Guidance From Yusef: Choose LOVE

In ALL things, LOVE. There are no exceptions to this. There are always choices, but the truest and most beneficial is to choose LOVE.  

How does Loving work in the midst of the turmoil of human life and human emotions? Simply choose LOVE. Above all else.

First Love God, and yourSelf as an expression of God. Then Love all else–persons and creation–ALL.

What does LOVE look like on the Earth? What is the action of Love?

“Love” can seem a vague or ambiguous word when it comes to action in your world since the LOVE required by the Heavens is not the love of your movies and television. Love is strength. Love is courage. LOVE in action, as you say, is deep…

  • appreciating
  • accepting
  • finding joy in/rejoicing in
  • caring for
  • showing compassion
  • having courage
  • forgiving
  • understanding
  • standing up for

Love is action that comes from the depth of Heart–your connection to the Heavens–and has great strength and power. When you are acting from that deep connection you are indeed sharing your divinity through your humanness. God is present in your actions.

It would be well to apply these and other actions similar to these in your life. Let your heart first open to the Heavens/God, and then let it lead you through action. 

Choose LOVE in ALL.

2 thoughts on “Guidance From Yusef: Choose LOVE

  1. Great timing on that message. I’m working on maintaining a connection to the Divine, but then I keep falling into a focus on all the “stuff” around me. Now and then I rise above it and walk in Joy (Love) and then I fall back into the pit. This is indeed an interesting struggle when I take time to step away and view it as God might view it. He just laughs and tells me to continue on my own path and leave the running of the world to Him. Hard to do though…but I’m working on it.

    • You speak of the ups and downs many of us experience, Pat. Ah, human we are and it’s just not easy in this experience of being human. But your AWARENESS is inspiring. That “stepping away” is so important! And I just love it when God laughs!!! Thanks for this.

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