Such a beautiful Universe! Do not lose sight of the beauty. It is beauty, seen and appreciated, that will counter the darkness.
The darkness does gain in energy strength with your current obsession with fear on the earth. Rather look to nature, to the love that abounds there. As negative energies gain momentum and force it is especially important to find joy and beauty–each day, each moment when possible.
Make this a priority. Beauty. Joy. Gratitude. MOST important.
When the energy of FEAR takes hold within the human psyche it seeks to expand. Rather like a cancer it seeks to grow. Do not allow this. The “antidote” to this fear energy is joy, love, laughter, gratitude. In this energy all blossom and bloom. The heart is energized. This is the “sunshine” that allows expansion and growth on the earth. Fear, the opposite, stops growth, stops expansion. This is counter to Universal law.
EnJOY this day! Find opportunities to be in the beauty of nature and in the presence of joyful souls.
Great advice! We often forget the beauty that still is in the world today. And as we know, that which we focus our attention on grows. So like you say don’t lose sight of the beauty in our magnificant world! Wonderful reminder to us all.
Great advice!