Guidance From Yusef: A Winnowing Time

The Heavens tell us that this is a very important time. That each of us has come to the Earth at this time to be a part of all that is occurring now. We are not here by chance.

The difficulties you are experiencing in the world will indeed worsen in your lifetime. It is a WINNOWING time. You have all come for the opportunities available to your Souls now. Some come to purify in the fires of violence. Some to assist. Some to become more aware. And for many other reasons known only to each Soul. Pray that all chose the way of Love. Some will not find their way through the difficulties.

This time and opportunity to chose Love is a rare gift offered to each person. When confronted with the choice to be afraid or to Love, chose Love. Love the oppressor as well as the oppressed. Each loving response benefits all.

Those who have chosen violence over Love have the opportunity now to make another choice. Pray for them. They are here for this opportunity. Each has chosen this lifetime for exactly the choices they have now.

The Heavens weep and cry with humankind. Weep and cry for so many lost opportunities–that many cannot yet SEE THE WAY.

Those who turn to Love, who remember that they ARE Love, have all the Heavens with them. If you could only see and realize the help pouring from the Heavens–the MANY eager to assist in this critical time–you would be awed!

We are here. Call upon us.



1 thought on “Guidance From Yusef: A Winnowing Time

  1. A positive and helpful thought for this difficult time on Earth. Thank you.

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