Guidance From Yusef: The Biology of Fear

Fear—it’s a big concern for Yusef and the Guides.

It’s so easy to say the word—it just slips off the tongue because we’re so used to saying it and feeling it. But it might surprise you to realize that when you think, or say, “I’m so afraid of terrorists and terrorism,” for example, you are giving that fear your precious energy.

What?? Well, look at this this way. We are energetic beings. Energy is what we are. In fact, that’s all we are. We are made up of dancing, vibrating molecules of energy—right down to the tiniest particles within our cells.

So when we say, and believe (that’s important), that we are “so afraid,” the cells in our bodies hear that and respond, sending out all kinds of information and direction (chemical and energetic) to the body—AND out into the world and the Universe!!

Let’s look at that:

The Body: I’m afraid! Something is going to hurt me! Get ready! Get the cortisol flowing. Ready the defenses. It’s fight or flight time!! Fear is insidious, infecting and affecting the entire being. Yusef

And Beyond the Body: Send out the alarm! Tell all around me I’m afraid! Then the energy surrounding my body, coming from all the cells within me, BROADCASTS that fear out beyond me. And as more and more of us resonate with that fear frequency it becomes stronger!!  …there is an energy that comes from the increasing fear in the world. 

That fearful energy field—yes, it is a field, or force—becomes much stronger as it joins with others who are broadcasting energetically that same fear. And that’s what Yusef is referring to when he says, The Universe shares in your physical experiences. The Earth’s emanations reveal a negative percolating.

It is sound science. Can’t you just feel the fear of terrorism in this country—a fear fueled by each other and the media? (There is actually a greater chance of being hurt or killed in a car than by a terrorist.) I’m not negating the need for vigilance, or even preparation—there is indeed a crazy group of folks out there! But vigilance is different from a consuming fear of something that may or may not happen.

The energy of fear—whether it is of terrorism, or the security of our banks, or the outcome of the Presidential election, or the security of your job, or your child’s welfare, or a scary diagnosis—is quite powerful. You may not realize how powerful.

This is a tough one to think about, much less change, or even make a dent in. Awareness of the power of fear is a start. We’ll explore more on this, but please realize that Fear is a block to God’s love. 

It is not necessary to “take up arms” or “do battle” against this force (fear). It is only necessary to turn to Love and Joy. In this Light the darkness has no power. Yusef

7 thoughts on “Guidance From Yusef: The Biology of Fear

  1. Barbara, you and I are so connected. This is the train of inspiration I did my TEDx talk on. Would love to visit.

  2. Barbara, I think this is an important, timely post. Anger, stemming from the pervasive fear in America, seems to be the leading emotion in so many situations in America. Brenda

  3. Thank you all for your comments! It is an amazingly powerful energy–fear. The challenge is to see clearly what is going on in the world and still project love, trust, and hope. In fact that’s is our only hope. The Heavens are concerned.

  4. Barbara,
    I am a friend of Brenda and she has told me a little about you.
    Your post on fear is right on. Being a Reiki Master I know the power of energy and how we each affect others in ways we can never imagine.
    We must remember that the greatest energy is love and continue to share it in all ways.

    • What a beautiful way to say it, Maureen. Yes, the greatest energy IS love. Thank you! I hope you will subscribe to the site if you would like to get the posts in your email. Barbara

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