Guidance From Yusef: Your Divine Nature

All things are possible. Let go of any doubts you carry. God is not stagnant, does not stop growing. God is expansion and growth. Let go of that which keeps you bound to Earthly understandings and begin to KNOW and REMEMBER who you are—a Divine Child of (God) the Universe.

The term “Divine” is the stumbling block for some, causing thoughts of unworthiness for those who believe themselves to be only human.

The Spirit within—your true Self—is a part of God. In that relationship you are a part of the “Divine” nature—the YOU that is Spirit/Soul.

The Human nature is a magnificent construct that allows such amazing growth opportunities. It is a gift and opportunity like none other to be in the human physical existence. (Do not judge those walking on difficult paths in their humanity. They have chosen the harder part.)

Walk in your Divinity as much as your Humanity. Choose to make your divine nature integral in your human nature. In that all the world and the Heavens are blessed. In that the Light of Christ shines out.

Guidance From Yusef: Portal Opening II


I have been asked if there are suggestions for those who would like to begin to look more deeply at what keeps them from inner peace and real happiness—in other words, Soul growth. I offer this today. 

Many of us have avoided looking deeply at our lives because it’s too hard, too much work, or too painful. But this is the chance to step up to do the inner work and have lots of heavenly help as we do it. 

There are many ways to begin, and there are also programs and teachers who can offer guidance. For me the surest way is to first agree to look at the barriers I hold that prevent my loving ‘better’. The Universe “hears” that, and then the challenges begin. 🙂 Whatever is in the way of happiness and union with God will surface—sometimes with a scary vengeance. The key is to recognize this as an opportunity from God to make the necessary changes in our lives. It is not for the faint of heart and it does take courage. We like to think that we are just fine—that it’s everyone else in the world who is wrong. 🙂 Read on….

God is delighted to ‘help’ us by presenting us with situation after situation that will “push our buttons” until we wake up and notice what we are doing. Now, once something shows up—anger for example, the idea is to step back, look at what is happening, and ask yourself, “Why am I reacting with anger to this?” “What in me is resisting this?” “What in me feels out of control here?”

At first it’s difficult to step back in that moment. Because over the years we have developed automatic responses that now seem normal to us. It takes practice to notice that anger and be able to step back to look at it. LOTS of practice. It seems like ‘it’s’ a part of us and can’t be changed…but it can.

We have likely BLAMED others for our reactions—parents, spouse, co-worker, ancestry, lack of money, lack of time, etc. etc. It’s not MY fault that they MAKE me so angry! 🙂

Well, no one is at fault. No one makes us do anything. It may be hard to believe at first, but we choose our reactions to every situation in our lives—every situation. Begin to notice that.

In order to let go of anger for instance, I must OWN that reaction. My anger is all mine. I am choosing to react in anger to that person or that situation. I can choose to respond in a different way.  In fact, another person may choose a completely different response to the same situation.

The cause or reasons for our reactions ALWAYS come from inside us. Ouch! When we can look more deeply at WHY we are reacting—in anger, or in controlling ways, or by retreating from the situation, or in any way other than love—then we are getting to the root causes we carry within us and we can begin to change.

Did I mention this takes practice? 🙂 So don’t lose heart—God is with you, and your Angels are cheering you on. It is also most helpful to journey with a trusted friend or friends so that you can talk together about what is changing in your lives. 

Blessings as you go and grow!

NOTE: I do appreciate your comments to these posts and would love to see more conversations take place. That is helpful to us all. I invite you to look on the website at some of the strings of comments. I will also ask Yusef for answers to any questions you may have.

Guidance From Yusef: A Portal Opening


There is an opening from the Heavens at this time (a portal) that offers us all Grace, encouragement, and help for our personal Soul growth. That’s the REALLY good news. When God offers all the heaven’s help to us it is an extraordinary gift.

The maybe not-so-great news is that in order to take advantage of this opportunity we need to look at the barriers we have put up to God. You know, the parts of ourselves that we deny, or hide, or ignore so that we don’t have to face them. Things such as jealousy, greed, dishonesty, lack of forgiveness, self-centeredness, lack of trust, possessiveness, anger, prejudice, etc. Or the part of us that believes we are not worthy to be loved by God. 

We are being offered the opportunity and the help to face our faults, heal old wounds, let go of judgment, move from criticism to compassion, make adjustments to our thinking and our actions, and change what no longer benefits our Souls.

This is a new beginning, a recalculating, a redirecting of our lives in order to move closer to God. It is an opportunity to pay attention to what our Souls need.

Actually if you choose to accept this mission…it may be the hardest work you’ve ever done because it involves facing the parts of yourself that aren’t so pretty, and acknowledging that they really are a part of you. It’s forgiving yourself, and allowing those barriers to come down so that you can move on to be the BEST VERSION of YOURSELF.

No one knows how long this portal of GRACE will be open. I’ve missed some portals in my life, so if you want to move closer to God, now is the time to join me and do your inner work. We will all have all the help we need from God.

But WARNING: it takes COURAGE to really look at ourselves. And once we commit to that task, all of our ‘stuff’ (see above) WILL show up. When it does, send it love, say good-bye to it, and let it go. Forgive yourself and others and move forward.  Life is ever so much brighter and happier when the barriers to God’s love come down! 

Blessings to all!