Yusef suggests that we are here to learn who we really are—Souls experiencing humanity. He refers to that knowledge as an ability to see differently—to remember what is really true. He tells us that as children we were able to “see”, but as we grew we lost some of that natural sight. Perhaps that is what Jesus is referring to when he tells us to become as little children.
For all [Earth School is] a struggle–some choosing the harder way, some more at home in the lessons. These last are closer—their memories returning. The fog veil is lifting for them. Their SEEING is different. They see beyond and through what is present.
The seeing uses more than the physical eye. This involves the mind, heart, and soul. For it is a remembering of reality beyond the physical eye.
Children see differently until told that they are not really seeing. They see through imagination—practice that. It is a doorway.
Love allows the seeing—also another doorway.
Try harder to stay open—yet another key.
See differently. See what is there and yet not seen.
It is attention we speak of. Attend to each presentation before you. BE present with your FULL attention and more will become evident. Great energy is required. Rid yourself of distraction to be able to focus on that which is right before your eyes. All is given. All is shown you. You have only to SEE it.
Do not judge. In that much is lost—SO much is lost. Only be open—take in everything—let no shadow be lost to your observation.
In all things give praise and glory to the One, All in All.
The heavens, too, hum with praise—undercurrent to all movement—the hum of life.
Ever and ever
Joyful, joyful,
Rejoicing always,
Take yourself back to when you were 6 or 7 years old riding down the road in your parents car looking out the window at the beauty of nature ( spacing out) and tap into that moment, put yourself back there and it will help ” open that door” . Its such an innocent moment when nothing in the world mattered except beauty and love. Go back and open the door!