Guidance From Yusef: True Reality


We remind you again that we are here with you always. You may call us by many names but we are sent by the One (God) to be with you and to assist you. You are much loved and are never alone.

We remind you now to chose Love. Chose Joy. Live in these. Also in Hope. Do not allow the troubles of the world to obscure the Joy that is true reality. Do not allow your joy to be “hacked,” as you say, by other than Love.  Remain in Love, that the world may be saved by it.

The one writing this has learned that each one [of you], choses your own “reality.” We applaud this learning and speak of it now. Do you realize this?

  • You chose what to believe and what to discard.
  • What to remember and what to forget.
  • How to live and how not to live.

Each day, each moment, you make the choice to live in Love and Hope, or to live in fear. Let the reality you live in be of Love, Light, Joy, and Hope. Come back to these again and again.

Do not allow the “reality” of another, or others, become your reality. You have the choice.

Do not give fear (worry, concern, anger, frustration, resentment) your time or your energy. These are not of Love.

We acknowledge the challenges you face in your world. Therefore we remind you again that we are here to assist. Turn to Life-Giver/Love/God—the True Reality. 

Guidance From Yusef: The Experience of God/One

Barbara: A word about this message. It is quite deep, so I might suggest that you read it several times. 🙂 If I could preface it in my words I would say that Yusef is telling us that all our efforts to be in the presence of God are more than worthwhile. He includes all expressions of faith and religion without judgment. ANY way we can come into union with God is important.

It is going beyond our everyday human experience to be in the presence of God that is important—to both ourselves AND God!! Wow! It could happen as we worship in a church/synagogue/mosque, or when we pray, or meditate; but it could also be simpler than that. It could just be those MOMENTS in our lives when we become aware that God is with us. Look for those moments—however you find them. The “experience” of God is what Yusef is calling us to.

There are many ways to be in the AWARENESS, or EXPERIENCE, of the One (God). Each expression of “faith” in God reveals a new way of being in that experience.

ALL ways express wonder, or joy, or reverence for something beyond the ordinary—beyond the human experience.

Some (unfortunately) worship a God that is distant from them. Others see God closer—in all forms of nature. Others find God in silence, some within their own hearts perhaps. Some may see God in each other. Some must go to a building to find God.

You can see now that the only part that has significance is that the EXPERIENCE of God takes place! There is no judgment or rule regarding the HOW.

Experience of the ONE (GOD), joins and expands BOTH parties in the experience. That is, the union, or com-union, is experienced by BOTH GOD AND HUMAN.

How can it be otherwise since each human is simply an expression of God in the physical? 

When in the human you remember to experience your God-self in all its fullness (outside and apart from the ego-self), then com-union occurs. God and Human remembering—joining as one in awareness of a truth that already is. Oneness.

God (Awareness) rejoices and expands with each experience of Itself.

This seems a mystery and beyond comprehension. It is not. It is the most simple reality for those with ears to hear.

If you could realize the JOY of being in the human experience and at the same moment in the experience of your ONENESS with God, you would want to spend more and more time in that awareness. It is life-giving and love-giving. It will sustain you in your human adventure, as you say. 

We realize some of our words are awkward and do not fully express the reality of which we speak, yet as you let them into your heart they will expand.

Be well.