Yusef tells us that now is a good time for the evolution (or growth) of the human race toward a more peaceful, loving planet. We are all in this together, and we need to move away from the sense of separation that is caused by borders, languages, governments, religions, etc. When we begin to accept that we are all one in God, our differences begin to blur. Yes, we may be different ethnicities, live under different governments in different parts of the world, but we are each a manifestation of the same God. Jesus called it “Father”.
Yusef tells us that this is an optimal time, a window of opportunity, to move forward, and many in the Heavens are eager to help us through it.
The potential for humankind to evolve at this time is great.
To you and others it may SEEM that we are disconnected from each other. That is beyond far from truth. We have always been and will always be connected and the bond is stronger than you can understand. We are ONE though many. Interdependent. Interconnected. All a part of All That Is [God]. It serves us all to move forward.
Division is not of the heavens. All are One. There is no separation. When humans grasp this concept it will move evolution forward. It will remove many obstacles now existing that prevent further growth [toward love and peace].
The Universe is supremely supportive. In reality we are ONE. It is our choice to assist you and others to remember the task that was set forth for the lifetime experience. We are here to help. When you grow, we all benefit.
There are those working on your plane [Earth] and on ours to encourage movement and increase the acceleration. And so we are eager to share what will cause us all to be aware of our ONENESS. Our joy and love increases as the joy and love of one soul increases.
Flowers, each beautiful and individual, come together to form a bouquet. Striving, striving toward Oneness, we move forward.