Guidance From Yusef: Bypass your thinking mind to hear God

The MIND is often the stumbling block to the experience of God. When you can bypass THINKING you are open to inspiration, which is God at work in your life.

When thinking pauses, your HEART is in charge. Well…we must say that the body must also pause—it can be a very distracting attention seeker. It tells you that it itches, or is in pain, or is perhaps hungry. There are MANY ways the ego, or the human nature part of you, demands your attention.

The message is this:

No matter what distracts, when you are listening from the HEART it is truth [God] you hear. Quiet your mind and open your heart to God.

2 thoughts on “Guidance From Yusef: Bypass your thinking mind to hear God

  1. Barbara,
    A powerful practice of mindfulness is noticing your body’s itch, twitch, and demand your attention and you not responding, just allowing it to be. Love your blog.

    • Thank you, Becky. I’m rather used to a thought or two swinging by, but those itches and twitches are noisy. 🙂 Thanks for the comment.

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