Moving from the frequency of FEAR–Suggestion #2
See what IS, as it is–without the judgments of
- right and wrong,
- good and bad,
- appropriate and inappropriate,
- scary and safe,…all those filters we were given at an early age.
It is common to go about each day doing what we have been taught–looking, evaluating, labeling, and judging rather than simply seeing.
Science teaches that for every act of measurement (or judgment) of a thing, FAR more of the thing is lost than captured.
As we make–quite unconsciously–judgment after judgment, apply label after label, measuring all through the filters of our long held bias and prejudice, we are in essence squinting our eyes to see only that which sifts through the filters.
How much is lost in the squinting, the filtering, the labeling, the judging?
To be able to SEE WHAT IS requires, at first, a disciplined training to LET GO of the judging. To shut down the filters. To retrain the mind to allow only the EXPERIENCE of the thing without the judging of it. To become vulnerable in the naked seeing of what IS, without fear, without the thinking that we thought was helping us to see rightly.
And then a stark realization–
IT ALL IS AS IT IS. And there is absolutely nothing we can do about WHAT IS. It just IS. We cannot change it–it IS. We cannot manipulate it–it IS. There is no need to FEAR it–only to accept that it IS. That SEEING allows us to chose actions that come from a much higher frequency.
The freedom of that SEEING opens the floodgates…
- To action when necessary, but also,
- to appreciation
- to beauty
- to simplicity
- to child like observations
- to compassion
- to experiencing
- to bliss…
- to God.
Thank you Barbara (and Yusef) 🙂