This is a strong message from the Heavens, received this week. We are called to look at our beliefs and what we stand for in our heart and soul. Further, we are asked to begin to see more clearly, through that soul-lens, what is happening in the world. We can no longer be complacent.
You are observing the changes we have predicted.** There are many in the Heavens working to call all peoples to stand for their beliefs. Do you know what you believe? What you would take action or no action for? (There is no judgment here.)
Some will take action and be heard and seen. That is their role. Some will stand firmly supportive for what they believe, but in the background. And some will wonder what is happening—swaying in whatever wind happens by.
There is the way of love and there is the way of evil. Both are active now on the Earth—both vying for time, attention, and hearts. Learn to recognize that which seeks to divide or unite, to sow love or hate. We do not speak of one person or one way. Learn to see.
For those who chose to act, this will be done in many ways. Each will look different. Each one doing what they are called to do. Make no judgments regarding this. All must follow the guidance of the Higher Self.
And this is most important: In whatever you chose to do—from private prayer to public action—it will impact ONLY if you are following the guidance of the Heavens, not the guidance of the human ego. The ego will lead you in a direction that will NOT benefit—the way of anger, hate, righteousness, and division. This is a law and cannot be changed.
Follow the path of your Soul, Spirit, Heart, Higher Self, God. This path will benefit you and all. This is the path of love and peace. The Angels will guide you.
**”The Coming Times—Maintain Hope” and other posts in Oct-Nov 2013.
I have been struggling with this very thing! What am I called to be doing in this atmosphere of fear and hurt? I have been praying for guidance and a few “sub Rosa” opportunities have arisen and I have acted. I feel that I will act in the background until I’m called to do otherwise!! God help us all!
Once again you speak for us all, Pat. I think the fact that you are “praying for guidance” is the key and the difference to some of the actions we are seeing. Hang in there. When we can view all that is happening without emotion we are on the soul path.
An uplifting and needed post from Yusef. It reminds me how necessary seeking for guidance before action is.