sunshine” that allows expansion and growth on the earth. Fear, the opposite, stops growth, stops expansion. This is counter to Universal law.

EnJOY this day! Find opportunities to be in the beauty of nature and in the presence of joyful souls.

Guidance From Yusef: 8 Things I Know About Judgment


First a Note: Judging others or events in our lives as good or bad, right or wrong, appropriate or inappropriate, holy or unholy, safe or unsafe seems to come naturally to us. A few examples of this judgment are: blaming, anger, disdain, eye rolling, shaming, name calling, or insisting that my religion, my country, and my ideas are the only right ones.


#1 I know we are taught (is conditioned too strong a word?) to judge. We are taught by well-meaning parents, family, religion, culture, and society to judge anything that is different from the rules and norms they  have passed on to us. We learn to “see” the world through the lenses they give us. And we learn the lessons well.

#2 I know that we judge so easily because judgment comes naturally to our human ego. The ego is that voice inside that reminds us to stay within the boundaries we’ve been given. It says that if others don’t look, think, dress, believe, worship, or act like us we must be wary of them. The ego also judges us—as not competent, unworthy, or unlovable, or even as better than everyone else.

#3 I know that we don’t see the world as IT IS. We don’t see the world as it really is—as if we were looking through the non-judgmental lens of a video camera capturing a scene. Instead we see the world through the lens of our biases. We think the way we see the world is the right way. We don’t question whether our biases are correct, or even notice that we’re judging others.

#4 I know that we judge the world as potentially dangerous. Taught to judge the world as potentially dangerous, we take measures to protect ourselves and our property. We have locks, guards, alarm systems, and passwords. We carry arms and secure our borders. These actions further isolate us from each other.

#5 I know that judgment comes from fear. Judgment points to our fears about something—safety, security, belonging, criticism, self-esteem, abandonment, and so on. We judge automatically and without thinking—and we’re not even aware that we carry these fears deep down. Most of our fears however, are much worse than the actual events in our lives. Often what we fear is False Evidence Appearing Real.

#6 I know that judgment and love cannot exist in the same moment. If we are passing judgment on another person, no matter how slight, we cannot be loving them in the same moment. Judgment is the opposite of acceptance, appreciation, and love. It separates us from one another. We judge without acknowledging that everyone has their own reason for what they do.

#7 I know there are ways to re-program our automatic judgmental reactions! It IS possible to change our learned judgmental responses. There are steps we can take to become more aware of the biases we hold. We can move from judgment to understanding, and from fear to trust. We can begin to see that we’re all in this together and there truly is goodness in the world.

#8 I know that what we put out into the world we will get back from the world. If we are fearful, judgmental, and see others as threatening, we will react in ways that will threaten them. As long as humanity continues to judge in fear there will be unhappiness, war, terrorism, violence, and turmoil in the world. When we learn to come together in trust rather than judgment we will have the potential for a peaceful planet.


Note 2: Please be assured that I  know there are valid reasons to feel fear and determine a situation as dangerous. We have natural instincts that alert us when we, or those we love, are threatened with bodily harm, whether it be from a speeding car, a growling dog, while driving on an ice covered street, or from a person threatening us with a weapon. In these situations we revert to our instinctive responses to survive. But these life situations are not judged as good or bad, fair or unfair—they just are. So listen to that inner alarm and call 911, don’t go near the dog, and be careful on that slippery ice!









Guidance From Yusef: Happy New Year


Yusef tells us that there really is no “time”, but the heavens understand our Earthly need to count the hours, days, and years–sort of. It seems to be a bit of a stretch for them but they love us so much they try hard to understand. 🙂

In that spirit, I send wishes to all for a year filled with love, joy, and the awareness that you are much more than you think you are–much more. You are one with the One, Source of all that is, God. You are a Spirit being journeying through this short lifetime on the Earth.

This year I hope you delight in the gift of this amazing physical life, and will take special care of yourself, each other, and our Mother Earth. The vibrations of those efforts will bless all on the Earth and in the heavens.

Sending you all Blessings of Peace for 2015!

Guidance From Yusef: The Christ


Christ, a term you use to describe one human person, is a much bigger concept. Enlarge your thinking. All is Christ, a term for the God-ness.  Jesus, this one human person, respresents the God-ness, the All of creation within his divinity (Soul) and his humanity—CHRIST.

The Universe contains all that is, and seeking a name for the representative of ALL THAT IS, and all in the Universes is the term CHRIST.  The Christ-ness includes all that is. 

The Most High [God] is the wonder of wonders—beyond all you are and know. Yet the Most High is within and without each of you, present to all, and with all, and in all.

Read the messages from Yusef in a new book available on Amazon:

GOD SENT: Messages of Love and Hope for Our World Today 

Guidance From Yusef: Jesus the Christ

I asked:  “Who or what is the Christ”?

YUSEF: Part 1

Jesus the man was the fullness of the CHRIST—example to all. Light and Life. The frequency of his vibration resounded throughout the heavens, gathering all to himself.  It is of the CHRIST we speak—this being the culmination of all consciousness.  

In the heavens are the homes of many—far beyond your imagining. In these places there are multitudes of anointed ones. Yet out of these ONE was chosen to enter the world with the wisdom and knowledge from beyond the veil. 

In the one man (though there have been others) the heavens were poured. This divine and human vessel carried into the human condition the ALL of creation. Not within his humanity but rather within his SOUL.

His Soul, with an extremely high vibration, carried the Oneness to the Earth in a way not seen previous to his coming. Thus was he ANOINTED to do the mission chosen for him.

