Yusef: The Universe is supremely supportive. In reality we are ONE. Therefore we are you and you are we. It is our choice to assist you and others to remember the task that was set forth for the lifetime experience. We also work to advance the experiences of those on your planet. We are here to help. When you grow, we all benefit. Though we have said this many times, it applies here again. We also benefit individually (as well as collectively) from your growth.
Division is not of the heavens. All are One. There is no separation. When humans grasp this concept it will move evolution forward. It will remove many obstacles now existing that prevent further growth.
Thus begins a message that underlies why we are here on this Earth, in this Earth-School. Each is each here to do what none other can do. We are here to fulfill the purpose for which we came. We are in a continually evolving human existence, growing and becoming.
The term “evolution” refers to the growth of humanity on this planet, part of an ever evolving, ever growing Universe. Substitute the word growth for evolution and you will come close to the concept Yusef is communicating.
Yusef tells us that now is a good time for evolution of the human race toward a more peaceful planet, and away from war. Growth toward the realization that we are all in this together and away from the sense of separation caused by borders, languages, nationalism, and religions. Growth toward the awareness of our interdependence with the Earth and awareness of its increasingly fragile state.