This may be a tough one for some. Yusef says that the lives we’re living on this Earth are in essence, an illusion. Whoa! This life sure seems real.
To explain–what Yusef is saying is that we’ve taken on a body and a personality in order to play and learn and grow “in wisdom and knowledge” on the Earth. The reality is that our Spirit/Soul Selves are just visiting here, and we are participating in a sort of Play, or Movie, that we have helped to write and are acting out. It’s obviously more complicated, but that’s the bottom line.
The Real You is acting out a script written by you and God. It is your life path, or God’s Will for you. And while it seems real, our true reality is that we are spirit beings just playing for a time in a human body.
Note: Yusef warns not to disturb people who “do not yet understand, whose reality is firm in the acting”. The time isn’t right for them. So, if you can’t wrap your head around the idea that what seems real may not be, then don’t worry. Just skip this one.
(PS I welcome questions, comments and discussion. Barbara)
The Earth experience is a choice planned for and chosen by each person. And in the physical birthing the “true” self [Spirit/Soul]–who you really are–is obscured by the self necessary for survival on the Earth plane and in the illusion.
Thus obscured, the Soul Self remains hidden until “discovered” by the self living on the Earth.
Now the Soul, though seemingly hidden, is quite active, and is the main player so to speak–learning from and growing from the experiences of the actor-self who is living out the personality chosen.
When the term “illusion” is used it references the seeming reality which is actually not real. The magician says it best. What appears to be very real, is not.
Now, the illusion you are living out carries far more than entertainment value–although we would wish more found their lives entertaining.
This illusion is set up, or put into play as it were, in order to experience, learn, and grow from it. And the one growing is the “True Self”, the Soul–one with The Divine.
Enjoy the illusion. It is best lived from the Soul Self with knowledge of the underlying reality.
Play on!
I love this! I wonder if there is a benefit to discovering the Soul Self. Does this enhance learning? And how do you discover your soul self?
Such good questions!
The benefit to discovering the Soul Self is incalculable. From your Soul you can view life in a totally new way, past the ego. There is a peace and freedom that’s unbelievable. You still move through your days in exactly the same way, doing your job and caring for tasks and family, but everything looks different. Your ego is no longer in control. You do not fear life. Now there is a much more powerful Self guiding you. You can see what it looks like if you look at the life of Jesus. He lived from his Soul Self. There was no fear controlling his responses–only love.
Discovering the Soul Self, or your True Self, is different for each person. Willingness is an important step. Prayer, and especially silence in the presence of a Higher Power is important. And trust. Then over time the grace of God helps move us past fear and into the arms of Love–our Soul Self.
It’s difficult in this lifetime to live continuously out of Soul. We mostly go back and forth between Human and Soul natures. But I guarantee you have been there already in the blissful, mindless, peaceful moments of wonder and awe at nature, the birth of a child, or a deep feeling of appreciation or love. That’s the Soul!
Thanks so much for voicing what so many are feeling!
I find this idea oddly comforting.