Guidance From Yusef: On Miracles

Yusef speaks today of miracles. We humans think that a miracle is “…an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws. Such an event may be attributed to a supernatural being (God or gods), a miracle worker, a saint or a religious leader.” (Wikipedia)

Therefore, most of us think that miracles are beyond our reach.  Yusef seems to suggest that the working of what we would term a ‘miracle’ is accessible to all of us. Well, that actually may be true, as quantum physics has indicated, but there is so much more to it.

I think of this post as a nudge from the heavens to expand our thinking. Quite a challenge.


Miracles, or the miraculous, are the manifestation of potential in the physical. Miracles are the “play” of the Universe on the Earth. They demonstrate the malleability, or impermanence of the configuration of matter.

Miracles appear wondrous because the human mind thinks that matter, things, are in a permanent state that cannot be changed or manipulated. It must appear this way to you at first to ‘secure’ the world for your initial orientation. Yet matter is arranged in permanent form only in the mind that is unwilling to see its potential for re-arrangement.

Now, it is useful to allow some matter to remain in the configuration chosen. However, if the configuration is not beneficial, then SEE IT DIFFERENTLY.

Your mind is the only barrier to the rearranging of matter to a more beneficial state.

The responsibility that accompanies this Knowing is great, thus the movement of matter and the doing of ‘miracles’ also involves more than the human sense and understanding. Miracle working is yours when you can access the sense beyond the senses AND the Love necessary to affect transformation. This involves opening the heart to bring the ‘beyond’ to the Earth. 


7 thoughts on “Guidance From Yusef: On Miracles

  1. I really, really do have trouble with my mind limiting my thinking–and believing!!!

      • Me too. I limit my acceptance of miracles with science when it is beyond the science we know.

        • It is so understandable that we are creatures who need proof that our minds can understand and that is in sync with science. But as Jesus has shown us, we can’t put limits on God. Anything is possible with God. And that can indeed be mind blowing. Expanding our understanding of what is possible is the challenge. Love, Barbara

  2. The messages are often oblique and do take some thought. Yusef has said that it helps to read the messages and let them go within. Our soul understands more than our human mind does.
    For this message, he is telling us that what we think is “real” and “solid” may not be that. Quantum physics has proven that all matter is waves and particles of information that are in constant motion. Another fact is that while things appear to be solid they are actually mostly empty space. It all boggles the mind.
    An example would be a healing—the instantaneous transformation of matter from an unwell state to a more beneficial well state.

    • And I would add that the last of this message is most important. ‘Miracles’ happen when we allow the Divine—Love—that knows no limits or laws of earthly science, to be realized on the Earth.

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