With some trepidation I offer this discourse. It may confuse some, put some at ease, and cause others to wonder. Perhaps it depends on each one’s understanding of the word “Ego.” Jesus showed us that we can be human with an ego that serves us rather than controls us and separates us from the Father.
Yusuf, did Jesus have an Ego?
Excellent question. It is a ‘stumper’ as you say. If we say yes then the model of Jesus as one who lived out of his Soul, or True Self/God, is damaged. If we say no then how could Jesus have been truly human?
Pause to consider why Jesus incarnated. Jesus, the Master, incarnated to offer the world a new way of BEING, a new ‘paradigm’ as you say, a new covenant. Jesus showed a relationship with God AS God to be possible in the human. The True Self IS the Soul, and is egoless. The ego exists only in the human. Jesus was Soul-conscious, that is, as a human he lived as his True Self (Soul) within the Human condition a greater percentage of the time than any before or after. It was during the Great Temptation [40 days in the desert], that he put his ego “in its place” as you say.
When we speak of EGO we speak of that uniquely human aspect that seeks to control the circumstances of life and sees itself as separate from the Father. This aspect was absent in Jesus as he sought only to do the bidding of the Father and did not know any separation from the Father. That was impossible for Jesus. Jesus and the Father were One on the Earth and in the Heavens.
Jesus DID have human emotion–tears and even anger–yet these were not of the ego which blocks relationship and oneness with the Father.
Jesus expressed his humanity through the ‘True Self’ of Spirit/Soul, One with God, having already dispelled the temptation to assume the False Self of ego.
So, in the end perhaps the answer to this question is “yes and no” depending on your definition of the term ‘ego’. Jesus was for us a model of one who was “fully human and fully divine,” thus Jesus’ human Ego served him in his humanity rather than separated him from the Father. It is a lesson I am going to ponder these “40 days” of Lent.
Interesting that you sent this today, as in meditation this morning this was somewhat the topic of “conversation.” Once again I received that our Spirit/Soul which I refer to as Essence is perfection. We get to chose to align our mind and body with our Soul’s perfection, claim our Divinity expressing God-Self. Or we can chose to take on the belief that we are separate from God or lacking in some way, “the fall of man” which holds us hostage and in dis-ease. Jesus modeled living in perfect alignment with his and our true Essence/God Consciousness. He lived in complete Oneness with true Essence/God of which we all are capable. However, we must surrender to the beliefs that keep us trapped in the illusion that we are separate from that which created and courses through our bodies.
In other words, we must claim our Divinity/Son-Daughtership, living in trust that God is our only Source and all is well. In so doing, we will experience true Joy, Peace and Love that surpasses all understanding.
That is a great explanation! And a good thing to ponder during Lent!! Thanks, Yusef!