Question: Is there a way to become more in tune, or aware—in order to be in communication with Angels and Spirit?
We delight in this question. Said simply, it is all about ENERGY. Spirit must lower the frequency of their vibration and you must raise yours.
The energetic vibrations of Angels and other entities of God are beyond the vibration of most on the Earth. Thus, they must moderate/adjust their vibration to speak to you. It is helpful for you to move into higher vibrations to be able to hear them.
To attune to Spirit, you can raise your vibration through prayer, meditation, or just thinking happy, loving, or peaceful thoughts. These move you out of your human nature/ego and allow you to be present and OPEN to spirit.
Do not “try” to hear. You must “allow” spirit to present itself to you. When you “try to hear” as you say, you are in your humanness and your ego is running the show/the script. Instead, simply be present—more difficult than it seems, with your human thinking and worries distracting you. Let go of these.
We do not want you to think that you must be praying, or meditating, watching a sunset, or in a “holy” place, (although these are good places to start). Spirit is also speaking and guiding as you move through your day. When we speak of being present, this may occur in any moment—while riding on an elevator, walking, or working, etc. It is any moment that calls you away from ego—when your soul can be present. When you were a child you may have called this “day dreaming,”—those times when you were out of your thinking mind. We hope this image helps. Practice this.
Let us explain further. When one “hears” words or guidance, as the one writing this does, the communication comes through the human mind, but it is not the thinking mind. It is recognized as spirit because the ideas and words are not your own. It is obvious that what you are hearing comes from other than yourself.
Spirits—Angels, Guides, and other Helpers—are constantly trying to get your attention. It is you who must attune to them.
You may feel the love they send to you, or you may “hear” something in your mind, or you may simply be in a space of silence. Allow all. Do not doubt. You are not crazy. You are in tune with spirit that is communicating with you.
They are always speaking to you. It is you who must:
- raise your vibration
- stay open (be present)
- have no expectations (allow spirit to be with you, however spirit choses)
- oh, and believe your experience (smile)
We will be happy to say more if there are questions. Yusef
NOTE: To hear spirit audibly, through the human ears, is uncommon, although it can occur. That requires spirit to lower their vibration tremendously in order for the sound to reach the ears of the human. As we say—most uncommon.
This is a fabulous post, Barbara! What graced moments we tap into when we raise ourselves (our vibrations) beyond this maddening world. Come, Spirit of God, come!