B—Well, I have been unfaithful lately in getting Heaven’s messages out on this site. I resolve to do better. I have been told not to edit—that is to make decisions about which messages to post and which ones not to post. You will be getting all the stuff now. :)) Some of what you read will be my conversations or questions or just my journaling/musings. I will follow the guidance to post and may Spirit (God) speak to you through whatever you are reading. As always I encourage you to comment or email me with any questions you may have. Blessings today! Barbara
Nothing is as we think it is. We have mental constructs—ideas given to us long ago when we were small—that we cling to, believing that what we have been told is reality, when actually everything that we THINK is real is a part of the dream, or the play, (God and) we have created in order to experience the physical world. I play the roles of wife, mother, sister, teacher, grandmother, aunt, etc. and these have been marvelous, incredible, sometimes difficult, amazing, and fun. But I know that the true I, my true Self, is much more than these.
I am told that if it comes from our thinking MINDS it is a dream. For instance, what about RIGHT and WRONG? These are a mental constructs that cause us to believe or think or judge certain things or people in the world. In another age, another culture, the ideas we have been given about what is right and wrong could be just the opposite.
So Yusef, how do we live without the “guidelines” of rightness and wrongness for instance? How can we tell what is true?
Yusef: Let go—of all you have learned about rightness and wrongness. Let go of JUDGING EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE. Begin to see the world as is IS. Look through the eyes of LOVE and COMPASSION and you will begin to see differently. Without judgment God can be present.
B—This could take a lifetime.
Y—We understand. (Smile)
The hardest thing—trying NOT to judge!!!
Thank you Barbara