There are many who desire to know more, to become more aware. They begin to hear their soul’s urgings. They find ways to learn, to grow, assisted by those of us who guide them.
Yet there are others—those who have not paid attention to the soul’s urgings—those who have yet to hear their soul speaking to them, or to see the light we are shining on the path for their lives.
Those who have not become aware of the soul’s urging may face events that cause them to pay attention. That cause them to question their assumptions about the way they have been living their daily lives. [An illness, or life changing event, for instance].
They always have a choice to either dismiss the urgings, the lessons, the nudges, OR to begin to open to a new way.
When one does become aware they can see differently. They hear as never before, and they are open to guidance from the heavens.
As you can see, we CONTROL nothing. We are always with you—guiding—yet each must open to the awareness regarding the present path to determine if it is helpful to their purpose on the Earth.
We rejoice in awareness of the soul’s urgings, and eagerly assist to the limit each one allows.
Yusef, Guide and Teacher