We expand now to describe the importance of non-judgment.
The ego thrives/feeds on your judgment of yourself, others, and life situations and circumstances. In this way you are kept from thinking and acting in more loving, accepting ways as you encounter life each day.
Can you see the difference between judging another and accepting another? When you ACCEPT yourself, others, and circumstances, there is nothing to resist, nothing to “fight.” You are accepting what IS. (And it cannot be other than what it is.)
If you could live each day in this way, accepting what life brings, you would have room in your awareness and in your life for love and compassion, joy, and peace.
You would begin to SEE DIFFERENTLY. Seeing the world without judging it would change your life from one of constant anxiety or un-ease (the “other” may be a threat to you) to a peace that is in tune with the flow of life. Fear is a block to the possibility of acceptance.
Acceptance of what life brings allows you to remain on your path for this lifetime. What are you here to do, to learn, to teach, to share? With acceptance, your life would be in the flow of your divine path—unblocked by fear.
Realizing the importance of non-judgment, and having a sense of the peace it brings does not diminish its difficulty in this age of the runaway ego telling you to be afraid.
Pay attention to the large and small judgments you make each day and you will have a sense of the task.
Begin by noticing. Then replace judgment with acceptance. This will have an effect on your life and on the world. Judgment is a block to love. Acceptance is Love in the language of God.
We are with you.