Jesus the human, born to the Earth in a certain time is the culmination of all the wisdom and effort of humanity.

God Sent: Messages of Love and Hope for Our World Today

Greetings to All,

I am delighted to announce that GOD SENT, BookCoverImagea book of Yusef’s messages, is now published and will be available in 3-5 days on Amazon. Let’s all visualize 3 days 🙂 so that those of you who want to order the book for Christmas giving will have plenty of time to get it. Start looking on Wednesday of this week.  The title of the book is above.  (It will also be on other sites such as Barnes and Noble but I’m not exactly sure when.)

I thank you for your support, and hope that these messages bring an inner light of peace, joy, and trusting confidence in the Source of all Love.  May this Christmas season be blessed and peace-filled for you and yours.

Warm Love and Light,



Guidance From Yusef: Mary’s “Yes”

Barbara: At this time of year I am struck again by the power of Mary’s “Yes” to God’s will for her life. The Biblical account in the Gospel of Luke, tells us that the Angel Gabriel sought Mary out to tell her she had been chosen to be the mother of Jesus, Son of God. According to the Bible, the Angel didn’t seem to give her much of an option, but it does say that Mary agreed to it by proclaiming herself “the servant of the Lord.”

Yusuf tells us that “There are specific purposes chosen for each lifetime….” so we can safely assume that we know what Mary’s purpose was. What if she had said no? In this world and in the Heavens “no” is a perfectly acceptable answer. There is no judgment around it. We have free will to accept what life brings to us or not. Mary said Yes to the Angel and to the plan that determined the rest of her life. Jesus also said, “Yes” to what God asked of his life.

I am reminded again that it is important to assert my “Yes” to what life brings to me, no matter what it is. Everything that comes into my life is for my soul growth and for my greater good. It may not always seem that way, but that’s only because I may not have discovered yet the blessing that it brings with it.

Each of us has a purpose on the Earth that only we can fulfill. No one else can do what we have come here to do. So if an Angel does happen to appear in full glory in my room or your room, I sure hope that we will not “be afraid,” but will welcome it with humility and great joy. Chances are this won’t happen, but today and every day I will try to proclaim my YES to life, and to live more consciously in the Light of Love, as Mary and Jesus did.

Guidance From Yusef: Choose Joy

This Thanksgiving week of 2014, I am reminded that amid all the media reports of devastation, conflict, and horror, we are the ones who must bring joy and love into the world. We can balance the negative energies out there simply by appreciating others and finding moments of joy and gratitude in each day. I don’t think we realize the impact that has in the world. Just think, the simple action of going through the week with a deep inner thanksgiving and appreciation will impact the energy fields throughout the world and out into the Universe.


Joy in the heavens sings forth in gratitude, words for all of humanity. Awaken to the joy that is yours!  

Imagine no fear—only joy—only Love. Do not be concerned regarding events of the future. The future takes care of itself. The future comes out of and is dependent upon the PRESENT. NOW is the important time. Move through the NOWs and worry not. Fear nothing.

Life on this planet hides within it potential and power. Arise now and claim that which belongs to those of the Earth—peace, joy beyond measure, and love. For this you have come to the Earth. Look past the weakness of the human nature to the power within, to the Source of all power—the beginning and the end.

Heed well. BE joy for those who cannot see joy. BE love for truly Love is what you are. And in the Love is Joy. And in the Joy is Light shining forth.

Guidance From Yusef: True Spirituality

Barbara: Recently I was moved by a message from Richard Rohr who writes that spirituality is always about changing our own way of SEEING and HEARING. That is what the Spirits were saying to me many years ago when they told me to SEE DIFFERENTLY.

We can see and hear the news of the world through our humanness, our egos, and what we may perceive is a fearful world–especially with the fighting in the Middle East, drastic weather events, and the latest Ebola crisis for example. Our humanness sees a world in which we are not safe. A world that threatens our home, our lifestyle, or our very lives.

But seen through the eyes of the Soul, the eyes of the God Mind, we can see differently–with love, compassion, trust, and hope for those suffering as a result of war, weather, or illness. We can see a world where we are safe, because in God there is really nothing to fear.
Rohr writes that “We mend and renew the world by strengthening inside ourselves what we seek outside ourselves...”

To find love, we must strengthen love within.
To find peace, we must strengthen peace within.
To find forgiveness, we must strengthen a forgiving heart within.
And above all, to see a safer world, we must begin to SEE DIFFERENTLY–through the eyes of the soul, the eyes of God.


Guidance From Yusef: The Soul


The Soul knows the Oneness [God]. The Soul is one with the Oneness. Unimaginable to you now is the wondrous beauty and intelligence of the Soul.

The Soul seeks even greater oneness and awareness in its desire to “move closer” to Source–to return to the fullness from which it differentiated to experience new experiences. Once differentiated, it became aware of its smallness beside the All of Source. Its main drive then is to return to its home in a fuller, more expanded self awareness.

This message on the Soul, though short, is beautiful. It speaks of being one with Source/God before we differentiated* from it to be born into this world. Our coming to the Earth offers our Souls an opportunity to expand and contribute to the Oneness of God because our Souls are still, of course, a part of the Oneness/God. Our Souls long to return to the bosom of Source–to move ever closer to complete oneness and to be “lost” again in God.

As you read this, I invite you to substitute the word “my” for “the” in Yusef’s message to make it even more personal, i.e. “My Soul knows the Oneness [God].”

*differentiated–to become different in the process of growth or development