We are with you. You cannot hide. (Smile) We see you in all you do. We are your angels and your guides through your lifetime on Earth—your closest friends and your advocates. We know you as well as you know yourself.
Nowhere are we not in any sense of time you choose to mark. Thus we say again, turn to us in the awareness that we are there—whether you notice us or not.
Your loved ones also will come when you call to them. You may not be able to sense them as clearly, but they are also with you in love when you need them.
You are heard by the Heavens. Speak in the confidence that you are heard. The words of your mouth and your heart go out to the Heavens. Speak of your life—your joys and your sadness. You are heard.
In all your comings and goings we are with you. You are never alone. Better than your “best friend” we are. (Smile) Remember we are with you. Talk to us throughout your day. Know and believe that you are extraordinarily LOVED in ALL you do.