Guidance From Yusef: Seeing through the darkness

images-1In the darker times of our lives, when our human emotions of loneliness, sorrow, hurt, or despair have taken over and we are consumed with fears, it is important to remember that we are connected to, and are, Light.


Darkness and Light are the contrasts to observe.  In the Light is growth [and] awareness, and seeing is possible.  In the dark growth is not possible.  Seeing is not possible.  Only in the Light can growth, seeing, [and] awareness of possibilities be seen.

Look to the Light.

There is much darkness in the world.  Many have lost sight of the Light.  Shine the Light of Life and Love so that all may see.

The third eye (inner eye, higher consciousness, or intuition) can see in the darkness when the physical eyes are blinded.  That eye is critical in “seeing” that which IS. The third eye sees and registers what is not in the physical.  It sees beyond.

In the darkness the [inner] Light can be the brightest.  Light and the source of Light are present.  Awareness, constant awareness will move all forward.

Life, as you know it will change.  Inevitable. Movement forward/evolution produces an alteration, causes a ripple in the web of life.

The message is this.  Life is.  Light is.

1 thought on “Guidance From Yusef: Seeing through the darkness

  1. That “third eye,” or intuition is so important–especially when I am in a state of turmoil. I can only access that third eye, intuition, or inner insight when I can enter into a meditative state, let go of my worldly reactions to the turmoil and achieve that state of the peace that passes all understanding. It takes work for me to get through all my normal reactions to turmoil, to settle down, to relax and turn loose of the turmoil. Sometimes I get there and sometimes I don’t. Sigh!!

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