Guidance From Yusef: Universal Law and Accountability

All action, all thought “goes” somewhere.  Everything we think or do impacts the Universe in some way. And we are accountable for it all.  As we consider the weight of this information it’s important to keep in mind the first paragraph in this section, and to remember that there is no punishment, no retaliation, no judgment of our thoughts or actions.  We are loved beyond measure regardless of our choices.  Quite a paradox for those who still see some actions as “right and wrong”.  Something to think about….


The Universe operates on a system of rules and laws.  There is no judgment, no guilt (such a foreign idea), no fear, no retaliation (an important misconception), no favorites, and no punishment.

The Universal laws govern.  No matter what the incident, or entity [person], the universal laws reign.  You do not understand, nor can you, these laws.  They are beyond your ken [understanding].  However, that does not stop them from being the ruling force behind all action in the Universe.

The laws you live by are most artificial and ineffective.  They are often mutable and have no real consequence.  They may appear to have consequence in the earthly way of understanding; however, the universal situation is entirely different.

The scientific principle that you espouse that for every action there is a reaction has some validity.  It is part of the larger picture that no action is lost.  All “action”, including all thought, has consequence.  All impact the universe and carry lasting relevance.  Therefore each word, each action, each thought, affects the ALL.  This is not mutable.  It is not negotiable as you say.  There is no escape from this law.