If we want to shine in this world with a brighter light, it’s all about the frequency of our vibration. Joy, for instance, has its own frequency. According to Yusef, if we want more joy in our lives then we must begin to BE more joyful–that is, vibrate at the frequency of joy. When we do it is contagious and everyone around us can feel the “vibes” coming from us. Let the joy begin!
Heaven is truly “buzzing” could this be observed. Yet entities are not scurrying madly about. There is a calm and peace amid the activity. And yet we are “abuzz”, interacting and increasing the energy levels as the vibrations stimulate the field and then return, multiplied, to the “sender”.
Joy is palpable. It is calibrated energy rippling throughout the world joining Joy to Joy—reproducing and raining down into the hearts that allow it. A closed heart is not the benefactor or recipient of this joy.
Regarding the frequency of Joy…it is like the tight guitar string, capable of a sweet lilting sound. Sadness sounds like the low guitar string—humming at a low frequency, sounding coincidentally like “sad”.
The sound of Joy is coherent, pervasive, penetrating, and contains high energy. It’s sound vibrates throughout the Universe. Low vibrational sounds [on the other hand] quickly fall away. They do not carry unless they encounter another of similar vibrational frequency and then the hum transfers and continues.
These frequencies are almost observable, palpable to the sensitive. Most simply, accept the blessings of the knowledge, joy, and love present with the sharing of vibrating energy.
Remember god made us for himself,
because he was pretty miserable until he did.
And we are the points of god’s enjoyment
when we stop identification,
when we stop limiting ourselves to this finite concept.
Instead of believing that when we concentrate
we increase our sensitivity
… if we realise that when we break our identification
we increase sensitivity so that we can actually
feel the everlasting arms of god going through us,
and feel him enjoying himself as well as us,
and while he is enjoying himself
we are enjoying his enjoying our enjoyment:
and this is the kind of special kind of
double mirror magnifying device,
whereby the joy goes up and up and up,
until you get quite dizzy.